What has research shown regarding the relationship between social responsibility and profitability?

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Volume 19, Issue 2, April–June 2016, Pages 137-151

//doi.org/10.1016/j.brq.2015.08.001Get rights and content


corporate social performance


corporate social responsibility


Dow Jones Sustainability Index




unified code of good governance

Corporate social responsibility

Good corporate governance

What do studies show about the relationship between social responsibility and profitability? Social responsibility is associated with improved business performance. Jacinta has high individual moral standards and values but the opportunity still exists for her to engage in misconduct in her company.

What are the connections between individual responsibility and social responsibility?

Wikiquote.org defines personal responsibility (or individual responsibility) as “the idea that human beings choose, instigate, or otherwise cause their own actions” whereas Wikipedia defines social responsibility as “an ethical framework and suggests that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an …

Which responsibility comes under social responsibility?

The key ways a company embraces social responsibility include philanthropy, promoting volunteering, and environmental changes. Companies managing their environmental impact might look to reduce their carbon footprint and limit waste.

What is true of ethics and social responsibility in business?

Business ethics are the principles and standards that determine acceptable conduct in business. Social responsibility is a business’s obligation to maximize its positive impact and minimize its negative impact on society.

What are the links between corporate performance and corporate social responsibility?

This indicates that firm performance and CSR has a positive relationship. So CSR is a substantial competitive advantage for firm performance. Moreover, when firm performance increase on ROA, ROE, ROS with tolerable debt financing on the capital structure of the firm, CSR also increases.

What is the correlation between the use of CSR and financial performance?

Positive relationship between CSR and CFP CSR, according to stakeholders and agency theory, exerts a positive influence on financial performance. Several studies have supported the positive nexus, for instance, Waddock and Graves (1997) assessed 469 companies while surrogated KLD measurement for CSR.

What are the theories of corporate social responsibility?

The literature therefore recognizes four major theories of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or four theories about the responsibilities of business in society, which can be considered contemporary mainstream theories, namely: Corporate Social Performance (CSP), Shareholder Value Theory or Fiduciary Capitalism.

What is social responsibility theory?

Social responsibility is an ethical theory in which individuals are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty, and the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and the welfare of society and the environment.

What is the major difference between social responsibility and marketing ethics?

What is the major difference between social responsibility and marketing ethics? Social responsibility deals with the total effect of marketing decisions on society, whereas marketing ethics relates to individual and group evaluations in marketing situations.

Do you find any difference between social responsibility and ethics?

Ethics can be defined as individual, occupational, organizational, or societal morals and values, while social responsibility is the practical application of ethical concerns for the benefit of society as a whole. Individual ethics are guiding principles that help us decide what is right and wrong as a person.

What is the relationship between corporate social responsibility CSR and sustainability?

What is the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability? Sustainability focuses externally while CSR focuses internally. CSR encompasses sustainability. CSR focuses on social concerns; sustainability focuses on environmental concerns.

What are the four issues of corporate social responsibility?

According to Kramer and Porter (2006), four issues for organization to be engaged in CSR are: moral obligation, sustainability, license to operate, and reputation. Kramer and Porter (2006) described the Moral appeal as doing the right thing which appears more in the nonprofitable business.

Which is the best tool for measuring social responsibility?

The tool chosen for measuring the Corporate Social Responsibility is Kinder, Lydenberg and Domini & Co. which is a database that is recently used as one of the most comprehensive source for Corporate Social Performance research.

What is the relationship between CSR and profitability?

Organizations that are engaged in CSR will have higher financial performance. The relationship between CSR and Organizational profitability is strongly positive with a higher corporate social performance and financial performance.

How is CSR related to economic self interest?

Davis (1960) mentioned that CSR is considered as decisions or actions taken beyond the organization’s economic or technical self interest. Moreover Davis (1973) mentioned that CSR doesn’t only refer to the economic, technical or legal requirements of the firm, it goes beyond that and may affect all the firm’s actions.

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