What is it called when a government bars an individual either temporarily or permanently from voting?

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Disenfranchisement. What is it called when a government bars an individual, either temporarily or permanently, from voting?Click to see full answer. Also question is, what is a term for someone who labels himself spiritual but not religious?Extrinsic Religiosity. A person’s public display of commitment to a religious faith. Unchurched. What is a term for someone who labels himself “spiritual but not religious”? Industrial Revolution.Similarly, how is a sociological definition of religion different from a commonsense everyday definition? Educational success often has as much to do with social stratification as it does with individual ability. How is a sociological definition of religion different from a commonsense, everyday definition? A sociological definition must be broad enough to encompass all brands of religious experience. Similarly, it is asked, what is one reason that critics might object to school vouchers? They believe vouchers will drain funds from vulnerable public schools and cause them to deteriorate further.What was Jonathan Kozol’s impression?What was Jonathan Kozol’s impression of the poorly funded schools he visited in urban Chicago? They were extraordinarily unhappy places. What are religions called that worship one divine figure?

Source: celebritiesbuzz.com.gh

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