What term did Arnold Gesell use to describe genetically?

Proponents of the maturational theory regard development as the inevitable unfolding of events determined internally by the forces of genetics and the neuromaturational processes that the genes direct.

From: Encounters with Children (Fourth Edition), 2006

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What is the term that Arnold Gesell used to describe genetically programmed sequential patterns of change such as puberty or menopause? maturation.

What term is used to describe changes in size shape and characteristics of the body?

What term is used to describe changes in size, shape, and characteristics of the body? Physical domain. The basic idea that there may be significant periods in development when an organism is especially sensitive to the presence or absence of some particular kind of experience or influence is referred to as a

What is the term for changes that result from unique unshared events?

nonnormative changes (individual differences) Changes that result from unique, unshared events. normative age-graded changes. Changes that are common to every member of a species.

What is the term used for a general negative attitude about aging?

What is the term for a general negative attitude about aging, typified by the belief that older persons are incompetent or unable to complete required job functions? ageism.

What is the term that describes the organization of experiences into expectancies?

nonnormative changes (individual differences) Changes that result from unique, unshared events. normative age-graded changes. Changes that are common to every member of a species.

Is Gesell nature or nurture?

Organization of experiences into expectancies, called schemes, that enable infants to distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar stimuli.

Which of the following illustrates the term conservation According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?

Gesell recognized the importance of both nature and nurture in children’s development. He believed that children go through the stages he identified in a fixed sequence, within a certain time period, based on innate human abilities.

Which aspect of human development describes changes in size shape and characteristics of the body?

Physical development involves growth and changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills, and health and wellness. Cognitive development involves learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity. Psychosocial development involves emotions, personality, and social relationships.

What term is used to describe standardized tests that compare?

What is the term that Arnold Gesell used to describe genetically programmed sequential patterns of change such as puberty or menopause? maturation.

What is the scientific study of age related changes in behavior or thinking emotions and personality?

What term is used to describe standardized tests that compare an individual child’s score to the average score of others her age? norm-referenced tests.

What is the term used for changes that occur in most members of a cohort as a result of experiences that occur during a specific well defined historical period?

normative history-graded changes. Changes that occur in most members of a cohort as a result of factors at work during a specific, well-defined historical period.

What is an example of an off time development quizlet?

What is the term that Arnold Gesell used to describe genetically programmed sequential patterns of change such as puberty or menopause? maturation.

What term did Arnold Gesell use to describe genetically?

What is the term that Arnold Gesell used to describe genetically programmed sequential patterns of change such as puberty or menopause? maturation.

What is the definition of ageism quizlet?

ageism. a process of systematic stereotyping and discrimination again people because they are old – more broadly defined as any prejudice/discrimination against or in favor of an age group.

What is the idea that all humans are born selfish and that we must seek spiritual rebirth is called?

What is the idea that all humans are born selfish and that we must seek spiritual rebirth is called? original sin. Which of the following early theorists kept a baby biography of his children’s development?

Which of the following is an off time event?

events that occur at a nontypical or unexpected point in the lifespan for members of a given population. Examples are cancer in a child and marriage for a 90-year-old

What are the characteristics of sensorimotor stage?

The Sensorimotor Stage Children learn about the world through basic actions such as sucking, grasping, looking, and listening. Infants learn that things continue to exist even though they cannot be seen (object permanence) They are separate beings from the people and objects around them.

Which of the following terms describes a child’s ability to produce language accurately group of answer choices?

receptive language. Describe a child’s ability to produce language accurately. The abilty comes about 12 months of age. They understand that words have meaning and are able to combine sounds to communicate consistently.

What is an example of tertiary circular reactions?

Tertiary Circular Reactions (12-18 months) Children begin a period of trial-and-error experimentation during the fifth substage. For example, a child may try out different sounds or actions as a way of getting attention from a caregiver

What is the term used by linguists for grammatical markers?

What is the term used by linguists for grammatical markers? inflections.

What is Gesell’s theory of development?

Gesell emphasized that growth always progresses in a pattern through predictable stages or sequences. Sequential development begins within the embryo and continues after birth. While an individual progresses through these stages at his or her own pace, the sequence remains the same.

What did Arnold Gesell believe?

Gesell believed that even newborns could regulate their own development, and demonstrated that babies were able to determine their own schedules for eating sleeping. Gesell also observed self-regulatory mechanisms in personality, overall integration and equilibrium.

What is Arnold Gesell known for?

Arnold Gesell, in full Arnold Lucius Gesell, (born June 21, 1880, Alma, Wisconsin, U.S.died May 29, 1961, New Haven, Connecticut), American psychologist and pediatrician, who pioneered the use of motion-picture cameras to study the physical and mental development of normal infants and children and whose books

Is the maturation theory nature or nurture?

Maturational theory also emphasized nature over nurture as a determinant of child development. The nature versus nurture controversy continues to be discussed; however, experts agree that development is a dynamic process of the mixing of both environment and individual human biology.

Which of the following do psychoanalytic theories of development and most learning theories have in common?

What do Psychoanalytic and most Learning Theories have in common? They both believe that we are passive recipients of environmental influences. An important trend in the study of human development involves incorporating many theoretical perspectives in order to better explain development.

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