What does the birth of the twins represent in the world on the turtles back?

DC American Literature Semester Final American literature has evolved greatly from the Native Americans to 1870’s. American literature has changed, it teaches us how we have become more independent ourselves. The World on a Turtle’s Back, a myth, The Scarlet Letter, a book in a puritan setting, and A Rose for Emily is a southern gothic story. American literature would not be the same today without these forms of writing. The teachings from these are passed down generation to generation.

The World on a Turtle's Back is a Iroquois myth about the creation of earth. This belief is related to the biblical belief about creation. Both portray a story of a woman wanting to enjoy the forbidden fruit. After they eat of this forbidden fruit, good and evil is created. According to the myth good prevails over the day and bad rules over the night. The days of creation are represented by the woman planting roots and plants while riding the back of the turtle, the night is created by the right handed twin cutting off the grandmother’s head and tossing it into the sky, and the seas are filled by the body of the grandmother being tossed into the

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These are examples of how American literature has changed to an independent way of thinking. They focused on God's influence over the people and they slowly changed to people making their own decisions instead of relying on the church. Historically we see The World on a Turtle’s Back as it relates to the myth about the creation of the world. The Iroquois beliefs of creation versus the Christian beliefs. The Scarlet Letter shows us the religious beliefs of the Puritans. A Rose for Emily is a southern gothic story that shook the Southern readers who lived in a world of crisp clean relationships and society. American Literature is a way for us to see history through someone else's

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“The World on the Turtle’s Back” Directions: As you read the story, fill out the chart below. Put notes in each category based on what you read. For each note you record, use a quote from the text to support your response. Details about Creation and Nature Social Values and Beliefs Social Customs Animals existed before people: “There were no men” (38). However, “In the air there lived the birds of the sea; in the ocean lived the fish and the creatures of the deep” (38). They believed there was a Great Tree in Sky-World that was the center of the universe: “It was a sacred tree that stood at the center of the universe” (38). Animals in nature help the Gods: “The birds of the sea saw the woman falling... now the turtle floated about on the…show more content…
a tiny crumb of earth clutched in his paw” (40). Plants grew from the twin's dead mother in the ground: “They buried their mother. And from her grave grew plants which the people still use” (41). Mad was made from clay: “Man was made of clay, like pottery and baked in the fire” (42). The twins created opposites and kept the world balanced, “The world the twins made was a balanced and orderly world” (42). The right-handed twin represents daytime and the left-handed twin represents nighttime: “When the sun rises from the east and travels in a huge arc along the sky dome... the people are in the daylight realm of the right-handed twin. But when the sun slips down in the west at nightfall... the people are again in the domain of the left-handed twin-the fearful realm of night” (44). The Grandmother’s head is the moon: “There, ‘Our Grandmother, the Moon’” (44). They believe in multiple gods and that they were similar to themselves: “Here lived Gods who were like people” (38). The twins represent the straight minded and the crooked minded Indians, “The right-handed twin was the one who did everything just as he should... The left- handed twin never said what he meant or meant what he said... He was the devious one”…show more content…
a. What do the twin’s actions tell us about their different personalities? Left-handed twin: “The left-handed twin never said what he meant or meant what he said. He always lied, and he always did things backward... He was the devious one” (42). Right-handed twin: The right-handed twin “did everything just as he should. He said what he meant, and he meant what he said. He always told the truth, and he always tried to accomplish what seemed to be right and reasonable” (41-42). 5. a. What are the different names the Iroquois give the twins? Left-handed twin: The Iroquois called the left-handed twin Flint, the devious one, the one covered with boils and Old Warty. Right-handed twin: The Iroquois called the right-handed twin Sapling, “He Holds Up the Skies,” “Master of Life,” and “Great Creator” (44). b. What might this tell us about the characteristics the Iroquois value in their people? The Iroquois valued people like the right-handed twin. They valued people “smooth, young green and fresh and innocent, straightforward, straight-growing, soft and pliable, teachable and trainable” (44). In addition they looked down on people who display traits relatable to the left-handed

The Sky Gods vs the Iroquois
The stories “The World on the Turtles Back” by the Iroquois, and The Way to Rainy Mountain by N. Scott Momaday discuss two different creation myths. “The World on The Turtles Back” is an Iroquois legend that has been passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth, making it an oral tradition. A creation myth is a traditional story that involves supernatural beings or events that explain how the some aspect of human nature or the natural world came to be. These myths have comparable aspects that are specifically the roles of men, women, animals, and nature. The men in “The World on the Turtles Back” have different roles for each character. For example, the husband plays a more submissive role in the story. Although the husband did
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The right-handed twin chose to be born the normal way, showing that he is smart and has respect for his mother. He always told the truth, and tried to “accomplish what seemed to be right and reasonable”(38). He made the weak animals of the world, and the sweet berries and fruits for them to eat. He also made man, which makes him the “Master of Life”. The right-handed twin is a symbol of the sun and daylight. When the sun rises, the people realm of the right-handed twin. Unlike the right-handed twin, the left-handed twin is stubborn, untruthful, devious, and crooked minded. Instead of being born the normal way, he chose to be born through his mother’s armpit, showing no respect for his mother. The left-handed twin always lied. He also contended with his brother, and made the dominant creatures who would feed on the right-handed twin’s creations and the poisonous plants of the world. He is a symbol of night and darkness. The boy in The Way to Rainy Mountain has similarities and differences to the men in “The world on the Turtles Back”. While the boy was at play with his seven sisters, the boy turned into a strong, aggressive, and violent bear, which symbolized the turning

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