What should you do when using an AED on an infant or child younger than eight years of age quizlet?

The consensus was: AEDs may be used for children 1 to 8 years of age with no signs of circulation. Ideally the device should deliver a pediatric dose.

When preparing to obtain a 12 lead ECG the LL and RL electrodes should be placed where?

Electrode placement for a 12-lead ECG is standard, with leads placed on the left and right arm and left and right leg. Another pair of electrodes is placed between the fourth and fifth ribs on the left and right side of the sternum.

When performing CPR on a child you should compress the chest?

Place two hands (or only one hand if the child is very small) on the lower half of the childs breastbone (sternum). Using the heel of one or both hands, press straight down on (compress) the chest about 2 inches (approximately 5 centimeters) but not greater than 2.4 inches (approximately 6 centimeters)

Which of the following cardiac dysrhythmias has the greatest chance of deteriorating?

Which of the following cardiac dysrhythmias has the greatest chance of deteriorating into a pulseless rhythm? Ventricular tachycardia.

When should AED be used?

sudden cardiac arrest

Where should AED pads be placed in the anteroposterior placement for adults and children 8 years and older?

AED pads should be placed by following the diagram on the pads. The 2 common placements are anterolateral and anteroposterior. Anterolateral Placement As shown in Figure 26A, both pads will be placed on the victims bare chest. Place one AED pad directly below the right collarbone.

What is a correct approach for AED pad placement for infants and children less than 8 years of age?

Apply one pad on the upper right chest above the breast. For infants, apply on the front of the chest. Apply the second pad on the lower left chest below the armpit. For infants, apply a second pad to the back (Figure 12e).

At what age is it necessary to use the child AED pads quizlet?

Use child pads, if available, for infants and for children less than 8 years of age. If child pads are not available, use adults pads. Make sure the pads do not touch each other or overlap.

When do you need a 12 lead ECG?

The first step in acquiring a diagnostic quality 12 lead ECG is the proper positioning of your patient. Ideally, your patient should be in a supine position. However, some patients will not tolerate this. If thats the case, you can put them in a Semi-Fowlers position, partially reclined.

Which of the following is the most reliable method of estimating a patient’s cardiac output in the field?

The most frequently recommended method involves measuring the blood flow velocity (using a Doppler technique) at the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) and thus obtaining the stroke volume (SV). Echocardiography is now recommended as the first evaluation of the patient in circulatory failure [1,2,3].

Which of the following cardiac dysrhythmias has the greatest chance of deteriorating into a pulseless rhythm quizlet?

The consensus was: AEDs may be used for children 1 to 8 years of age with no signs of circulation. Ideally the device should deliver a pediatric dose.

When performing CPR on a child you should compress the chest with how many fingers?

Do the compressions on the breastbone with the tips 2 fingers, not the whole hand or with 2 hands. The quality (depth) of chest compressions is very important. If the depth of 4cm cannot be achieved with the tips of 2 fingers, use the heel of 1 hand see advice for children, below.

When compressing the chest of a child casualty during CPR it should be compressed?

Place 2 fingers on the lower half of the breastbone in the middle of the chest and press down by one-third of the depth of the chest (you may need to use one hand to do CPR depending on the size of the infant). Release the pressure. Pressing down and releasing is 1 compression

When performing CPR on a child you should quizlet?

  • Put the mask over the childs mouth and nose.
  • Tilt the head and lift the chin while pressing the mask against the childs face.
  • Give two breaths, blow for 1 second for each.
  • Dont interrupt the chest compressions for more than 10 seconds.

When performing CPR on a child you should compress the chest until a radial pulse is felt with one or two hands to a depth of 1 to 2 inches 80 to 100 times per minute?

When performing CPR on a child, you should compress the chest: –80 to 100 times per minute. -with one or two hands. -to a depth of 1 to 2 inches.

What is the most common error associated with the use of an AED?

Cardiogenic shock can occur within 24 hours of a(n): Acute myocardial infarction. Which of the following cardiac dysrhythmias has the greatest chance of deteriorating into a pulseless rhythm? Ventricular tachycardia

What is the most common error made while using an AED quizlet?

Common errors include slow chest compression rates, shallow chest compression depths, hyperventilation, long pauses in CPR before shock delivery, and delivery of electrical defibrillation for non-shockable rhythms.

When should an AED be used before or after CPR?

CPR should be performed if the patient is non-responsive and not breathing and an AED should be applied after performing CPR. If the AED does not bring the patient back to consciousness CPR should be re-administered.

What is and AED and when is it used?

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a lightweight, portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart. The shock can potentially stop an irregular heart beat (arrhythmia) and allow a normal rhythm to resume following sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).

Where should AED pads be placed in the anteroposterior placement for adults and children 8 years and older quizlet?

Where are the AED pads located during anteroposterior placement? With the anteroposterior placement, one pad will be placed on the victims bare chest (anterior) and the other will be placed on the victims back (posterior).

Where should AED pads be placed in the anterior posterior placement for adults and children 8 years and older?

For adults (includes children age 8 or older or more than 55 pounds):

  • Peel the pads off the backing.
  • Place one pad on the right side of the chest, just below the collarbone.
  • Place the other pad on the lower left side of the chest.
  • Connect the pads to the AED. Some pads come pre-connected to the AED.

Oct 13, 2020

Where would you place the AED pads on a child up to 8 years of age?

Apply one pad on the upper right chest above the breast. For infants, apply on the front of the chest. Apply the second pad on the lower left chest below the armpit. For infants, apply a second pad to the back (Figure 12e).

Where should AED pads be placed for anteroposterior?

As weve seen, the two basic positions for AED pad placement are:

  • Anterior-posterior (or front-and-back) placement: One on the front and one on the back.
  • Anterolateral placement: One on the right side of the chest and one on the lower part of the left chest wall (or a few inches below the left armpit, over the ribcage)

Nov 22, 2021

What is a correct approach for AED pad placement for infants and children less than eight years of a?

Place one pad on the upper right chest above the breast or on the infants upper left chest. Place the second pad on the lower left chest below the armpit or on the infants back. If pads will touch on the chest of an infant, apply one pad on the anterior chest and another pad on the posterior of the infant instead.

What should you do when using an AED on an infant or child younger than 8 years of age?

What should you do when using an AED on an infant of child less then 8 years of age? Use adult AED pad if the AED does not have child pads. If an manual defibrillator is not available for an infant victim which action should you take? Use an AED equipped with pediatric dose attenuator.

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