What is the distinction between primary groups and secondary groups?


January 7, 2021

Vincent Triola

Groups are an important element of sociology as they show how individuals link together in common bonds of relationships and goals. Groups are extremely important because as social creatures, humans need to belong with other persons and belonging to groups fulfills this need as well as providing direction and meaning for people in life. This phenomenon is generally split between primary and secondary groups.

The Importance of Primary Groups

A primary group is defined as a relatively small social group in which member relationships are characterized by closeness, shared culture, shared activities, and long term commitment to relationships for the sake of the relationship such as family and friends (Macionis, 2011). Primary groups members typically spend large amounts of time together and share personal and lasting relationships. These groups show concern for one another in a meaningful manner and impact the the socialization process such as family and friends helping to shape one’s attitudes, behavior, and social identity (Macionis, 2011).

Primary groups are often viewed with a focus on family but a primary group does not necessarily have to be a family. Having a primary group helps to form a role that is free of conflict and strain with continuing support, and trust. The family is a common recurring example that reflects the importance of having a primary group for providing ongoing support in life. While this is an extremely important point, a strong family is not a determining factor or necessity to be a normal functioning member of society. Having a primary group similar to family can and does suffice is some cases such as in the case of individuals who lose families early in life and find support through friends and role models. This example shows primary groups are relative to a person’s position and not fixed such as through family associations. While some people who don’t associate their biological family as their primary group, there are others who don’t have a primary group at all and may suffer from this absence. Without role models and a primary group, people struggle to find support and a solid foundation from which they can grow and it becomes difficult to take risks that may enhance their life without a support system.

The Importance of Secondary Groups

In contrast to primary groups, secondary groups are large and impersonal social groups that are formed with a specific purpose, activity, or a specific goal. Secondary groups typically consist of members sharing relationships that have weak emotional ties and have limited personal knowledge of the members. One characteristic of secondary groups is their short lived existence such as teams in the workplace. Typically, when the goal or activity that brought the group together has been accomplished, the group dissolves.

The best way to explain the difference between primary and secondary groups is through the example of college. In college, classes form for the purpose of studying a particular subject, and when the class ends, the group dissolves. This is how a typical secondary group would work, but in contrast, a primary group can be seen as one’s immediate family. The concern for the immediate family and these relationships overrides a purpose such as a college class. The bonds holding the family group are much stronger because they are based on intrinsic ideas such as love and caring.

Sometimes secondary groups can become primary groups such as in the case of people who are thrust into relationships that require high degrees of trust such as war veterans who become friends for life despite having different backgrounds. Groups can also overlap such as family and work. This is especially true in situations of family owned businesses. Many issues stem from group interactions but often overlap with groups can be damaging such as placing too much value on a secondary group. Despite the fact that people may work at a job for many years, their relationships with other workers may not constitute a primary group value. When company’s close or people are terminated they often find themselves feeling abandoned because having placed too much value on job relationships.

Purposes of Group

Groups serve many purposes but most importantly they define people by their involvement. A person’s primary group may help define them as a family member or loyal best friend. Secondary groups help define a person in the same way and can sometimes be more important in this function. Belonging to a particular church or political group can define a person as a member and create opportunities with other members through networking. Keep in mind groups can change and depending on the situation membership can end even in primary groups when something changes the group dynamic.


Macionis, J. (2011) Society: The Basics, Eleventh Edition, by. Published by Prentice Hall. by Pearson Education, Inc.

Photo by Gemma Chua-Tran on Unsplash

Different types of social groups help people communicate and help each other in society. Social groups are useful in developing personal relations, engage in social activities, working on individual goals.

The Primary group and Secondary group are the social groups having some minor differences formed by the people.  

The main difference between the Primary group and the Secondary group is that the Primary group is a small social group initiated by the families. In Contrast, a Secondary group is a large social group that engages in social activities. The Primary group had categorized as the relationship development group in the social group. The secondary group aims are to reach their goals.  

The Primary group is one of the social groups formed by the family members. A primary group is a small group where family members engage and share personal issues. The Primary group had categorized as a small group that develops relationships.

Relationships between close people and friends may also form the Primary groups. The primary group plays a vital role in a child’s life that progress the communication between people and, the child comes to known the social awareness.   

A Secondary group is one of the social groups formed by the people. People with the same activity and same goals shape the secondary groups. A secondary group is a large group that helps an individual to reach their goals.

The people in the Secondary group share their achievements and activities and do not engage in their relationships. 

Parameters of Comparison    Primary Group  Secondary Group   
Meaning    The primary group is a small social group formed by the families, Neighbours, classmates to share their personals and develop relationships.  A secondary group is a large social group formed by the people whose goals and activities are equal.  
Engage      Members in the primary group engage in personal relations. Members in the secondary group engage in social activities.   
The primary group is the first group categorized into the relationship development between people.  The secondary group is the inferior group in the social groups where people focus on their goals.  
Characteristics    Small in size, Physical proximity, stability of the people, familiar background, self-interest, the intensity of shared interests are the characteristics of the primary group.  Short period, a large number of people, lack of rapport between members, impersonal, formal relationships, and specific aims for formation are the characteristics of the secondary group.  
Examples      Share the views with the family members, sharing personal things with classmates, being free with close friends, and many others. Allocate the basketball game views, share thoughts about the exams, and work on specific goals.  

What is Primary Group?  

The primary group is one of the groups in social groups. The primary group had categorized as the relationship development group in the social group. It had a small social group formed by families, friends, classmates, neighbors, and close people.

In the primary group, people like to share their personal views, interests, and adjacent things. People form the primary groups to engage with others and spend time happily.

The primary group plays a vital role in a child’s life that develops the communication between people and, the child comes to known the social awareness.  

Physical proximity, stability of the people, familiar background, an individual self-interest, intensity of shared interests, small size are the characteristics of the Primary group. Small in number can engage with each other unboundedly.

The communication between the people in the primary group helps refresh an individual mind and leads to good health. Examples are sharing views with family members, sharing personal things with classmates, being free with close friends, and many others.  

The secondary group is the inferior group of the social groups. The secondary group had categorized as the goal gain group in the social group. It had a large number of people whose goals and activities are equal.

The People with same aims forms these group and share the views and information about the achievements and activities. An individual did not like to share their thoughts and feelings in the secondary group. The secondary group aims to reach its goals.  

Short period, a large number of people, lack of rapport between members, impersonal, formal relationships, and specific aims for formation are the characteristics of the secondary group.

Secondary groups are temporary groups and may end at a particular time. Examples are, sharing views about the basketball game, sharing thoughts about the exams, and working on specific goals. Secondary groups are the team-based groups compared to primary groups.  

Main Differences Between Primary Group and Secondary Group  

  1. Primary groups had the initial groups formed in social organization groups, where secondary groups are the inferior groups.  
  2. Primary groups are small groups and long-lasting groups. In Contrast, secondary groups are the large groups and temporary groups.  
  3. Primary groups had categorized as the relationship development batch, where Secondary groups are the goal-based groups.  
  4. Personal activities and close things had shared in the primary groups. On the other hand, people with similar goals share their thoughts in the secondary group.  
  5. Physical proximity, stability of the people, familiar background, self-interest are the characteristics of the primary group where short period, lack of rapport between members, impersonal, formal relationships, and specific aims for formation are the characteristics of the secondary group.  


Different types of social groups help people communicate and help each other in society. The primary group is one of the social groups formed by the family members.

A primary group is a small group where family members engage and share personal issues. The primary group is categorized as a small group that develops relationships.  

The Secondary group is the inferior group of the social groups. The secondary group had categorized as the goal gain group in the social group. It had a large number of people whose goals and activities are equal.

The People with similar aims forms these group and share the views and information about the aims and activities.  


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