What happens when a puppy gets pregnant?

Are puppies in your near future? Here’s a week-by-week timeline of your dog’s pregnancy and what you can expect to see and experience.

Anyone who's ever been pregnant will be a bit envious after reading this tidbit: A dog’s pregnancy is remarkably short—just two months—and the development of puppies happens at a rapid pace. “Gestation is 62 to 65 days,” Lonna J. Nielsen, DVM, of Winterset Veterinary Center in Winterset, Iowa, says. Certainly, you will notice changes in your momma dog, but most of the action is happening to the puppies inside her. Here’s a week-by-week timeline of the gestation period. 

Note: Be sure to chat with your veterinarian about warning signs you should be on the lookout for during pregnancy and during the delivery (called whelping). You will want to know what things are normal and what is a cause for concern. 

- vlad_karavaev / Getty

vlad_karavaev / Getty

Week One 

Breeding occurs when the female dog is receptive to the male, usually, 10–20 days into her heat cycle, and her eggs are fertilized. Note that because canine ovulation results in a number of eggs, it is possible for dogs to conceive with more than one father in the same litter of puppies.

Week Two 

Once fertilization occurs, the embryos travel into the horns of the dog’s Y-shaped uterus and embed into the uterine lining. 

Week Three

Embryo development is occurring. You may start to notice changes in your dog’s appetite and energy levels.

Week Four

By days 25–28 of gestation, a veterinarian can feel the growing embryos with her hands (please leave this exam to a trusted professional so the pregnancy isn’t put into jeopardy) and can detect heartbeats with an ultrasound. In the coming days, increasing fluid in the uterus will prevent the palpation of the puppies until closer to delivery. Your dog’s appetite will increase as her litter’s development continues at a remarkable pace. 

“Have plenty of food available to her during these high-demand times,” Nielsen says. She also recommends feeding your pregnant and nursing dog a high-quality puppy food to ensure her nutritional needs are met. 

Week Five 

Your pregnant dog is now in stage two of her pregnancy. In this stage, the term for her yet-to-be-born puppies changes from embryos to fetuses. As the fetuses continue to grow and develop organs they will increase dramatically in weight (as much as 75 percent!) and your dog’s belly will become noticeably larger. You may notice that she starts to eat smaller meals more often throughout the day. 

Week Six

The coats and skeletons of the fetuses are developing as your dog’s belly becomes larger and more rigid and she might become uncomfortable depending on how many are in her litter and their sizes. 

Week Seven

You will notice your dog’s breast tissue is swollen, her nipples are prominent and dark, and you may notice colostrum, a cloudy fluid known as “first milk” leaking from her nipples. She may start to shed the hair from her belly. You may also be able to see and feel the fetuses move beneath her skin. 

Week Eight

The puppies are now fully developed and beginning to move into position in the birth canal. You may notice a lot of movement in your dog’s abdomen and she may be exhibiting anxiety or a determination to find a safe, quiet place to deliver her litter. Help her build her nest by offering her clean blankets, towels, and/or newspapers in a kiddie pool or crate or another enclosure that gives her privacy and comfort. Keep in mind the bedding in her nest will be ruined during the birth. You will want to have another set of bedding to line the nest after the birth.

Week Nine

It is time for whelping. You may start taking your dog’s temperature daily. “A rectal temperature is preferred,” Nielsen says. “Normal is 100.5–102 degrees Fahrenheit. Prior to delivery, her temperature will drop by a few degrees. That’s a sign that labor is very close—it will usually start within 24 hours.” Once labor begins, Nielsen says to keep an eye on your dog’s progress, but let nature take its course. “Don’t freak her out by having the whole family and all the neighbors over to watch,” she says. “Most often, it all goes off without a hitch.”

Reviewed by Amy Flowers, DVM on October 23, 2020

  • Early Signs
  • See Your Vet
  • Later Signs

Could puppies be in your pet’s future? Dogs are pregnant for about 63 days, which is measured from the day that they ovulate (release their eggs) to the day that their puppies are born. Like people, dogs are pregnant for three trimesters, each about 21 days long.

Here are a few ways to tell if your dog is pregnant:

In the first few weeks, there are very few outward signs, so you may not notice a change. Your dog will seem like their normal self, although they may gain some weight.

Morning sickness affects some dogs, but only for a few days during the 3rd or 4th week. (It's caused by hormone changes.) Your pet may seem tired, and they may eat less than usual. Some dogs throw up a little. If yours does, offer them small meals over the course of the day.

If you think your dog is pregnant, take them to your vet. It's a good idea to take them for a prenatal checkup 2 or 3 weeks after they have mated. Your vet can answer any questions you may have, such as the type of food pregnant dogs should eat and what changes you should expect. If your pet needs any tests, your vet will let you know. If they have parasites, your vet will treat them.

During your visit, your vet can use ultrasound to see the growing puppies, typically around 4 weeks in. Ultrasound is safe during pregnancy. It uses sound waves to create an image of your dog's womb.

The vet may give your dog a blood test to check their hormone levels. Dogs have higher levels of a hormone called relaxin when they're pregnant.

If you don't take your dog to the vet until their 4th week of pregnancy, the doctor can feel your dog's belly to confirm puppies are on the way. This method can only be used between the 28th and 35th days of pregnancy, and it should be done by someone who is trained. If you touch too roughly, you can harm the growing puppies or cause a miscarriage. The puppies will be the size of walnuts. They will be spaced out evenly along the uterus, which is shaped kind of like the letter V. Each half, called a horn, will have embryos in it.

By the end of your dog's second trimester, their belly will get bigger. Around this time (by day 40), their nipples will begin to get darker and larger, too. As your pet's due date gets closer, their breasts will enlarge, and a little milky fluid may trickle out.

Your vet may ask you to come back at the start of the third trimester (around day 45) if they want to take X-rays of your dog's belly. This can be used instead of an ultrasound to check on the bone structure of growing puppies. It's one way to figure out how many puppies will be in your dog's litter.

As more time passes, your dog's pregnant belly will become larger, and it may sway gently beneath them as they walk.

During the last 2 weeks of pregnancy, you may see and feel the growing puppies moving inside your dog's belly. Your vet may want to see your pet one final time. Sometimes vets take X-rays during this visit to find out how many puppies are on the way and make sure they are not too big to pass through the birth canal. If they have gotten too big, the vet will schedule a c-section.

You'll learn what to expect when your dog is giving birth to their puppies (called whelping) and who to call if there is an emergency. You'll also find out how to care for newborn puppies.

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Pregnancy in dogs, also called the gestation period, normally ranges from 57-65 days with an average of 63 days.

With a planned breeding, you should record the exact date of mating. If there are two matings, make a note of the dates and expect birth to occur between 63 and 65 days later.

Immediately after my female dog has been mated, is there anything I should do?

Make sure that she does not have the opportunity to mate with any other dogs. Remember that estrus or 'heat' will continue for several more days and she could theoretically become pregnant from another dog during this period. After a planned mating, it is a good idea to allow her to rest quietly for a few hours.

Should I change her food?

It is important that she be in good physical condition before she is mated. Both the male and female dog should be examined by a veterinarian prior to mating.

"Discuss nutritional supplements and vitamins with your veterinarian before giving them to your dog."

After mating, food intake should remain the same during the first two-thirds of pregnancy (approximately six weeks after mating). Make sure you feed your dog a premium, high-quality diet approved by your veterinarian during pregnancy. Discuss nutritional supplements and vitamins with your veterinarian before giving them to your dog. It is recommended that your dog be fed a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids (DHA) while pregnant to help puppy development in utero, and also during milk production.

What do I do after the sixth week?

After the sixth week of pregnancy, your dog should gradually increase her food intake; high energy, low fiber foods are recommended. As the fetuses increase in size, abdominal pressure increases and frequent small meals are advised. Diets containing high levels of omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have been shown to improve the health and development of puppies and should be considered. Discuss DHA-supplemented diets for your pregnant dog with your veterinarian.

During the last three weeks of pregnancy, your dog's food intake should increase by up to one and a half times the normal level, by feeding smaller meals more frequently.

What about medications that my dog takes?

Some commonly used medications should be avoided while your dog is pregnant. Contract your veterinarian to discuss the use of any supplements and medications.

How can I be certain my dog is pregnant?

Early pregnancy detection in dogs can be extremely difficult. A blood test can detect pregnancy in dogs by measuring the hormone relaxin; however false negatives can occur if the test is performed too early in the pregnancy, or if the dog is carrying only one or two puppies (see handout "Pregnancy Testing in the Dog"). A positive test indicates that the dog is pregnant at the time of the test, but does not mean that the pregnancy will be successful. A veterinarian can perform a trans-abdominal palpation (feeling the abdomen for an enlarged uterus or for individual fetal swellings) at about three to four weeks after mating, but the results are variable. In some cases, results depend more upon the relaxation of the female dog than upon the experience of the veterinarian.

"Abdominal ultrasound is currently the method of choice for pregnancy diagnosis."

Abdominal ultrasound is currently the method of choice for pregnancy diagnosis. Depending on the equipment and patient, a positive diagnosis can be made as early as three weeks. Most scans performed after day 28 of the pregnancy are reliable. Due to positioning within the abdomen, it can be difficult to count the number of fetuses on an ultrasound with accuracy. An abdominal radiograph (X-ray) during the last two weeks of pregnancy, generally around week seven, is the most accurate method for determining litter size and should be performed on all pregnant dogs so that you will know when your female is finished having puppies.

Should I change her routine as pregnancy advances?

As pregnancy progresses, intra-abdominal pressure increases and so does the mother's food requirements. The dog usually needs to have an increased number of smaller meals rather than an increased quantity per meal. Let your pet decide how much physical activity she needs. This depends on the number of puppies and the amount of intra-abdominal pressure she is experiencing. Do not over-exercise a pregnant female. Check for any vaginal discharges and contact your veterinarian if you have any concerns.

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