What do we call the process of transferring files from the server on the Internet to your local computer?


Downloading and uploading

While exploring the Internet, you’ve probably encountered the terms downloading and uploading. Downloading means receiving data or a file from the Internet on your computer. Uploading means sending data or a file from your computer to somewhere on the Internet.

These terms describe activities you may have already learned how to do. If you've ever opened an example document in one of our tutorials, you've downloaded that file. If you’ve ever shared a photo you took on Facebook or another social media site, you've uploaded that photo.


Usually, when you download a file you will start the download by clicking a link to that file. Many of our tutorials contain links to files, like this:

Download our practice document.

If you click the link, your browser should prompt you to select one of two methods for downloading the file.

  • Open with will download the file and load it immediately in the specified program.
  • Save File will download it and save it to your hard drive.

Either way, once you click OK, the download begins. Your browser will indicate the progress and time remaining on the download.

Once the download is complete, either the file will be saved to your computer or it will open in the program you selected. If you have trouble finding the file after you’ve downloaded it, check out our Finding Your Downloads lesson.

Some browsers don’t always start this download process when you click the link to a file. In these cases, you can right-click the link, then click Save Link As, then select a location to download the file.


If a site allows uploads, it will have an upload utility to help perform the file transfer. Each site handles this process differently, but we’ll give some common examples. Usually, the site will have help pages to walk you through the upload process.

Many sites have an upload button that opens a dialog box. For example, Facebook has a camera icon that begins the upload process.

A dialog box will appear, prompting you to select a file. Browse to the location where your file is stored, select it, then click the Open button. Afterward, a progress bar tracking the upload process will appear on the page.

Some sites support a drag-and-drop interface. For example, when logged in to Dropbox you can drag the files from a folder on your computer and drop them into the browser window.

Many other upload utilities have similar features. A more detailed example of uploading a file is available in our Google Drive tutorial.


Answer (Detailed Solution Below)

Option 4 : Download


150 Questions 150 Marks 150 Mins

The correct answer is Download.

Key Points

  • The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called downloading. Hence option 4 is correct.
  • Uploading is the process of putting web pages, images, and files onto a web server.
  • Downloading is the process of getting web pages, images, and files from a web server.

Additional Information

  • Cast
    • Computer-aided software testing (CAST) refers to the computing-based processes, techniques, and tools for testing software applications or programs.
  • Bookmark
    • A bookmark or electronic bookmark is a method of saving a web page's address. While using most browsers, pressing Ctrl+D bookmarks the page you are viewing.
  • Dropbox
    • It is a file hosting service operated by the American company Dropbox, Inc., headquartered in San Francisco, California, that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, personal cloud, and client software. 

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The term file transfer protocol (FTP) refers to a process that involves the transfer of files between devices over a network. The process works when one party allows another to send or receive files over the internet. Originally used as a way for users to communicate and exchange information between two physical devices, it is now commonly used to store files in the cloud, which is usually a secure location that is held remotely.

FTP may be used by a business or individual to transfer files from one computer system to another or by websites to upload or download files from their servers.

  • File transfer protocol is a way to download, upload, and transfer files from one location to another on the internet and between computer systems.
  • FTP enables the transfer of files back and forth between computers or through the cloud.
  • Users require an internet connection in order to execute FTP transfers.
  • FTP is an essential tool for those who build and maintain websites.
  • Many FTP clients are free to download, although most websites already have the FTP built-in.

File transfer protocol allows individuals and businesses to share electronic files with others without having to be in the same space. This can be done using an FTP client or through the cloud. Regardless of the option, both parties require a working internet connection.

Most web browsers come with FTP clients that enable users to transfer files from their computer to a server and vice versa. Some users may want to use a third-party FTP client because many of them offer extra features. Examples of FTP clients that are free to download include FileZilla Client, FTP Voyager, WinSCP, CoffeeCup Free FTP, and Core FTP.

Many people have used FTP before without even realizing it. If you have ever downloaded a file from a web page, you've used FTP. The first step is to log in, which may occur automatically or by manually inputting a username and password. FTP will also require you to access an FTP server through a specific port number. Once you access the FTP server through your FTP client, you can now transfer files. Not all public FTP servers require you to sign in because some servers enable you to access them anonymously.

As noted above, FTP was originally developed as a way to send and receive files between two physical computers. But with changes in technology, users can execute file transfers through the cloud. Using the cloud allows transfers to be done conveniently and safely (which could protect individuals and companies from data breaches), and with relatively low cost.

The term FTP client refers to the software that allows you to transfer files to another party.

File transfer protocol is one of many different protocols that dictate how computers and computing systems behave on the internet. Other such protocols include the:

  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): Designed to transmit data across the web
  • Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP): Provides access to bulletin board or email messages from a shared service
  • Network Time Protocol (NTP): Synchronizes clock times on computers over a network

FTP enables computers on the internet to transfer files back and forth. As such, it is an essential tool for those building and maintaining websites today.

Individual FTP clients provide different features that allow users to modify the way they upload and download files. For instance, if you use FileZilla, the program lets you set bandwidth limits for files. This enables you to control upload and download speeds, which can be helpful if you manage multiple file transfers at once.

Other features you may want to look for in an FTP client include public-key authentication, the ability to set file compression levels, or tools that enable you to search a server using file masks.


FTP software is relatively straightforward to set up. FileZilla is a free, downloadable FTP client. Type in the address of the server you wish to access, the port, and the password for accessing the server.

Once access has been granted, the user's files on their local system as well as the accessed server will be visible. The user can download files from the server to the local system, or upload files from the local system to the server. They can also make changes to files on the server, as long as they have the proper authorization to do so.

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