What is the most common cause of low sperm count


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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Vo Thien Ngon - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital

A low sperm count means that the ejaculate ejaculate contains less sperm than normal. Low sperm count is one of the factors leading to male infertility.

Sperm count is defined as lower than normal when there are less than 15 million sperm in a milliliter of semen (there may even be no sperm in the semen at all). Low sperm count means that the chances of sperm reaching and successfully fertilizing an egg are reduced, so the chances of pregnancy are lower. However, in fact, many men with low sperm count still have normal children.

The main and most prominent symptom of low sperm count is the inability to conceive. Apart from this symptom, there may not be any other symptoms. In some men with an underlying medical condition such as a genetic disorder, hormonal imbalance, varicocele, or an obstruction of sperm mobility, signs and symptoms may develop. Symptoms of low sperm count may also be present:

Problems with sexual performance, eg decreased libido, difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction) Pain, swelling, or unusual mass in the testicle area Hair, thinning hair, or other signs of a genetic or hormonal abnormality

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Consult your doctor if, after a year of regular sex, without using any contraceptive, still do not conceive, or sooner if:
Have problems with erection or ejaculation, impaired decreased interest in sex, or other problems with sexual performance, pain, discomfort, swelling, or abnormal mass in the testicles Have a history of testicular, prostate, or sexual problems surgery in the groin, testicles, penis, or scrotum

Sperm production is a complex process and requires the normal functioning of all the organs involved such as the testes, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Once sperm are produced in the testicles, they will be transported to mix with the semen and will follow the semen out during ejaculation. Any problem during this process can affect sperm production. Besides, there are many factors that affect the normal shape, motility and function of sperm. However, in fact, the cause of low sperm count is often difficult to determine. 4.1. Medical causes Several conditions and treatments can cause low sperm count, they include:

Varicose veins: varicocele is one of the most common causes of infertility. in men , but thankfully is curable . The cause of varicocele is unknown. Varicose veins cause a decrease in sperm quality. Infections: some infections affect sperm production or sperm health or create scarring that interferes with sperm transport (mechanical obstruction). These include epididymitis, orchitis, and certain sexually transmitted diseases (including gonorrhea, HIV). Although some infections can cause permanent testicular damage, in most cases sperm can be retrieved. Ejaculation disorders: Retrograde ejaculation is a condition in which semen does not come out, but ejaculates back into the bladder. There are many causes of retrograde ejaculation (and inability to ejaculate), including diabetes, spinal cord injury, bladder surgery, prostate surgery, etc. Some medications also cause problems. Ejaculatory disorders such as beta-blockers in the treatment of hypertension. Ejaculatory dysfunction can be temporary or permanent, but in most cases it's permanent, sperm can still be retrieved directly from the testicle. Autoimmune disease: rare, when antibodies attack and destroy the body's sperm. Tumors: Tumors themselves can cause hormonal imbalance, affecting reproductive organs; or treatment for tumors that affect male fertility. Hormonal Imbalance: Hormones are an integral part of sperm production. Therefore, hormonal imbalance will compromise this process. Obstruction on sperm transport: the sperm transport route can be disrupted by mechanical obstacles, affecting male fertility. The causes of these obstructions can be trauma, infection, surgery, etc. Previous surgeries: certain surgeries can cause semen to be ejaculated without sperm, such as tubal ligation. spermatozoa, inguinal hernia surgery, scrotal or testicular surgery, prostate surgery, etc. In most cases, surgery can be used to restore normal state, or direct sperm collection. from the epididymis or testicles. Certain medications: Some medications can directly harm spermatogenesis and reduce male fertility. Other causes: genetic disorders, birth defects, undescended testicles, etc. can all affect male fertility.

Một số thuốc điều trị có thể dẫn đến tinh trùng ít

4.2. Environmental causes Spermogenesis and sperm motility will be affected if the body is overexposed to a number of agents: Industrial chemicals: prolonged exposure to benzene, toluene, xylene, Herbicides, pesticides, organic solvents, paint materials, etc. can cause low sperm count. Heavy Metals: Exposure to lead and other heavy metals can cause infertility. Radiation: Exposure to radiation can reduce or completely destroy spermatogenesis. In cases where recovery is possible, it may take several years to return to normal. 4.3. Lifestyle and other causes Other causes of low sperm count may be:

Alcohol consumption: alcohol and other alcoholic beverages can lower testosterone levels and cause a decrease in sperm count. Occupation: Certain occupations are associated with male infertility (such as occupations that involve a lot of sitting), but the evidence is inconsistent. Smoking: Men who smoke have a lower sperm count than non-smokers. Stress and depression: affect spermatogenesis. Weight: Obesity can both directly affect sperm and disrupt hormonal balance (which affects spermatogenesis).

Understand the factors that affect sperm count and quality to protect fertility, such as: Don't smoke Limit or don't drink alcohol Don't use drugs Maintain a healthy weight Avoid stress Avoid exposure to toxic chemicals, heavy metals Talk to your doctor about treatments that could potentially affect fertility. Currently, at Vinmec International General Hospital, the Pre-Marriage Examination Package is being applied to encourage couples to have a pre-marital examination to assess fertility and detect early possible causes. infertility, infertility, including performing semen analysis. Examination package with many outstanding advantages: Vinmec Fertility Center is the leading modern center in Vietnam built and applied a treatment process that combines comprehensive examination, combining both male and female medicine. gynecology to give the optimal plan for each customer case. Vinmec Fertility Center's team of highly qualified and experienced specialists is capable of synchronously and comprehensively deploying the most advanced assisted reproductive techniques today. Modern equipment, synchronous with international standard lab. The cleanroom system has been tested and certified to international standards, along with the advanced mini-incubator system, contributing to the success of IVF cycles. Fully guarantee the safety and privacy of customers. >>>>> Checkup package for couples who are about to get married or are planning to become pregnant. For consultation and to book an appointment, you can contact HERE. Doctor Vo Thien Ngon has over 7 years of experience working as a urologist and surgeon at Hospitals: Hue Central Hospital, Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Tam Tri Da Nang General Hospital . Doctor Ngon with the ability to specialize in the field of examination and treatment of diseases of the Urology and Andrology system, Urology surgery, endoscopic urological surgery, Laparo urinary tract surgery, endoscopy Urinary. Currently, Dr. Vo Thien Ngon is a Urology - Orthopedic Surgery Doctor, Department of General Surgery, Vinmec Da Nang International Hospital

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and receive 20% off for consultation fee at the first appointment (applied ONLY from 1st August to 31th December, 2022) MyVinmec app is also available and convenient for your bookings management and Telehealth service with Vinmec doctors all in one.

Article referenced source: Mayoclinic.org

Tinh dịch bình thường, khỏe mạnh có mùi gì, màu gì?


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If you and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant, it’s time for an appointment with a specialist. Your board-certified physician at Arizona Urology, with offices in Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, and Phoenix, has special training in male reproductive organs and provides compassionate infertility care. 

Infertility in the male partner is relatively common; one-third of infertility cases result from factors affecting the male. Infertility isn’t only a physical dilemma; it also can have negative psychological effects because you’re not able to achieve a much-desired goal. The diagnosis may strain your intimate relationship sexually and emotionally. It can also cause depression and/or anxiety in you and your partner. Seeking counseling during this trying period can help you manage difficult emotions. 

Infertility may result from one easily remedied problem such as an infection, but it can also have multiple causes, or a specific cause may not be found. Following are some common reasons for male infertility and what can be done to try to reverse the issue. 

Low sperm count/sperm quality 

If your sperm count is low, it may be the result of a varicocele, an enlarged vein in your testicle. Varicoceles cause approximately 40 percent of male fertility problems. They can cause your testicles to overheat, making the temperature too warm for sperm to grow. 

Your urologist at Arizona Urology lets you know if your varicocele needs to be surgically repaired to improve your fertility. The procedure closes off the varicocele, which redirects blood flow to normal-sized veins. This may cure the infertility problem and improve sperm quality. 

Sometimes one of the tubes that carry semen may be blocked. Using ultrasound, your physician looks for a blockage in these tubes. If one is found but your sperm production is normal, you may benefit from a surgical bypass operation. 

Not all sperm move well, and not all are shaped normally — they may have more than one tail or a crooked head and thus not be able to swim toward an egg. If problems with sperm count, quality, or delivery result in continued infertility and other treatments haven’t worked, assisted reproductive technology is available. Sperm can be used from normal ejaculation, extracted surgically, or obtained from a donor.  

Sperm delivery 

If semen shoots into the bladder instead of through the penis when you orgasm due to a bladder muscle that doesn’t contract as it should, you have a condition called retrograde ejaculation. When this occurs, your ejaculate may contain little or no semen, and thus be a cause of infertility. The cause might stem from a blood pressure medication. If the condition can’t be reversed, assisted reproductive technology can help. 

Hormonal disorder

You may have a hormonal disorder, which may account for about a third of male fertility issues. Testosterone is the hormone that causes masculine growth and development such as a deepened voice, growth of body hair, and growth of the penis and scrotum. 

If you’re diagnosed with hypogonadism, your body doesn’t produce sufficient testosterone and/or enough sperm. You can be born with the condition (primary hypogonadism), or it can develop after an injury or infection (secondary hypogonadism). The causes of the secondary type are numerous, including pituitary tumors and inflammatory diseases such as sarcoidosis. Supplemental testosterone decreases sperm production, so it’s not used to correct the hormonal disorder. 

Your Arizona Urology physician tests your hormone level with a simple morning blood test. Assisted reproductive technology techniques such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection, in which a single sperm cell is injected into a female egg, can be utilized in cases of hypogonadism. 

Health and lifestyle choices 

Lifestyle choices can impact sperm health. Sexually transmitted diseases, including gonorrhea and herpes, if undiagnosed and untreated, can decrease male fertility by affecting sperm growth and health. 

If you smoke or drink alcohol, your sperm count can be affected. Certain medications such as anti-fungal drugs and drugs for ulcers can lower sperm count. Chronic illness such as kidney failure can cause infertility in males. If you and your partner want to get pregnant, leading a healthy lifestyle is the first step toward a healthy baby. 

Call Arizona Urology or send us a message today for expert treatment for male infertility and any other urological concerns you may have. 

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