What do early pregnancy cramps feel like reddit

So I just found out last Friday I’m pregnant. I’m extremely irregular so I have no idea how far along I am. Could be five weeks, could be fourteen weeks and I don’t have my dating ultrasound until July 10th.

I’ve been experiencing a little bit of mild cramping since Sunday, with a tiny bit of spotting Sunday afternoon while shopping at Aldi.

Anybody know what could be causing the cramping? Is it just my uterus stretching out? I keep feeling like I’m about to get my period but that’s obviously not going to be the case.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Disclosure: I posted this in TFAB, but the last time I posted there (different account) I upset a lot of people by asking a clarifying question, and received a lot of negative feedback. And a lot of the rules in TFAB make uncertain as to what can/cannot be asked.

Onto the question:

Are “implantation cramps” really a thing? I’ve had some light cramping in my uterus area and I’m freaking out.

I’ve never had regular periods, recently came off my BC, so I don’t have ANY idea when my menses will come.

I’m hoping it’s this implantation cramping I read about, but it just seems wholly unbelievable to me that that is really a thing.

Has anyone actually experienced them?

Hi everyone! I just found out i was pregnant yesterday (4.5 weeks) and one of the reasons i took the at home tests so early was because I've had trouble sleeping & have had cramps all week. They range in how annoying they are and while they are mild sometimes I feel like I'm spending 60% of my day dealing with some level of cramping and would rank the worst of them to be a 7/10 in pain/discomfort. It's just kind of crazy to me that this early in pregnancy that the cramps would be this intense, and the googling I've done seem to indicate that mild cramping can be normal but I don't think what I have is mild.

I can't talk to my doctor until Wednesday so I'm just trying not to lose my mind until then and was hoping for a larger sample size of experiences (since we haven't told anyone yet) - has this happened to you/someone you know? If so were they okay or what was the cause? I'm just trying not to get too stressed/worried about the more terrifying what-ifs ... If that's possible! Gah! Thank you ahead of time for any insights or help

edit: thank you to everyone who's responded, you've really helped bring my anxiety down and it's greatly appreciated 💕 Will drink more water and keep on hugging my water bottle and hope the doctor confirms all is totally fine!

I know this is stupid but here we go.

I hate the feeling of constipation cramps. They make me sweat, I strip naked and it's still not enough, the pain is awful and localised in my lower gut. I'd rather take the worst of the worst period cramps I've ever had, than deal with that for hours. It is the only pain that has made me cry and beg for relief. Is this what birth will be like? Exactly the same, except at the end I will have a tiny human and not molten liquid pain in a bowl?

I'm about 4 weeks + 6. Everything I've read suggests that I shouldn't be worried at this point, but the cramping is awful. I've got a super low pain tolerance and was on the pill for years so forgot how bad period cramps are until I went off when we started TTC. once I was off the pill I'd spend a few days of every period writhing in bed and popping midol like candy.

I've been having the same type of cramps for 6 days now, but I can't down a bottle of midol and I have to work, can't stay in bed.

Any experience on how long these cramps last? I'm looking forward to the nauseous stage right now. Anything but this. Been hiding in the bathroom at work so ppl don't see the twisted look of anguish on my face.

Hubby thinks I should call Dr. But our first appointment isn't until next week. I'm sure I'm just being a big baby over all this and should suck it up. :-(

I actually found out I was pregnant today, my period was supposed to start but it's been a no-go. I'm super regular and by the time the afternoon came around and it hadn't started, I knew something was up. Both tests came back as 2 pink lines less than a minute after having peeing on them. My husband and I are super happy and have been trying for a couple of months. I am having mild "period" cramps. Nothing too serious. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this?

I just got my BFP today. I already suspected it because I had been having "weird, pressure-like" cramps for like a week, and other signs. I just asked my gyn when should I go, today? In weeks?and she said that it's until week 6 that it can be seen but that I shouldn't have cramps and I was like, WAT. That was one of my taletale signs, since I've been reading here and other forums that's how they knew too... Now I'm waiting to know if she can see me today or tomorrow.... If not, she'll see me in more than a week. I was so happy, now I'm worried.

Edit: Thank you all for your comments! I feel way more "normal" now and not scared anymore. My cramps are super manageable and don't get to the point of making me bend of pain or anything like that. So I'll just keep on making sure there is no blood.

I'm very early in my pregnancy (almost 7 weeks) and the cramping is real over here. I've read that some cramping is normal, and I haven't been overly concerned since there's no bleeding and it's not a sharp/stabby pain, just feels like real bad period cramps. But it feels like I'm on my worst day of my period EVERY DAY. And it just contributes to the lovely nausea that's prominent in the first trimester. How did you all deal with the cramps? How bad did they get and when did it get better for you (if ever!)?

I've heard cramping in the early days and weeks is normal, but for those of you that had them, we're they similar to period cramps? Worse or lighter? I've had dull achy cramps for about 6 days now, and got my first positive test about 5 days ago. They're not as bad as period cramps but consistent.

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