What is the probability that when 2 coins are tossed at the same time both will come up as heads?

I have now thought about this a bit more, and I think the way we get the information "one gets head" is important.

In the question, I put that the possible cases were:

  • Head - Head
  • Head - Tail
  • Tail - Head
  • Tail - Tail

Each tends to happen $25$% of the time.

If we see the first to fall comes up head, then we restrict to cases $1$ and $2$, and so the probabilities are $1/2$. Only in $50$% of the time we can see the first one coming up head, and in its half both coins end having head.

If the information was gotten from another person who sees the outcomes while you have not, and that person is forced to tell you that one coin came up head always that it happens, then that person will do it $75$% of the time, of which its $1/3$ is when both coins get head. So, once we know we are in those $75$%, we have $1/3$ probability.

If that another person was free to say you either "one coin came up head" or "one coin came up tail", then the probabilities are $1/2$ for both coins coming up head. The reason is that in the two cases we have got a head and a tail, that person has $1/2$ probability to report "one coin came up head".

$1)$ $25$% of the time we get two heads, and in all this cases that person tells you that one coin came up head.

$2)$ $50$% of the time we get a head and a tail, but only in half of its cases ($25$%), he tells you that one of them came up head. In the other half, he tells you that one of them came up tail.

$3)$ $25$% of the time we get two tails, and in all this cases that person tells you that one coin came up tail.

So, only in $25$% $+ 25$% $= 50$% he says you that one coin came up head, of which its half is when you have both coins head.

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Here we will learn how to find the probability of tossing two coins.

Let us take the experiment of tossing two coins simultaneously:

When we toss two coins simultaneously then the possible of outcomes are: (two heads) or (one head and one tail) or (two tails) i.e., in short (H, H) or (H, T) or (T, T) respectively; where H is denoted for head and T is denoted for tail.

Therefore, total numbers of outcome are 22 = 4

The above explanation will help us to solve the problems on finding the probability of tossing two coins.

Worked-out problems on probability involving tossing or flipping two coins:

1. Two different coins are tossed randomly. Find the probability of:

(i) getting two heads

(ii) getting two tails

(iii) getting one tail

(iv) getting no head

(v) getting no tail

(vi) getting at least 1 head

(vii) getting at least 1 tail

(viii) getting atmost 1 tail

(ix) getting 1 head and 1 tail


When two different coins are tossed randomly, the sample space is given by

S = {HH, HT, TH, TT}

Therefore, n(S) = 4.

(i) getting two heads:

Let E1 = event of getting 2 heads. Then,
E1 = {HH} and, therefore, n(E1) = 1.
Therefore, P(getting 2 heads) = P(E1) = n(E1)/n(S) = 1/4.

(ii) getting two tails:

Let E2 = event of getting 2 tails. Then,
E2 = {TT} and, therefore, n(E2) = 1.
Therefore, P(getting 2 tails) = P(E2) = n(E2)/n(S) = 1/4.

(iii) getting one tail:

Let E3 = event of getting 1 tail. Then,
E3 = {TH, HT} and, therefore, n(E3) = 2.
Therefore, P(getting 1 tail) = P(E3) = n(E3)/n(S) = 2/4 = 1/2

(iv) getting no head:

Let E4 = event of getting no head. Then,
E4 = {TT} and, therefore, n(E4) = 1.
Therefore, P(getting no head) = P(E4) = n(E4)/n(S) = ¼.

(v) getting no tail:

Let E5 = event of getting no tail. Then,
E5 = {HH} and, therefore, n(E5) = 1.
Therefore, P(getting no tail) = P(E5) = n(E5)/n(S) = ¼.

(vi) getting at least 1 head:

Let E6 = event of getting at least 1 head. Then,
E6 = {HT, TH, HH} and, therefore, n(E6) = 3.
Therefore, P(getting at least 1 head) = P(E6) = n(E6)/n(S) = ¾.

(vii) getting at least 1 tail:

Let E7 = event of getting at least 1 tail. Then,
E7 = {TH, HT, TT} and, therefore, n(E7) = 3.
Therefore, P(getting at least 1 tail) = P(E2) = n(E2)/n(S) = ¾.

(viii) getting atmost 1 tail:

Let E8 = event of getting atmost 1 tail. Then,
E8 = {TH, HT, HH} and, therefore, n(E8) = 3.
Therefore, P(getting atmost 1 tail) = P(E8) = n(E8)/n(S) = ¾.

(ix) getting 1 head and 1 tail:

Let E9 = event of getting 1 head and 1 tail. Then,
E9 = {HT, TH } and, therefore, n(E9) = 2.
Therefore, P(getting 1 head and 1 tail) = P(E9) = n(E9)/n(S)= 2/4 = 1/2.

The solved examples involving probability of tossing two coins will help us to practice different questions provided in the sheets for flipping 2 coins.



Random Experiments

Experimental Probability

Events in Probability

Empirical Probability

Coin Toss Probability

Probability of Tossing Two Coins

Probability of Tossing Three Coins

Complimentary Events

Mutually Exclusive Events

Mutually Non-Exclusive Events

Conditional Probability

Theoretical Probability

Odds and Probability

Playing Cards Probability

Probability and Playing Cards

Probability for Rolling Two Dice

Solved Probability Problems

Probability for Rolling Three Dice

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