What is cat nip

There are many valid theories to explain the global appeal of cats, including our obsession with watching videos of them online. In terms of cats’ pure entertainment value, however, our fascinations are probably attributable to their seemingly endless repertoire of bizarre behaviours.

From being able to “trap” your cat by simply drawing a square around them, to cats seemingly freaking out when presented with a cucumber (I don’t condone this latter activity on cat welfare grounds), our feline companions are as entertaining as they are perplexing.

When it comes to their seemingly weird reactions to things, their response to an unassuming plant belonging to the mint family is no exception.

Nepeta cataria, or more commonly known as catnip is a plant native to parts of Europe and Asia that is well known for its cat-attracting (and craze-inducing) properties among domestic cats and several other (non-domesticated) felids, including lions, leopards and jaguars. Responses to catnip typically include sniffing, licking, biting, rubbing or rolling on the plant, head shaking, drooling, vocalising and even kicking with the hind feet.

Catnip’s status as kitty kryptonite is due to a specific chemical compound called nepalacatlone that the plant naturally releases when its leaves or stem are bruised. This chemical is thought to bind to protein receptors within the cat’s nose which then stimulate sensory neurons that lead to changes in brain activity.

These mind-altering affects can typically last between five and 15 minutes, although some cats will respond much more intensely and for longer than others. Interestingly, the ability to respond to catnip is thought to be heritable, with around one in three adult cats seemingly immune to its effect.

However, other scientists argue all cats may possess the ability to react to catnip, but that some are active and others more passive responders, with differences in intensities of reactions influenced by their age, sex and neuter status.

Is catnip a drug for cats?

Many cats are certainly very attracted to catnip and will actively seek it out in their environment. For these reasons, catnip is often used (in its dried form) to encourage cats to use their scratching posts – as opposed to the arm of our expensive new sofa. It’s also commonly placed within cat toys or planted in gardens as a source of enrichment for cats.

In humans, smoking catnip has been described as inducing sensations akin to those of marijuana or LSD. It’s possible that cats may experience similar effects, although their brains are not quite the same as ours, so their “trips” might feel a little different to them.

However, a recent study indicates that exposure of cats to nepalactalone leads to increases in a peptide hormone associated with pleasure. This suggests that catnip could have some pretty powerful feel-good properties for kitties.

Interestingly, the authors also found that cats covered in nepalactalol were less likely to be bothered by mosquitoes. This provides a suitable evolutionary explanation for cats’ innate attraction (and reaction) to the plant - covering yourself in catnip might feel really good, but also help keep those pesky insects at bay.

Around a third of cats are immune to catnip’s effects. Shutterstock/Okssi

Is it cruel to give a cat catnip?

Although evidence suggests catnip does have pleasurable side-effects, not everything we like – or are at least attracted to – is good for us. The heightened arousal and altered state of consciousness that probably occurs among active responders may not always be a welcome experience.

In situations where cats feel anxious, unsure or not fully in control, they tend to seek out sources of safety rather than stimulation. Under these circumstances, the last thing cats probably want is to go on some sort of mind-bending hallucinogenic trip.

While it may certainly be fun for us to watch their catnip-induced antics, we should think carefully about if we are doing this for the cats’ benefit, or simply for our entertainment. We should also avoid disturbing or trying to stroke cats that are under the influence, and ultimately, cats should always be allowed to say no.

If we want to give cats catnip, it’s best that we place it somewhere quiet, away from their core areas in the home – avoid locations where they usually eat and sleep – and let them decide if they feel like taking a hit, in their own time.

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Reviewed by Amy Flowers, DVM on May 08, 2021

  • Catnip's Effects
  • Catnip: Toys and Training

Catnip, catmint, catwort, field balm -- it doesn't matter what you call it. Lions, tigers, panthers, and your common domestic tabby just can't seem to get enough of this fragrant herb.

Originally from Europe and Asia, minty, lemony, potent catnip -- Nepeta cataria -- has long been associated with cats. Even its Latin-derived cataria means "of a cat." And research shows that cats big and small adore this weedy, invasive member of the mint family. But why do they like catnip so much? Is it safe? And what does it mean if your cat doesn't like it?

It's genetics that determines whether your feline friend falls for this cousin to basil and oregano. About one cat in two inherits a sensitivity to the herb. But you won't know if your kitten is one of them until sometime between ages 3 and 6 months.

Catnip's allure is in its volatile oil, specifically one chemical in that oil -- nepetalactone. Found in catnip's leaves, stems, and seeds, it only takes one or two sniffs of that wondrous oil before susceptible felines are licking, chewing, and rolling head-over-tail in kitty bliss.

Though intense, that bliss is usually short-lived, lasting about 10 minutes for most cats. For some, the euphoria translates into aggressive playfulness. At the same time, it makes others mellow and calm. But no matter what reaction your cat has, once the pleasure passes it'll be about two hours before kitty responds to catnip again.

Because cats do respond to catnip again and again, the herb can be a powerful training aid.

Want to keep kitty from clawing furniture? Rub a scratching post with catnip to make it more appealing. Bought a new cat bed? Sprinkle a little of the herb on kitty's cushion to make it more attractive to your feline friend.

You can also provide enrichment for an indoor kitty by creating catnip toys. Sprinkle a bit of the herb into an old sock, then knot the top. Or put a big pinch of catnip in a small paper bag and crush the bag into a tight ball.

The intensity of kitty's response to toys and training will be affected by the type of catnip you use. While most cats enjoy the herb dried or fresh, they're usually less interested in catnip sprays, which generally don't contain enough nepetalactone to appeal to most felines.

Fortunately for kitty, catnip -- which is non-addictive and safe to eat -- is easy to grow in a sunny window. You can even go so far as to create your own kitty garden with one pot of catnip and one of wheat, oat, rye, or barley grass. Not only will kitty enjoy both, but having its own house plants may keep kitty out of yours. If you plant catnip directly in the garden, remember that, like most mints, it's a vigorous, sometimes invasive, grower.

Catnip's potency doesn't last forever; the essential oils quickly dissipate. So if you buy dried catnip for your feline friend, store what you don't use in the freezer.

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