What does view () do in R?

View() function in R is not working with the lower case "v" (view()), any reason why it should be the uppercase "V"?

R is case sensitive. View() has a V.

Thanks for your reply.
Yes, R is case-sensitive. But for example "head()" is lowercase, same with "tail()". Is there any reason why to define "View()" with an upper case?

Here is a list of all functions in utils, many of which are capitalised, many are not.
R: The R Utils Package (ethz.ch)

Probably the R Core team could tell you if anyone could tell you.
I'm not sure why you are interested, can you motivate it ?

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Which package do I need to install in order to run the function "view" ?enter image description here


The post View data frame in r: use of View() function in R appeared first on finnstats.

If you want to read the original article, click here View data frame in r: use of View() function in R.

View data frame in r, within RStudio, the View() function in R can be used to call a spreadsheet-style data viewer.

The syntax for this function is as follows:

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When using this function, make sure to use a capital “V”.

The example below demonstrates how to utilize this syntax in practice.

How to Create a Covariance Matrix in R » finnstats

What Is the View() Function and How Do I view data frame in r?

To make a data frame in R with 500 rows and 2 columns, use the following code:

We can make this example reproducible while utilizing set.seed function

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Let’s create a data frame using rnorm function.

data <- data.frame(x=rnorm(500),y=rnorm(500))

The View() function can then be used to open a spreadsheet-style data viewer in RStudio.


In Rstudio, you’ll see a new tab that enables an interactive representation of the data frame we just created.

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The size of the data frame may be seen at the bottom of the viewer: There are 500 entries (rows) and two columns.

Using the View() Function to Sort Data

By clicking on one of the columns, we can easily sort the data set.

If we click on the column x header, for example, the data frame’s rows will be automatically sorted from least to largest depending on the values in column x.

If we click on the column x heading again, the data frame will be sorted from largest to smallest by column x.

How to Use the View() Function to Filter Data

I can also filter the data frame fast by clicking the Filter button, then clicking one of the column names, and then entering a range of values.

Reinforcement Learning in Machine Learning » finnstats

For instance, we could filter the data frame to only display rows with x between 0 and 1:

Once we press enter, the data frame will automatically be filtered.

At the bottom of the screen, we can see that 173 rows have values in the x column between 0 and 1.

Note that we can also add a filter in the y column to filter by specific values in both x and y.

To read more visit View data frame in r: use of View() function in R.

If you are interested to learn more about data science, you can find more articles here finnstats.

The post View data frame in r: use of View() function in R appeared first on finnstats.

In this article, I’ll explain how to apply the View() function to open a spreadsheet-style data viewer in R.

The page will contain one example for the application of the View() function. More precisely, the page looks as follows:

Let’s do this…

Creation of Example Data

The first step is to create some exemplifying data:

data <- data.frame(x1 = 9:5, # Create example data x2 = letters[1:5], x3 = letters[9:5]) data # Print example data

data <- data.frame(x1 = 9:5, # Create example data x2 = letters[1:5], x3 = letters[9:5]) data # Print example data

As you can see based on Table 1, our example data is a data frame consisting of five rows and three columns.

Let’s assume that we want to inspect this data frame within RStudio…

Example: Apply View() Function to Data Frame

This example explains how to use the View function to open a new window in RStudio, which illustrates the structure of a data frame.

For this, we have to apply the View command to our example data frame as shown below:

View(data) # Apply View function

View(data) # Apply View function

Table 2 illustrates how the new window in RStudio looks like. As you can see, this new window shows the rows and columns of our example data frame in a spreadsheet-style data viewer.

In this example, we have applied the Viewer function to a data frame object. However, please note that the Viewer function could also be applied to other data types such as matrices or tibbles, as long as these data sets can be coerced to a data frame with non-zero numbers of rows and columns.

Video & Further Resources

I have recently published a video on my YouTube channel, which shows the R programming syntax of this tutorial. You can find the video below:

The YouTube video will be added soon.

Furthermore, you could read the related articles on my homepage:

To summarize: In this tutorial you have learned how to apply the View() function to invoke a data viewer in the R programming language. Let me know in the comments section below, if you have any additional comments and/or questions.

utils (version 3.6.2)

Invoke a spreadsheet-style data viewer on a matrix-like R object.

View(x, title)

an R object which can be coerced to a data frame with non-zero numbers of rows and columns.

title for viewer window. Defaults to name of x prefixed by Data:.

Invisible NULL. The functions puts up a window and returns immediately: the window can be closed via its controls or menus.

Object x is coerced (if possible) to a data frame, then columns are converted to character using format.data.frame. The object is then viewed in a spreadsheet-like data viewer, a read-only version of data.entry.

If there are row names on the data frame that are not 1:nrow, they are displayed in a separate first column called row.names.

Objects with zero columns or zero rows are not accepted.

On Unix-alikes,

the array of cells can be navigated by the cursor keys and Home, End, Page Up and Page Down (where supported by X11) as well as Enter and Tab.

On Windows,

the array of cells can be navigated via the scrollbars and by the cursor keys, Home, End, Page Up and Page Down.

On Windows, the initial size of the data viewer window is taken from the default dimensions of a pager (see Rconsole), but adjusted downwards to show a whole number of rows and columns.

edit.data.frame, data.entry.

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