What is the deepest geographical location on Earth quiz


The Earth breathes beneath us. The massive migrations of plate tectonics accompanied by other natural processes can lead to depths inconceivable from the comfort of your living room. Luckily, other adventurous souls have journeyed toward the center of the Earth to observe and document the deepest places on Earth.

TauTona means “great lion” in Setswana, and TauTona mine in Johannesburg lives up to its namesake by virtue of size and terror. Around 500 miles of tunnels crisscross within the mine, extending as far as 2.4 miles deep into the Earth. These shafts are so deep that temperature rise to levels dangerous for humans. At its hottest points, air temperature can rise to 131 degrees Fahrenheit while rock face temperature can reach 140° F.

To circumvent these conditions, the AngloGold Ashanti company pumps ice-slurry and salt into the mine to be spread by fans for cooling. The cooling system consumes 6,000 tons of ice daily. However, even these measures are not sufficient to eliminate risk to human lives as death and injury are common for miners at TauTona. The massive infrastructure and tremendous danger that miners place themselves in all revolves around a 30-inch-wide seam of gold ore extending deep into the ground.

Credit: MikhailZykov / iStock

Lake Baikal in Southern Russia is both the largest freshwater lake on the planet, as well as the deepest. Baikal drops 5,387 feet, with its bottom at an altitude of 3,893 feet below sea level. Not only is Baikal the deepest lake in the world, but it continues to reach ever-deeper. The lake’s topography is a result of its location at a continental rift zone. As the plates move apart, the lake continues to deepen through subsidence. The plates at the rift zone, on which Baikal is situated, continue to drift apart at a rate of an inch per year.

Credit: Bogdan Dyiakonovych / Shutterstock

The Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon in Tibet is both the longest and deepest canyon in the world. Beginning near Mount Kailash, Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon stretches from Mount Namcha Barwa to the Himalayas with a length of around 150 miles. It has an average depth of 7,440 feet with its deepest point extending to 19,714 feet. Given the vast terrain and altitudes of the canyon, it comprises a number of different climates from subtropical to arctic. It also houses a number of rare species that have experienced minimal human contact, including the takin.

Canyons are generally formed via plate tectonics, but that isn't all that's going on with Yarlung Tsangpo. While plate tectonics can explain some of the abrupt land rise over 3 million years ago, it's not the sole cause of the canyon's depth. The uplift blocked flow from the Yarlung Tsangpo river that runs through the canyon. Over time, water pooled up in the natural dam, until overflow drove it over the edge of the steep uplift. The impenetrable depths of the Yarlung Tsangpo were created by water erosion from this runoff.

Far beyond the sound of crashing waves or the rays of the sun, 36,000 feet beneath sea level, lies the Mariana Trench, the deepest point on the Earth's seafloor. The Mariana Trench is a subduction zone, formed from the migration of one tectonic plate beneath another. In the case of the Mariana Trench, the Pacific plate is submerged beneath the Mariana plate. When tectonic plates first begin to submerge, the sloping angle is gentle. However, over time, tectonic forces drive the trench to a near-vertical angle. The seafloor at the Mariana trench is over 180 million years old, giving nature plenty of time to drive the plates deeper and deeper. In addition, the trench is far removed from a major landmass, which precludes sediment runoff that would usually fill the trench. Finally, the topography of the Pacific plate forms a narrow taper that drives beneath the Mariana like a bottle opener.

For many years, it was believed that life within the ocean could not sustain itself beyond a certain depth coined the azoic. This hypothesis was based on the absence of sunlight to fuel photosynthesis in tandem with high pressure and low oxygen. However, in 1864, the Norwegian naturalist Michael Sars dredged a stalked crinoid (Rhizocrinus lofotensis) from a depth of 550 meters below sea level disproving the hypothesis. Nearly a century later, in 1960, Navy Lt. Donald Walsh and Jacques Piccard boarded the bathyscaphe “Trieste.”  After a little under five hours, the Trieste was 35,810 feet below sea level at a pressure of 17,000 lbs/in2. Piccard and Walsh ate candy bars and shined a light into the Mariana Trench, where they observed an odd-looking creature that resembled a shrimp.

Credit: Devrimb / iStock

While the deepest places on Earth are undoubtedly scientific marvels, they're also full of mystery and life. Even the mines of TauTona house a single bacterial species capable of withstanding the extremities and scarcity of the biome. The discovery of creatures in the deepest places on Earth is a testament to the marvels of adaptation and life's persistence. Wherever there exists the faintest chance of survival, there are living creatures scuttling across the depths.

Geography trivia is an exciting way to challenge your knowledge of the world. Have fun with your friends answering these geography trivia questions that span from the mountains of Switzerland to the only tropical rainforest in the United States of America. It’s time to brush up on your map skills, as you’ll have to think back to your high school and college classes for these geography trivia questions.

We’ve handpicked 101 geography questions and categorized them into four sections: easy geography trivia, hard geography trivia, US geography trivia, and world geography trivia. Test your knowledge on the world’s capitals, continents, oceans, cities, rivers, seas, and more. If you get stumped, don’t worry—we’ve provided answers to help you build your collection of knowledge and random tidbits from around the world.

Even if you don’t know the answer, it’s fun to take a guess and potentially learn something new. Students and geography-lovers of all levels will find these geography questions thrilling and fun and can in turn edify their knowledge of the planet.

Easy Geography Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world?

Answer: Mount Everest

Trivia Question: Which country has the largest population in the world?

Answer: China

Trivia Question: What are the names of the seven continents of the world?

Answer: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia

Trivia Question: What are the names of the five oceans of the world?

Answer: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and the Antarctic

Trivia Question: What is the name of the longest river in Africa?

Answer: The Nile River

Trivia Question: What American city is the Golden Gate Bridge located in?

Answer: San Francisco

Trivia Question: What is the capital of Mexico?

Answer: Mexico City

Trivia Question: What is the name of the largest country in the world?

Answer: Russia

Trivia Question: What U.S. state is home to no documented poisonous snakes?

Answer: Alaska

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Answer: Paris, France

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Answer: Ottawa

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Answer: The Pacific Ocean

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Answer: Naples

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Answer: Egypt

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Answer: Bangkok

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Answer: The Vatican City

Trivia Question: What is the capital of the American State of California?

Answer: Sacramento

Trivia Question: What country has the most natural lakes?

Answer: Canada

Trivia Question: How many States does the United States consist of?

Answer: 50

Trivia Question: What planet is closest to Earth?

Answer: Venus

Trivia Question: What is the name of the river that flows through the Brazil rainforest?

Answer: The Amazon

Trivia Question: Which country is also called The Netherlands?

Answer: Holland

Trivia Question: What is the coldest place on Earth?

Answer: Antarctica

Trivia Question: What is the official currency of the United Kingdom?

Answer: Pound sterling

Trivia Question: What country lies above Mexico?

Answer: The United States of America

Hard Geography Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: Where are the Spanish Steps located?

Answer: Rome, Italy

Trivia Question: How many countries are there in the United Kingdom?

Answer: 4

Trivia Question: What is the capital of Senegal?

Answer: Dakar

Trivia Question: How many time zones does Russia have?

Answer: 11

Trivia Question: What is the name of the tallest mountain in Canada?

Answer: Mount Logan

Trivia Question: What country does the Rhine River run through?

Answer: Germany

Trivia Question: What two countries border directly north of Hungary?

Answer: Slovakia and Ukraine

Trivia Question: What is the name of the largest city in Australia?

Answer: Brisbane

Trivia Question: What is the name of the second tallest mountain in the world?

Answer: K2

Trivia Question: What Cape sits at the tip of Africa?

Answer: Cape of Good Hope

Trivia Question: What type of leaf is on the Canadian flag?

Answer: Maple

Trivia Question: What is the capital of Nova Scotia?

Answer: Halifax

Trivia Question: What country first used tinsel as a holiday tree decoration?

Answer: German

Trivia Question: What is the name of the only tropical rainforest in the United States?

Answer: Puerto Rico’s El Yunque National Forest

Trivia Question: What season does Australia experience in December?

Answer: Summer

Trivia Question: What is the name of the driest continent on Earth?

Answer: Antarctica

Trivia Question: Peking Duck is the national dish of what country?

Answer: China

Trivia Question: In which European city was the first organized marathon held?

Answer: Athens

Trivia Question: What country formerly ruled Iceland?

Answer: Denmark

Trivia Question: What is the name of the largest airport in the United States of America?

Answer: Denver International Airport

Trivia Question: Which continent is Cambodia located in?

Answer: Asia

Trivia Question: What country is known to have the best quality tap water?

Answer: Switzerland

Trivia Question: In what ocean is the Bermuda Triangle located?

Answer: Atlantic Ocean

Trivia Question: What city is known as the Glass Capital of the World?

Answer: Toledo

Trivia Question: How many stars are on the Australian flag?

Answer: 6

US Geography Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: Pierre is the capital of what US state?

Answer: South Dakota

Trivia Question: What is the name of the smallest US state?

Answer: Rhode Island

Trivia Question: What ocean borders the state of Florida?

Answer: Atlantic Ocean

Trivia Question: What US states share a border with Mexico?

Answer: California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas

Trivia Question: What is the name of the longest river in the US?

Answer: Missouri River

Trivia Question: What is the name of the tallest mountain in the US?

Answer: Mount McKinley

Trivia Question: What is the lowest point of the US?

Answer: Death Valley

Trivia Question: What are the names of the five Great Lakes?

Answer: Superior, Ontario, Erie, Michigan, Huron

Trivia Question: What is the name of the flattest state in the US?

Answer: Florida

Trivia Question: What two states do not share a border with any other US state?

Answer: Hawaii and Alaska

Trivia Question: What state is Mount Rushmore located in?

Answer: South Dakota

Trivia Question: What is the name of the largest lake in the US?

Answer: Lake Superior

Trivia Question: In what state would you find the North Mojave Desert?

Answer: Nevada

Trivia Question: What is the coldest state in the US?

Answer: Alaska

Trivia Question: How many US states share a border with Canada?

Answer: 13

Trivia Question: What is the largest bay in the US?

Answer: The Chesapeake Bay

Trivia Question: What city is the White House located in?

Answer: Washington, D.C.

Trivia Question: How many time zones are there in the US?

Answer: 6

Trivia Question: Which US state is known as The Garden State?

Answer: New Jersey

Trivia Question: What state has the fewest counties?

Answer: Delaware

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Trivia Question: Which state was purchased from Russia in 1867?

Answer: Alaska

Trivia Question: What state is known as The Heart of Dixie?

Answer: Alabama

Trivia Question: What is the name of the only living coral barrier reef in the continental United States?

Answer: The Florida Reef

Trivia Question: What state is known as The First State?

Answer: Delaware

Trivia Question: How many total islands does Hawaii have?

Answer: 132

World Geography Trivia Questions

Trivia Question: The Lord of The Rings trilogy was filmed in what country?

Answer: New Zealand

Trivia Question: Which direction do latitude lines run on a globe?

Answer: Left to right

Trivia Question: What is the capital of Jamaica?

Answer: Kingston

Trivia Question: What place is known as the largest micro-continent?

Answer: Madagascar

Trivia Question: What is Europe named after

Answer: A princess from Greek mythology

Trivia Question: What is the only country that borders the United Kingdom?

Answer: Ireland

Trivia Question: What country was not part of the Soviet Union?

Answer: Romania

Trivia Question: Mt. Fuji is the highest point located in which Asian country?

Answer: Japan

Trivia Question: What is the name of the deepest point in Earth’s oceans?

Answer: Mariana’s Trench

Trivia Question: What is the name of the coldest sea on Earth?

Answer: The Arctic

Trivia Question: How many time zones does Australia have?

Answer: 3

Trivia Question: How many countries are located in the Southern Hemisphere?

Answer: 32

Trivia Question: Does Japan’s traffic run on the left or right?

Answer: Left

Trivia Question: What is the name of the third-longest river in the world?

Answer: Yangtze River

Trivia Question: What river flows through the Grand Canyon?

Answer: Colorado River

Trivia Question: What is the largest country in South America?

Answer: Brazil

Trivia Question: What is the name of the world’s largest island?

Answer: Greenland

Trivia Question: What country ends with the letter Q?

Answer: Iraq

Trivia Question: Off of which coast is the Great Barrier Reef located?

Answer: Queensland

Trivia Question: How many countries are there in Africa?

Answer: 54

Trivia Question: Which country is home to the most volcanos?

Answer: Indonesia

Trivia Question: What is the name of the largest waterfall in the world?

Answer: Victoria Falls

Trivia Question: What are citizens of Sudan called?

Answer: Sudanese

Trivia Question: In which country is the Leaning Tower of Pisa located?

Answer: Italy

Trivia Question: What is Belgium’s nickname?

Answer: The Cockpit of Europe

Trivia Question: What country has pyramids older than Egypt?

Answer: Sudan

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