What is the similarities between informative and argumentative writing?

A persuasive essay, also known as an argumentative essay, takes a stance on a topic or point and argues it, usually using research to back it up. Persuasive essays are usually written in third person point of view. A narrative essay is often more like a story, where the writer takes a creative approach and frequently writes in the first person point of view. While there are many differences between the two types of essays, there are also similarities.

One similarity between the persuasive and narrative essay is the presence of purpose. Each of these types of essays generally has a main point or purpose that is explored throughout the body of the paper. While the purpose of a persuasive essay is to persuade the reader, the purpose of the narrative essay is to make the reader feel something. Both types of essays strive to reach their purpose by the final paragraph, using specific techniques throughout, including research in the persuasive essay and imagery in the narrative.

Format and Structure

The format of both a persuasive essay and narrative essay are similar. While the persuasive essay follows the five-paragraph model more strictly, with an introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion, the narrative essay also has structure. For example, while a narrative essay is more like a story, it still generally has an introductory paragraph that gives the reader an idea of what is to come. Both types of essays also conclude by making a final point or observation.

Writers of both types of papers consider their audience and write accordingly. If the narrative and persuasive essay are written in college, for example, then both types of essays have an academic audience. Regardless of their differences, the writing should be clear and concise, and the message should be obvious. In both argumentative and narrative essays, the audience should gain an insight or learn something. Both types of essays should leave the reader with an impression at the end that the writer intended.

Details and Support

Both narrative and persuasive essays should take the reader down a path. In a narrative essay, that path is usually personal to the writer, whereas a persuasive essay typically takes the impersonal approach by arguing using evidence. Either way, each type of essay is supported by details. In a personal narrative, those details might be things that happened along the way to lead the writer to his final point or conclusion. In a persuasive essay, those details are arguments that back up the writer’s main premise.

When it comes to argumentative and informative essays there are a lot of similarities, and also a lot that makes them different. Any EssayHub writer will point out the differences immediately, but not any student. For one, both are types of essays that rely on information and facts. People often mistake the two so it is vital to try and explain the main differences. In this article, we are going to try and proved the answer to the question what’s the difference between argumentative & informative essays. For one, you need to know that the argumentative type tries to work on the reader and the attempt lies in the fact of trying to convince the reader to accept the writer’s view on the matter in question. The informative essay, on the other hand, is based on providing the reader with facts and information directly with the final thought being left to them.

Informative Essays


Most informative essays are focused on a certain topic or a problem and are trying to explain it to the audience. The goal of every informative writer is to be objective, at all times neutral, and without attempts to push the narrative to either side. You could argue that informative writers are alike reporters that work on news. The difference would be that writers only deal with true information and facts, without trying to form an opinion or to convince the reader into anything. If a writer wants to remain true to this type of writing it is essential to stick to the facts and never layout personal beliefs, opinions, or ideas.

If we are talking about SAGE testing or similar tests, informative essays should contain three paragraphs. It all starts with an introduction paragraph which should serve as an introduction for what follows. In the beginning, you should focus on what your entire paper is going to be about. Moving on and you should put all the vital information and facts on the topic in the body of the essay. It should be filled with everything that you know about the subject. The final part of the informative essay is the conclusion that should take a brief look at everything you laid out in the parts above. If your goal is to pass a SAGE test stick to the construction we explained above. But, you should know that real writers write about long topics. Due to this fact, they use as many body paragraphs as they need to explain their topic.

Argumentative Essays


This type of essay is a bit more interesting as the writer isn’t only laying out information, but it’s trying to convince the audience of his opinions. It contains not only information and facts about the subject but is also filled with writers’ opinions and ideas. Compared to an informative essay it is more personal to the writer. It all starts with him preparing research into a subject that has a goal of collecting enough evidence and making his stance viable to the reader. While the writer is free to be subjective and biased it also has to be aware that the other side could have its opinion. In surroundings like these, it is essential not to allow yourself to stray away from logic and reasoning. If you want to write an argumentative essay for SAGE testing it needs to be at least four or five paragraphs long. Same as with an informative essay the first paragraph needs to be all about introduction where you’ll make a case for the rest of the argument. In the next two or even three paragraphs, you’ll need to create enough essence for the argument you’re trying to make. This should be the body of your essay which should contain everything you have on the subject and what helped you to form an opinion on the given subject. The last paragraph is of course the conclusion which should be the summary of everything you’ve said in the paragraphs above. Similar to what we said in the passage above, if you are doing this for the sake of SAGE testing do not force the body paragraphs but stick to two or three. Bur if you are a professional writer or you tend to be one, be free to use as many body paragraphs as you like or need to prove your argument. If you need help writing this type of essay you can always seek Wr1ter for help.

The Difference


As you can see from the two paragraphs above there are some vital differences between these two styles. By using our recommendations we also have an introduction, two body paragraphs, and what you are reading right now is the conclusion. Our form is purely informative, as you guess. Talking about the differences the primary one lies in the fact that informative essays only contain pure information on any given subject. Argumentative essays offer much more in terms of writers’ ideas, opinions, and stances, while also relying plenty on facts, information, and various statistics. But, this is not all. Furthermore, informative essays tend to be unbiased, objective, and true to the topic without straying away from it. At the same time, argumentative ones tend to be a lot more subjective and biased, containing much of the writer’s personal touch on the subject.

Argumentative essays cover a lot more writing field as they are a combination of information and facts, but also writers’ opinions and emotions are tied into it. Also, if you are looking to spot the difference straight away it is made possible for you. These two types are different from the start and one of the essential differences can be seen straight in the introduction. For one, the informative essay states what the topic is and it is introduced to the reader in the first few sentences. On the other hand, we have an argumentative essay which in the first few sentences is trying to show what the argument is to the reader. As you can see there are many differences and some of them are easy to spot, others not so much. We hope that after reading this article things are at least a bit clearer to you.

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