What is the highest pay for Industrial Engineers?

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Also known as:  Efficiency Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer, Packaging Engineer, Production Engineer

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Industrial engineering jobs often attract those who were born to utilize their hands-on skills as well as their abilities to improve processes and help create innovative products and solutions.

Avg. Base Salary (AUD)

The average salary for an Industrial Engineer is AU$69,529

AU$52k - AU$96k


An entry-level Industrial Engineer with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of AU$59,869 based on 6 salaries. An early career Industrial Engineer with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of AU$63,143 based on 31 salaries. A …Read more

An industrial engineer primarily works to improve and manage manufacturing processes for their company. He or she is primarily concerned with finding ways to better utilize employees, machinery and other assets to improve operations within a plant or similar facility. An industrial engineer typically studies reports related to process efficiency within a section of their plant or the entire facility; they examine the rates of current production, looking at factors such as speed, quality control …Read more

Our data indicates that the highest pay for an Industrial Engineer is A$96k / year

What is the lowest pay for Industrial Engineers?

Our data indicates that the lowest pay for an Industrial Engineer is A$52k / year

How can Industrial Engineers increase their salary?

Increasing your pay as an Industrial Engineer is possible in different ways. Change of employer: Consider a career move to a new employer that is willing to pay higher for your skills. Level of Education: Gaining advanced degrees may allow this role to increase their income potential and qualify for promotions. Managing Experience: If you are an Industrial Engineer that oversees more junior Industrial Engineers, this experience can increase the likelihood to earn more.

Salary rate







How much does a Industrial engineer make in Australia?

Active jobs with salaries

Industrial engineering has become an increasingly popular career in the United States. Currently, ... [+] there are more than 295,000 industrial engineers employed in the U.S. and an additional 30,000 more jobs are expected to be created by 2029.


Becoming an industrial engineer is an increasingly popular career route for Americans. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Occupational Outlook Handbook, employment of industrial engineers is projected to rise by 10% from 2019 to 2029, a rate which is much faster than the average for all other occupations. In raw numbers, it means adding an impressive 30,000 industrial engineer jobs by 2029. In terms of what they do, industrial engineers design efficient systems that integrate workers, machines, materials, information and energy in order to create a product or provide a service.

Using occupational data from the BLS, we've analyzed and compiled a round-up of the average industrial engineer salary by state in the U.S. Read on for a full breakdown of where industrial engineers make the most money and where they're making the least.

The national average annual wage of an industrial engineer is $92,660, according to the latest data from the BLS. This just shy of $40,000 more than current average annual salary for all occupations, $53,490. As with most occupations, the average industrial engineer salary can vary significantly depending on the state in which you’re located. Fortunately, even the lowest-paying states for industrial engineers have average salaries that are almost $20,000 more than the national average for all jobs. In the best-paying state for industrial engineers, the average salary is over $$50,000 more than the U.S. average annual wage for all occupations in the U.S.

Below is a list of the top-10 highest-paying states for industrial engineers:

  1. Washington average industrial engineer salary: $109,200
  2. Texas average industrial engineer salary: $108,900
  3. Wyoming average industrial engineer salary: $108,890
  4. Montana average industrial engineer salary: $108,360
  5. California average industrial engineer salary: $107,890
  6. New Mexico average industrial engineer salary: $105,240
  7. Massachusetts average industrial engineer salary: $103,810
  8. Colorado average industrial engineer salary: $103,460
  9. Rhode Island average industrial engineer salary: $101,840
  10. Maryland average industrial engineer salary: $101,710

The top-10 best states for industrial engineer salaries are geographically an interesting mix of states from all corners of the country. Washington state boasts the highest average industrial engineer salary, while No. 5 California and No. 2 Texas employ 26,800 and 19,520 industrial engineers, respectively, both states ranking among the biggest employers of industrial engineers. Only Michigan’s industrial engineer employment numbers exceed those of Texas and California. The big story here, however, is No. 4 Montana, where the average industrial engineer salary roe by 31.7% over the last five years, from $82,290 in 2014 to a robust $108,360 in 2019.

10 States Where Industrial Engineers Earn the Least Money

The bottom-10 states where industrial engineers make the least money are largely located heavily in the South and Midwest, but with some key outliers, like New England’s Vermont having the lowest wages on average. In fact, Vermont’s average industrial engineer salary declined more than 5% in just one year, from $79,700 in 2018, down to $75,630 in 2019. All that said, the average salaries of industrial engineers in these low-paying states are still much better than the salaries for all occupations. Here's a look at the bottom-10 states for industrial engineer salaries:

  1. Vermont average industrial engineer salary: $75,630
  2. Arkansas average industrial engineer salary: $77,510
  3. Indiana average industrial engineer salary: $77,930
  4. Wisconsin average industrial engineer salary: $78,170
  5. Minnesota average industrial engineer salary: $76,220
  6. Mississippi average industrial engineer salary: $80,160
  7. Kentucky average industrial engineer salary: $80,480
  8. Kansas average industrial engineer salary: $81,260
  9. Tennessee average industrial engineer salary: $82,740
  10. Florida average industrial engineer salary: $82,970

How Much Do Industrial Engineers Make in Each State

Below you’ll find the average industrial engineer salary for all 50 states, from 2014 to 2019, which is the most recent year data is available for. You’ll also find the percentage change in annual wages over the last five years.

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