What does it mean to get along well?

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(often foll by with) to be friendly or compatiblemy brother gets along well with everybody

to manage, cope, or farehow are you getting along in your job?

(also preposition; often imperative) to go or move away; leave

British informal an exclamation indicating mild disbelief


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Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.


get a head start, get a kick out of, get a life, get a line on, get a load of, get along, get a move on, get an in with, get another guess, get a rise out of, get around

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

cope, flourish, get by, get on, prosper, succeed, thrive, develop, do, fare, make out, manage, muddle through, shift, advance, be off, go, go away, leave, march

  • Chérif was arrested in Paris in January 2005 as he was about to board a plane to Damascus along with a man named Thamer Bouchnak.

  • All along the highways and by-paths of our literature we encounter much that pertains to this "queen of plants."

  • First a shower of shells dropping all along the lower ridges and out over the surface of the Bay.

    Gallipoli Diary, Volume I|Ian Hamilton

  • May looked along at the dimpled grace, And then at the saint-like, fair old face, “How funny!”

  • Two Battalions racing due North along the coast and foothills with levelled bayonets.

    Gallipoli Diary, Volume I|Ian Hamilton

  • Presently there was a clattering of hoofs behind him, and Ribsy came galloping along the road, with nothing on him but his collar.

    Davy and The Goblin|Charles E. Carryl


Also, get on. Be or continue to be on harmonious terms. For example, She finds it hard to get along with her in-laws, or He gets on well with all of his neighbors except one. The use of along dates from the late 1800s; the use of on dates from the early 1800s. A colloquial synonym for get along well is get on like a house afire, in effect comparing increasingly good relations to the rapid progress of a fire.


Also, get on. Manage, fare with some success; also, prosper. For example, I can just get along in this town on those wages, or Her way of getting on in the world was to marry a rich man. The use of on dates from the late 1700s; the variant dates from the early 1800s.


get along without. Manage without something, as in With that new car loan, he can't get along without a raise. [Early 1800s]


Also, get on. Progress; advance, especially in years. For example, How are you getting along with the refinishing? or Dad doesn't hear too well; he's getting on, you know. [Late 1700s] Also see along in years; get on, def. 5.


get along with you. Go away; also, be quiet, drop the subject, as in “Leave me. Get along with you” (Charles Dickens, Barnaby Rudge, 1837). [First half of 1800s] Also see get on.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.


netsukenoun | [net-skee]SEE DEFINITION


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Definition of get along with phrasal verb from the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary

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one says this along with making 'whipping noises' when the mind has 'gone blank', or is in mental neutral.

a process of moving the mind along, as if you were a cowboy rounding up strays, or dealing with a stubborn mule! -you would be, too!, you would be a mental cowboy trying to get stray thought/s 'back with the herd'

-basically, a way to stall for time while you try to get the thought back! people always are like, huh? wha?

dave was looking at the menu at foolsley's, when he suddenly said; 'get along mind!' and was making whipping noises!

by michael foolsley January 9, 2010

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