What is a persuasive speech?

  • "Wow, this was awesome! I made my first speech today after reading this. I took my broken public speaking little baby arms and turned them into angel wings. I took my baby pigeon legs and turned them into lion like muscles. I took my fear and I sat on it until it popped. Thanks to good sir Patrick my Mom is so proud of me. "

  • "This article helped me write my speech, taught me how to be much more confident and helped when I got completely stuck on my conclusion. I never wrote a speech 3 minutes long before, and it helped with much more than I expected. Thanks a million!"

  • "I found this article very helpful. I am presenting a multimodal persuasive speech on high school stress, and this article provided me with helpful information on layout and presentation of my speech. "

  • "It helped me to be able to write a good persuasive speech, which was a requirement for the completion of a professional development course I enrolled in with an international university."

  • "I had to pick a topic for the final speech of my communication class and I chose recycling. Then, this article gave me ideas in how to address my persuasion speech on recycling at home."

  • "Thank you so much, wikiHow; thanks to you I was able to write my persuasive speech in 1 hour! I followed every step and was guided through the whole process. Thank you again so much!"

  • "I have crazy bad anxiety, and I have procrastinated taking my speech class to the end of my degree. This article was amazing! It's like the translator for my anxiety to my sanity. "

  • "Thank you so much for this really informative step-by-step! I definitely plan on using this formula next time I'm advocating for women's rights in Uganda next month. Can't wait!"

  • "I thought it was very helpful to see if my speech was appropriate. I'm trying to convince my parents to let me buy a phone and so far I'm on the right track! Thanks wikiHow!"

  • "It gave me everything I needed, including a template, ways I can start, end, and use persuasion in a speech, and gave me details of the types of information going into it."

  • "It was very clear and had step by step help. My college instructor doesn't even come close to as clear as this was. In fact my professor is no help at all. So thank you!!"

  • "I have been stressing about my largest assessment of the year, which was a speech. I tried so many different websites, and I am so glad I found this one!"

  • "Overall, the information provided is really helpful in all aspects. I enjoyed learning these new things and it supports me greatly for my works."

  • "I found it really interesting and inspiring. It gave me lots of tips on how to deliver it and how to put it into words, the hardest part!"

  • "Your article has helped me so much. At first, I didn't know how to persuade people, but after reading this, I finally know how to do it."

  • "I was running for president of my middle school. By following these steps on how to write a convincing speech, I got the position!"

  • "At first I did not know how to write and deliver a persuasive speech, but thanks to this article, now I have an idea how to do it."

  • "We have an oral recitation and it should be persuasive. This helped me a lot on knowing how to persuade or convince the audience."

  • "The whole article was very helpful. I feel that I will do much better if I follow these steps with my upcoming speech. Thanks!"

  • "It helped to compose my article. I had no idea how to write an introduction, and then a really shiny webpage caught my eye!"

  • "This article has helped me write a persuasive speech in order to get people to vote for a special occasion in my home town."

  • "I had to write a speech for my English class and was lost as to where to start and then I found this article, thank you!"

  • "It gave a very clear outline of how to write a persuasive speech. Also gave some good examples and food for thought."

  • "I needed to write a speech for school, I did really well and it was all thanks to the instructions on this website. "

  • "This article is really helpful to the people especially students, who wants some idea in writing effective speeches."

  • "I was trying to write an advocacy speech for my school project so this helped me get an idea of the structure. "

  • "I was doing a school speech. I didn't know how to do it, but then I found this. I totally aced it, thanks!"

  • "This article helped me remember how to stay confident and make an excellent persuasive speech. Thank you."

  • "I was persuaded by all the examples, explanation, and tips on how to write a persuasive essay."

  • "I needed to write a speech, and so far it is really helping me cope and get through it all."

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