What does an age pyramid indicate?

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By Lauren Boucher | March 10, 2016

A population pyramid, or age structure graph, is a simple graph that conveys the complex social narrative of a population through its shape. Demographers use these simple graphs to evaluate the extent of development for a given population – usually an individual nation – and to make predictions about the types of services that population will need e.g. schools, hospitals, homes, etc. And while every population pyramid is unique, most can be categorized into three prototypical shapes: expansive (young and growing), constrictive (elderly and shrinking), and stationary (little or no population growth). Let’s take a deeper dive into the trends these three shapes reveal about a population and its needs. Not a population pyramid pro? Read our refresher post first!

The Three Basic Shapes of Population Pyramids


Expansive population pyramids are used to describe populations that are young and growing. They are often characterized by their typical ‘pyramid’ shape, which has a broad base and narrow top. Expansive population pyramids show a larger percentage of the population in the younger age cohorts, usually with each age cohort smaller in size than the one below it. These types of populations are typically representative of developing nations, whose populations often have high fertility rates and lower than average life expectancies.


Constrictive population pyramids are used to describe populations that are elderly and shrinking. Constrictive pyramids can often look like beehives and typically have an inverted shape with the graph tapering in at the bottom. Constrictive pyramids have smaller percentages of people in the younger age cohorts and are typically characteristic of countries with higher levels of social and economic development, where access to quality education and health care is available to a large portion of the population.


Stationary, or near stationary, population pyramids are used to describe populations that are not growing. They are characterized by their rectangular shape, displaying somewhat equal percentages across age cohorts that taper off toward the top. These pyramids are often characteristic of developed nations, where birth rates are low and overall quality of life is high.

Tags: AP Human Geography, population pyramid, geography, demography

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Tyson Brown, National Geographic Society

National Geographic Society

Gina Borgia, National Geographic Society

Jeanna Sullivan, National Geographic Society

Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society

Margot Willis, National Geographic Society


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Data reference and sources: //www.populationpyramid.net and //www.indexmundi.com

The most studied aspect of population structure are age and birth ratio. Other aspects are language, religion, ethnicity, occupation etc. Age-sex structure is conventionally illustrated by the use of population pyramid. Population pyramids are bar graphs that represent the age-sex composition of a country’s population. Each bar graph represents a five year age group apart from the top most bars which usually illustrate the population of 80 years old and above. The male population is represented to the left of the vertical axis and females to the right.

  • Population pyramid can portray absolute or relative data.
  • Pyramid with Absolute data- shows the figure in thousands or millions that is in absolute numbers.
  • Pyramid with relative data- shows the data in percentage and allows easier comparison.

Utility of a Population Pyramid

  • Illustrates the age-sex structure of the population
  • It gives information about birth rate, death rate, life expectancy, male-female migration, working and dependent population
  • Indicates stage of demographic transition
  • demonstrate population growth pattern that helps in population projection
  • Help in demographic and economic planning- what kinds of services and facilities will be needed in future.

Interpreting a Population Pyramid

  1. A wide base suggests high birth rate
  2. Narrow base shows low birth rate as small numbers of children are born. Therefore, narrowing base indicates a falling birth rate.
  3. A broad top or wide apex indicates high proportion of people living longer.
  4. Straight or near vertical sides depicts a low death rate. A population pyramid that has fairly straight sides (more like a barrel) shows a population with a falling birth rate and a rising life expectancy.
  5. Rapidly tapering top or concave slope suggests high death rate and low life expectancy. Over time, as a country develops, the shape changes from triangular to barrel-like. Places with an aging population and a very low birth rate would have a structure that looks like an upside-down pyramid.
  6. A population pyramid that is very triangular (e.g. Mozambique in 2000) shows a population with a high number of young dependents and a low life expectancy.
  7. Bulges in the slope indicate high rate of immigration or a preceding baby boom year. This could be because of the economic migrants if the bulges are typically at the working age population group. On the other hand, if the bulges appear at the retirement age group then that can be attributed to the counter migration or returning migrant’s flow or the due to the maturity of the baby boom cohorts.
  8. Sudden indents at the side of the pyramid indicate higher death rates than normal may be because of a war, famine, disease (epidemic) or natural catastrophe etc.
  9. Deficits in slopes or distorted pattern in the same cohorts signifies gender specific out migration or sex specific death rate

Click here for the visual display of the changing population structure of the World from 1950 to 2050

Construct population pyramid using Excel

The end of population pyramid ‘The Economist‘, Nov.2014

was developed by the American demographer Warren Thompson in 1929. DTM depicts the demographic history of a country.It refers to the transition from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as the country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system.

Click here for more on DTM

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