What is the time in rate requirement from e3 to E-4?

By Fraser Sherman Updated June 28, 2018

It doesn't normally take knowledge to rise as an Army private. Promotion from E1 to E2 to E3 is automatic: Put in your time and you rise in rank. You can make it from Private (E1) to Private First Class (E3) in about a year.

The E1 private is the lowest rank in the Army. It's the initial rank for an enlisted soldier emerging from basic training. E1s have no insignia on their uniforms. E2 is the next step up – private second-class. They do have an insignia, but they're still addressed simply as "private." E3, or private first-class, is the next step, with a different insignia. Even at this level, the primary duty of privates is still to obey whatever orders they're given.

At time of writing, moving from E1 to E3 improves pay by around $3,500 for soldiers with two years of experience or less. With four years of experience, the pay gap is more than $6,000. That doesn't include any bonuses or allowances the privates might earn.

The Army promotes privates automatically based on two factors, their time in the service and their time at a given grade. E1s move up to second class after six months of service. E2s become privates first class after a year's time in the service and four months' time as an E2.

If you have the right qualifications, you can speed things up and enter the Army as an E3. This requires you to have some education before you enlist. Options for advanced enlistment include:

  • Three or more years of Junior ROTC.
  • One year of senior reserve officer training.
  • At least 48 college credits.
  • Two more years of VOTEC training.

If you have the right background, you can wrap up boot camp and emerge as a private first class.

After you've served as an E3, you can probably advance to E4. There are actually two kinds of E4: the corporal and the specialist.

The corporal is the lowest rank of noncommissioned officer. Your commanding officer can promote you from E3 to corporal after 26 months in service, six months time in grade and provided you have any necessary security clearances. Your superiors can waive the time in grade to as little as three months.

The specialist is less about leadership and more about having specialized, useful skills. Becoming this kind of E4 requires technical expertise or a college degree. If you have them when you enlist, you may be able to start out as an E4.

By Fraser Sherman Updated December 21, 2021

You can't rise from a Navy E-3 to E-4 – seaman to petty officer – in the reserves just by putting in time. The promotion is never automatic, no matter how long you've waited. There has to be a vacancy, and your test scores for promotion have to be good enough to make the cut. Spending minimum time at the E-3 rank is a requirement, though.

Whether active duty or reserves, once you become a Navy E-3, you have to wait six months before you can test to become an E-4, the lowest-ranked petty officer. You also need your commanding officer's recommendation, a good score on the promotion test, and a vacancy you can fill.

The Navy ranks list is actually the Navy rates list: Commissioned officers have ranks, everyone below them has what are called rates, explains the Military.com website. The Navy E-1 through Navy E-3 rates are apprenticeships. At E-1, you're a recruit; at E-2, you're an apprentice seaman, fireman or hospital corpsman; at Navy E-3, you're a seaman, fireman and so on. While the names are different, the pay rates are the same for an E-1 through E-3 in other services.

E-4 through E-6 are petty officers, the equivalent of noncommissioned officers in the other military branches. Navy CyberSpace explains that petty officers are technicians and work managers. They have greater responsibility and authority than the apprenticeship ratings, and it goes up as they rise in the ranks. They're expected to be fully qualified at accomplishing their duties, which may include maintenance, repairs and operating the systems relevant to their skill set.

The same ratings apply to positions in the Naval reserves. Operation Military Kids points out that reservist E-3s and petty officers drill one weekend a month and serve two weeks of active duty a year.

Navy Advancement.com says Time In Rating (TIR) is an important concept for active duty or reserve Navy personnel who hope for promotion. You cannot be promoted without putting in a certain amount of time at your current rank. At E-1 and E-2, you have to wait nine months before trying for a promotion. An E-3 only has to wait six months.

Time is only one of the factors. Advancing from recruit to apprentice and from apprentice to Navy E-3 is automatic, but going from seaman or airman to petty officer is never automatic. Along with completing your TIR, you need a recommendation from your commanding officer. This depends partly on your evaluations during the previous eight to nine months.

Then you have to score well enough on the promotion exam to win one of the limited number of vacancies. The twice-yearly exams take place in March and September. The exams have 200 questions. On the E-4 test, 150 questions are about occupational standards, while 50 concern general military knowledge.

After testing is done, potential E-4s are compared based on their test scores, performance evaluations and any awards they've received. A letter of commendation gives you an extra point toward promotion, while a Congressional Medal of Honor gets 10. The different factors are combined and weighted according to a complicated formula.

For advancement to E-4, the member must have a minimum of 6 months Time in Rate (TIR) and an E-3.

What information is used to calculate an FMS?

For those who are CPO board eligible, the FMS is computed using Performance Mark Average and exam score only. OPNAV N132 provides advancement quotas for the Active Duty cycles and BUPERS-32 provides advancement quotas for the SELRES cycles.

Which of the following criteria is a sta 21 program eligibility requirements?

The STA-21 program requires a minimum score of 500 critical reading and 500 math, or an ACT score of 20 english and 21 math for eligibility. The single exception to this is the nuclear option, where the minimums are a composite Scholastic Aptitude Test score of 1,140 or a composite ACT score of 30.

At what frequency are career development boards required to be completed?

When should you receive a CDB? Boards should be given within 30 days of checking into a new command, at the six-month point and then every year thereafter. You will also need a CDB when applying for a commission or other special programs and 24 months prior to high-year tenure as well as for Perform-to-Serve.

What is time in rate requirement from e3 to E-4?

For advancement to E-4, the member must have a minimum of 6 months Time in Rate (TIR) and an E-3.

What is the time in rate requirement from e1 to e2?

9 months

What time frame between orders negotiation windows is what specific number of months?

Previously, the orders negotiation window was seven to nine months before a Sailor’s projected rotation date (PRD). With the new policy, Sailors will begin negotiating and applying for advertised billets seven to 12 months before their PRD.

When applying for the STA-21 program which of the following exams is required to be taken?

A: In order to be considered for the STA-21 Commissioning Program, applicants must have minimum SAT test scores of 500 Math and 500 Critical Reading (or ACT test scores of 21 Math and 20 English). Note: Applicants for the Nuclear Option must have minimum of 1140 SAT (combined) or 50 ACT (combined Math/English).

What information on an evaluation determines if it should be used for PMA computation?

To calculate the Performance Evaluation Promotion Points or PMA (performance mark average), used in the chart below, one simply uses the average of the ratings received while in the current paygrade. Add up the marks received in the current paygrade, then divide by the total number of evaluations.

How are passed not advanced points calculated?

PNA (Passed Not Advanced) Points are added to your FMS (E-4/5/6 only) if you pass the test, but are not advanced. PNA Points come from two sources, your exam Standard Score (SS) and your Performance Mark Average (PMA). You can receive up to 1.5 Points each for PMA and SS per exam with a maximum of 3.0 per exam.

How are Rsca PMA points calculated?

ITA Points Above RSCAAdditional RSCA Points0.20 to 0.340.400.35 to 0.490.600.50 to 0.640.800.65 to 0.791.005 more rows

How are Navy advancements scored?

When NAC grades the exams, they take all the raw scores (number of questions answered correctly by each candidate) and distribute those scores among each paygrade and rating. The normalizing of the scores results in a range from 20 to 80, where the person in a rating who answers the most questions correctly gets an 80.

What is the STA-21 program?

The Seaman to Admiral 21 was designed to combine a number of commissioning programs into one. With this new program, enlisted Sailors are given the opportunity to receive a commission while maintaining the benefits of being active duty. Sailors receive up to $10,000 per year for books, fees, and tuition.

Which of the following criteria is an LDO program eligibility requirement?

Active duty applicants for LDO must have at least eight, but not more than 16 years of active duty service. For Sailors considering CWO, the eligibility requirements include U.S. citizenship, serving in pay grade E-7 through E-9, and at least 12, but not more than 24 years of active duty service.

Which of the following commissioning programs is a STA-21?

STA-21 or Seaman to Admiral – 21 is a United States Navy commissioning program, designed to enable active-duty sailors to get a college degree and become commissioned officers.

At what level is the reporting career development board?

command level

What is a Navy Career Development Board?

Career Development Boards (CDBs) are the primary delivery method to ensure Sailors are provided the guidance necessary to make informed career decisions based on current Navy policies, programs, and procedures.

Which of the following criteria is a sta 21 program eligibility requirement?

The STA-21 program requires a minimum score of 500 critical reading and 500 math, or an ACT score of 20 english and 21 math for eligibility. The single exception to this is the nuclear option, where the minimums are a composite Scholastic Aptitude Test score of 1,140 or a composite ACT score of 30.

What maximum amount of time does a Sailor have to submit an appeal?

The appeal must be submitted within five days of your hearing. There are three grounds for appeal: (1) there was not enough evidence to find you guilty; (2) the punishment imposed was too severe; or (3) the commander did not follow proper procedures.

When computing the HYT date for active duty Sailors e1 through E-4 you should use which of the following types of military service?

9 months

How long does it take to go from e1 to E2?

Rising in the Ranks The Army promotes privates automatically based on two factors, their time in the service and their time at a given grade. E1s move up to second class after six months of service. E2s become privates first class after a year’s time in the service and four months’ time as an E2

How long does it take to rank up from E-1 to E-2 in the Navy?

RequirementsE-1 to E-2E-2 to E-3Time-in-Grade9 months9 months as E-2SchoolBoot CampNoneBUPERS Approval to ParticipateNonePARSNone7 more rows

How long does it take to become a E2?

The processing time for an E2 visa varies by Consulate anywhere from about two weeks to four months. After an initial review is completed, the Consulate will set up an interview with the applicant. If the E2 visa is approved, it may take up to a week for the visa itself to be issued.

How do you advance from e1 to E2 in the Navy?

Navy Requirements for Increasing Pay Grades

  • E-1 to E-2: Complete boot camp.
  • E-2 to E-3: Serve nine months as E-2 and pass required Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center (NETPDC) exams.
  • E-3 to E-4: Serve six months as E-3.
  • E-4 to E-5: Serve one year as E-4.
  • E-5 to E-6: Serve three years as E-5.
  • What is the time frame between orders negotiations in Windows?

    Previously, the orders negotiation window was seven to nine months before a Sailor’s projected rotation date (PRD). With the new policy, Sailors will begin negotiating and applying for advertised billets seven to 12 months before their PRD

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