What do the iroquois believe is different about man compared to the other beings the twins created

Iroquois Creation

In the beginning there was no world, no land, no creatures of the kind that are around us now, and there were no men.  But there was a great ocean which occupied space as far as anyone could see.  Above the ocean was a great void of air. And in the air there lived the birds of the sea; in the ocean lived the fish and the creatures of the deep.  Far above this unpeopled world, there was a Sky-World.  Here lived gods who were like people – like Iroquois.

In the Sky-World there was a man who had a wife, and the wife was expecting a child.  The woman became hungry for all kinds of strange delicacies, as women do when they are with child.  She kept her husband busy almost to distraction finding delicious things for her to eat.

In the middle of the Sky-World there grew a Great Tree which was not like any of the trees that we know.  It was tremendous; it had grown there forever.  It had enormous roots that spread out from the floor of the Sky-World.  And on it s branches there were many different kinds of leaves and different kinds of fruits and flowers.  The tree was not supposed to e marked or mutilated by any of the beings who dwelt in the Sky-World.  It was a sacred tree that stood at the center of the universe.

The woman decided that she wanted some bark from one of the roots of the Great Tree  -- perhaps as a food or as a medicine, we don’t know.  She told her husband this.  He didn’t like the idea.  He knew it was wrong.  But she insisted, and he gave in.  so he dug a hole among the roots of this great sky tree, and he bared some of its roots.  But the floor of the Sky-World wasn’t very thick, and he broke a hole through it.  He was terrified, for he had never expected to find empty space underneath the world.

But his wife was filled with curiosity.  He wouldn’t get any of he roots for her, so she set out to do it herself.  She bent over and she looked down, and she saw the ocean far below.  She leaned down and struck her head through the hole and looked all around.  No one knows just what happened next. Some say she slipped.  Some say that her husband, bed up with all the demands she had made on him, pushed her.

So she fell through the hole.  As she fell, she frantically grabbed at its edges, but her hands slipped.  However, between her fingers there clung bits of things that were growing on the floor of the sky-World and bits of the root tips of the Great Tree.  And so she began to fall toward the great ocean far below.

The birds of the sea saw the woman falling, and they immediately consulted with each other as to what they could do to help her.  Flying wingtip to wingtip they made a great feathery raft in the sky to support her, sand thus they broke her fall.  But of course it was not possible for them to carry the woman very long.  Some of the other birds of the sky flew down to the surface of the ocean and called up the ocean creatures to see what they could do to help.  The great sea turtle came and agreed to receive her on his back…

And the woman said to herself that she would die.  But the creatures of the sea came to her and said that they would try to help her and asked her what they could do. She told them if they could get some soil, she could plant the roots stuck between her fingers, and from them plants would grow…

After a while, the woman’s time came, and she was delivered of a daughter.  The woman and her daughter kept walking in a circle around the earth, so that the earth and plants would continue to grow.  They lived on the plants and roots they gathered…

One day, when the girl had grown to womanhood, a man appeared.  No one knows for sure who this man was.  He had something to do with the gods above.  Perhaps he was the West Wind.  As the girl looked at him, she was filled with terror, and amazement, and warmth, and she fainted dead away.  As she lay on the ground, the man reached in this quiver, and he took out two arrows, one sharp and one blunt, and he laid them across the body of the girl, and quietly went away.

When the girl awoke from her faint, she and her mother continued to walk around the earth.  After a while, they knew that the girl was to bear a child.  They did not know it, but the girl was to bear twins…

These two brothers, as they grew up, represented two ways of the world which are in all people.  The Indians did not call these the right and the wrong.  They called them the straight mind and the crooked mind, the upright man and the devious man, the right and the left.

The twins had creative powers. They took clay and modeled it into animals, and they gave these animals life.  And in this they contended with one another.  The right-handed twin made the deer, and the left-handed twin made the mountain lion which kills the deer…And the right-handed twin made berries and fruits of other kinds for his creatures to live on.  The left-handed twin made briars and poison ivy, and the poisonous plants like the baneberry and the dogberry, and the suicide root with which people kill themselves when they go out of their minds.  And the left-handed twin made medicines, for good and evil, for doctoring and for witchcraft.

And finally the right-handed twin made man.  The people do not know just how much the left-handed twin had to do with making man.  Man was made of clay, like pottery, and baked in the fire.

The world the twins made was a balanced and orderly world, and this was good.  The plant-eating animals created by the right-handed twin would eat up all the vegetations if the number was not kept down by the  meat-eating animals which the left-handed twin created.  But if these carnivorous animals ate too many other animals, then they would starve, for they would run out of meat.  So the right- and left-handed twins built balance into the world.

As the twins became men full grown, they contested with one another…And so they came to the duel…On the last day of the duel, as they stood, they at last knew how the right-handed twin was to kill his brother.  Each selected his weapon.  The left-handed twin chose a mere stick that would do him no good.  Bt the right-handed twin picked out the deer antler, and with one touch he destroyed his brother.  And the left-handed twin died, but he died and he didn’t die.  The right-handed twin picked up the body and cast it off the edge of the earth.  And some place below the world, the left-handed twin still lives and reigns…

These two beings rule the world and keep an eye on the affairs of men.  The right-handed twin, the Master of Life, lives in the Sky-World.  He is content with the world he helped to create and with his favorite creatures, the humans.  The scent of sacred tobacco rising from the earth comes gloriously to his nostrils.

In the world below lives the left-handed twin.  He knows the world of men,  and he finds contentment in it.  He hears the sound of warfare and torture, and he finds them good.

In the daytime, the people have rituals which honor the right-handed twin.  Through the daytime rituals they thanks the Master of life.  In the nighttime, the people dance and sing for the left-handed twin.

The Iroquois creation story is a renowned Native American myth written by a Tuscarora historian, David Cusick. He is also the author of David Cusick’s Sketches of Ancient History of the Six Nations, which is known to be the first Indian-written history printed in the English language (Radus). The Iroquois creation myth exists in twenty-five other versions. It describes how the world was created from the Native American perspective. It begins with a sky woman who falls down into the dark world. She is pregnant with twins. Sky woman lands on a turtles back, which ends up growing and becomes a part of island with time. The sky woman gives birth to twin boys, the good mind, and the bad mind. She dies when the bad mind decides to come out of her…show more content…
The twins grow up and begin creating their earthly creations. The good mind is driven by good nature. He creates light, rivers, animals, and finally, humans. However, his twin, driven by an evil nature creates rocky-mountains, great steeps, waterfalls, and reptiles that are injurious to mankind. Native Americans are notorious for being savages and brutes. They are often labeled as uncivilized barbarians, which is a solely false accusation against them. This paper aims to address the similarities between Native American beliefs and the beliefs of other cultures based on The Iroquois Creation Story in order to defeat the stereotype that Natives are regularly defined by.
Native Americans are commonly considered uncivilized, savage, and barbarian. Nevertheless, in reality the Natives are not characterized by any of those negative traits, but rather they inhabit positive characteristics such as being wise, polite, tolerant, civilized, harmonious with nature, etc. They have had a prodigious impact on the Puritans
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They were often disregarded in society, and were believed to be corrupt, unwise, uncivil, etc. However, their history shows a generous amount of similarities in which they share with other cultures, which points out that they are not what they are generally understood to be. The creation story begins with a pregnant virgin woman, which draws similarity to the universally acknowledged story of Virgin Mary. This similarity shines light on how ideas of creation are universal. Natives are not an exception. They too share similar beliefs and stories with the rest of the world, which emphasizes that they don’t match the criteria of uncivilized savages. Another point in comparison is that, the story begins with a woman giving birth to twins. This is comparable to the events that occur in the story of Prophet Adam whose wife, Eve, gives birth to twins. This story is believed in by major religions such as Islam and Christianity. Two of the most followed religions have compatible ideas with the Indians; this proves that they are wise and civilized beings who share a natural sense of beliefs with the rest of the world. Furthermore, the point in the story in which the good mind creates humans from his image and blows into them to give them souls draws similarity to the idea of how humans are believed to be created in the creation story of Islam. In conclusion, Native Americans have frequently been

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