When an entrepreneur is faced with a window of opportunity, the entrepreneur must

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What is entrepreneurship? You probably think that the answer is obvious, and that only an academic would bother to ask this question. As a professor, I suppose I am guilty of mincing words. But like the terms “strategy” and “business model,” the word “entrepreneurship” is elastic. For some, it refers to venture capital-backed startups and their kin; for others, to any small business. For some, “corporate entrepreneurship” is a rallying cry; for others, an oxymoron.

The history of the word “entrepreneurship” is fascinating and scholars have indeed parsed its meaning. I’ll spare you the results, and focus instead on the definition we use at Harvard Business School. It was formulated by Professor Howard Stevenson, the godfather of entrepreneurship studies at HBS. According to Stevenson, entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity beyond resources controlled.

“Pursuit” implies a singular, relentless focus. Entrepreneurs often perceive a short window of opportunity. They need to show tangible progress to attract resources, and the mere passage of time consumes limited cash balances. Consequently, entrepreneurs have a sense of urgency that is seldom seen in established companies, where any opportunity is part of a portfolio and resources are more readily available.

“Opportunity” implies an offering that is novel in one or more of four ways. The opportunity may entail: 1) pioneering a truly innovative product; 2) devising a new business model; 3) creating a better or cheaper version of an existing product; or 4) targeting an existing product to new sets of customers. These opportunity types are not mutually exclusive. For example, a new venture might employ a new business model for an innovative product. Likewise, the list above is not the collectively exhaustive set of opportunities available to organizations. Many profit improvement opportunities are not novel–and thus are not entrepreneurial–for example, raising a product’s price or, once a firm has a scalable sales strategy, hiring more reps.

“Beyond resources controlled” implies resource constraints. At a new venture’s outset, its founders control only their own human, social, and financial capital. Many entrepreneurs bootstrap: they keep expenditures to a bare minimum while investing only their own time and, as necessary, their personal funds. In some cases, this is adequate to bring a new venture to the point where it becomes self-sustaining from internally generated cash flow. With most high-potential ventures, however, founders must mobilize more resources than they control personally: the venture eventually will require production facilities, distribution channels, working capital, and so forth.

Because they are pursuing a novel opportunity while lacking access to required resources, entrepreneurs face considerable risk, which comes in four main types. Demand risk relates to prospective customers’ willingness to adopt the solution envisioned by the entrepreneur. Technology risk is high when engineering or scientific breakthroughs are required to bring a solution to fruition. Execution risk relates to the entrepreneur’s ability to attract employees and partners who can implement the venture’s plans. Financing risk relates to whether external capital will be available on reasonable terms. The entrepreneur’s task is to manage this uncertainty, while recognizing that certain risks cannot be influenced by their actions.

Entrepreneurs face a Catch-22. On the one hand, it can be difficult to reduce risk without resources. For example, outside capital may be required to develop and market a product and thereby demonstrate that technical and market risks are limited. On the other hand, it can be difficult to persuade resource owners to commit to a venture when risk is still high. Entrepreneurs employ four tactics in coping with this Catch-22:

  • Lean experimentation allows them to resolve risks quickly and with limited resource expenditure, by relying on a “minimum viable product,” that is, the smallest possible set of activities required to rigorously test a business model hypothesis.
  • Staged investing allows entrepreneurs to address risks sequentially, expending only the resources required to meet a given milestone–before committing the resources needed to achieve the next milestone.
  • Partnering allows entrepreneurs to leverage another organization’s resources and thereby shifts risks to parties better able/more willing to bear them. In a variation of this tactic, entrepreneurs rent resources to keep costs variable and to avoid the big fixed outlays associated with resource ownership.
  • “Storytelling” by entrepreneurs–conjuring a vision of a better world that could be brought about by their venture–can encourage resource owners to downplay risks and in the process commit more resources than they would if they had not been inspired. Steve Jobs, for example, was famous for his mesmerizing “reality distortion field,” through which he impelled employees, partners, and investors to go to extraordinary lengths to help fulfill his dreams.

So, does Stevenson’s definition of entrepreneurship matter, in practical terms? I’d argue that it does, for two reasons. First, it sees entrepreneurship as a distinctive approach to managing rather than a specific stage in an organization’s life cycle (i.e., startup), a specific role for an individual (i.e., founder), or a constellation of personality attributes (e.g., predisposition for risk taking; preference for independence). In this view, entrepreneurs can be found in many different types of organizations, including large corporations. That should be encouraging if you believe that entrepreneurship is an engine of global economic development and a force for positive change in society.

Second, the definition provides a guidepost for entrepreneurial action; it points to tactics entrepreneurs can take to manage risk and mobilize resources. One of my former students put it well when asked to give advice to aspiring entrepreneurs: “For me, ‘pursuing opportunity beyond resources controlled’ sums up perfectly what I do day-to-day. You need to be inventive, creative, opportunistic, and persuasive, because you rarely have enough resources. Embracing this definition helps me in my role.”

Home / News / Business strategy: making the most of a window of opportunity

Professor Jie Yan is the Director of the Grenoble Ecole de Management DBA China program and a professor of innovation and Entrepreneurship. He is the co-author of a recent research paper in collaboration with Jie Xiong, an associate professor at ESSCA School of Management, and colleagues from Rennes School of Business. Their publication ,"Closing the gap: the Chinese electric vehicle industry owns the road", offers new insights to better understand windows of opportunity and how to capitalize on them.

What is a window of opportunity?

In our case, windows of opportunity generally refer to a moment in market development when there is an opportunity for latecomers to play catch-up. Windows of opportunity can be categorized into three groups: policy related, market related and technology related. A window of opportunity arises when there is an important disruption in one of these three categories. For example, in the Chinese electric vehicle market there was an initial policy disruption that opened the way for a window of opportunity. Initially, the Chinese electric vehicle market was activated by policies designed to welcome major foreign automobile companies and encourage them to develop electric vehicle subsidiaries in China (50-50 joint ventures with Chinese firms for local production and technology transfer). When Chinese policy switched to focus on providing support for Chinese companies to grow, this created a window of opportunity. Chinese automobile companies were latecomers in the Chinese mainland electric vehicle market. However, thanks to this switch in policy these Chinese latecomers were able to overtake the subsidiaries of major foreign automobile companies in order to become the leaders of the Chinese electric vehicle market.

How can companies identify and capitalize on a window of opportunity?

First, managers have to pay attention to any major disruption in terms of policy, market demand or technology. For example, companies that quickly identified the impact of the COVID-19 crisis (e.g., government policies and recommendations to encourage telecommuting) were able to seize an opportunity to take the lead in markets related to the digitalization of services. Once you identify a potential window of opportunity, the question is how to implement a successful strategy. As each window of opportunity is uniquely defined by factors related to its sector, it's difficult to reach a general consensus on the best strategic approach. However, some fundamental guidelines can be helpful:

  • Managers have to consider internal resources and external demands. Does the company have the knowledge, talent or strategic partners required to match the demands created by a window of opportunity. In order to successfully capitalize on an opportunity, the company must first have the right resources available.
  • Managers have to identify the long-term goal of the window of opportunity. In the example of the Chinese electric vehicle market, one long-term goal was for Chinese automobile manufacturers to become the leaders of the Chinese market. This sets the framework and timeframe for the window of opportunity, which would be very different for example if the goal was to become a global leader. Managers have to consider how far their wish to go in pursuing a window of opportunity. This is essential to define the timing and requirements of a catch-up strategy.
  • Managers must see windows of opportunity as dynamic systems. A discontinuity in one of the three groups (policy, demand or technology) will result in changes in the other two. For example, the Chinese government policy to encourage electric vehicles created changes in the market (e.g., through incentives to support the purchasing of electric vehicles) and in technology (e.g., local Chinese manufacturers acquired new knowledge and technology thanks to government promoted joint ventures with leading international automobile firms). If managers and businesses only have a static perspective of any one of these three factors, they will most likely miss out on the potential window of opportunity.

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    Dominique Steiler, Directeur Associé de Grenoble Ecole de Management, et Titulaire de la chaire de Paix économique, Mindfulness et Bien-être au travail, a été reçu par Xerfi Canal pour parler de paix économique et du progrès social en entreprise.

  • Published on 08 October 2019

    Charles-Clemens Rüling, Associate Dean for Research at Grenoble Ecole de Management, works with a team of experts on role of trust in the mHealth and eHealth segments.

  • Published on 08 October 2019

    Charles-Clemens Rüling, Directeur de la Recherche à GEM, travaille avec une équipe d’experts sur cette question. Reçu par Xerfi Canal, il nous en dit plus sur les mécanismes de confiance en jeu dans la relation patient-médecin.

  • Published on 02 October 2019

    This year, the questionnaire was completed by more than 25% of the students at the Grenoble School (approximately 800 respondents), all training programs combined. Results, analyses and actions implemented to curb this phenomenon as much as possible.

  • Published on 16 September 2019

    3D images, videos, detailed product files… Digitally enhanced catalogs offer a new, trendy marketing tool. Yet research confirms that such enhancements aren’t necessarily a worthy investment.

  • Published on 23 September 2019

    After the fire at the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, questions still remain as to the causes of the fire and the solution for an authentic restoration process. Sylvain Colombero, a researcher at Grenoble Ecole de Management, shares his analysis of...

  • Published on 17 September 2019

    Sylvie Blanco, Professor-Researcher in Management and Technology, and Executive Director of Innovation at Grenoble Ecole de Management, explains in a Xerfi Canal interview.

  • Published on 17 September 2019

    Sylvie Blanco, Enseignant-Chercheur au Département Management et Technologie et Directrice Exécutif de l’innovation à Grenoble Ecole de Management a été reçue par Xerfi Canal pour en débattre.

  • Published on 02 September 2019

    Xerfi Canal interviewed Ismael Al-Amoudi, professor of Social and Organizational Theory at GEM and Director of "le Centre d’Ontologie Sociale", to talk about challenges around artificial intelligence.

  • Published on 21 July 2019

    Created with a design thinking approach, the TIM Lab offers a collaborative space for learning about and improving business innovation. From idea generation to prototyping, participants are encouraged to improve their autonomy and creativity for...

  • Published on 21 July 2019

    Can art positively influence our perception of a brand? WIth the cooperation of a local artist, GEM researchers explore the impact of art on GEM customers.

  • Published on 22 July 2019

    Innovation is at the heart of business growth, in particular for dynamic sectors such as the high tech industry. To encourage radical innovation, it’s essential to integrate a future-oriented search and analysis process throughout an innovation...

  • Published on 16 July 2019

    Festivals may be short-lived events, but they have become important social institutions that combine conformism and contestation.

  • Published on 12 July 2019

    Xerfi Canal a reçu Dima Louis, professeur assistant à GEM et co-auteur du livre Complex Situations in Coaching, pour qu’elle évoque les aspects cachés du coaching.

  • Published on 12 July 2019

    Xerfi Canal a reçu Dima Louis, professeur assistant à GEM et co-auteur du livre Complex Situations in Coaching, pour qu’elle évoque les aspects cachés du coaching.

  • Published on 24 June 2019

    In 2019, talking about male / female controversy in entrepreneurship no longer makes any sense. Is addressing the subject through femininity and masculinity a better way to understand it?

  • Published on 24 June 2019

    En 2019, parler de la dialectique homme/femme dans l’entrepreneuriat n’a plus de sens. Pourquoi ne pas plutôt aborder le sujet en parlant de féminité et de masculinité ?

  • Published on 21 June 2019

    The age of virtual reality is upon us and with it, new approaches to education. Thanks to its immersive environment, virtual reality offers a unique opportunity for training in at-risk environments such as hospital operating rooms.

  • Published on 18 June 2019

    Xerfi Canal interviewed Yannick Chatelain, Associate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management, to talk about his book : Le Strat'Ego : Les meilleures et les pires pratiques de marketing personnel.

  • Published on 18 June 2019

    Xerfi Canal a reçu Yannick Chatelain, professeur associé à Grenoble Ecole de Management, dans le cadre de son livre "Le Strat'Ego : Les meilleures et les pires pratiques de marketing personnel".

  • Published on 22 May 2019

    Cet article est tiré de la dernière enquête Duke University–Grenoble École de Management qui mesure chaque trimestre, depuis plus de 20 ans, le climat des affaires tel qu’il est perçu par les responsables financiers des entreprises à travers le...

  • Published on 24 May 2019

    The 90s brought sensorial experiences to physical shops. With the digital revolution, how can we bring the same experiences to digital environments?

  • Published on 09 April 2019

    Grenoble Ecole de Management, University Grenoble Alpes, Imperial College London and Heidelberg University have partnered with the start-up Simango to deliver the first virtual reality training on infection control in operating rooms.

  • Published on 24 March 2019

    In 2017, the gender pay gap stopped it’s decade long decrease… How can companies and governments continue to make progress on this issue?

  • Published on 11 March 2019

    Over the past 20 years, the pace of technological development has skyrocketed. To stay competitive, companies have to innovate efficiently and quickly bring new products or services to market. Open innovation offers a vision that can increase the...

  • Published on 22 February 2019

    Charles-Clemens Rüling, Associate Dean for Research at GEM and Coordinator of the Chair for Public Trust in Health

  • Published on 22 February 2019

    Alors même que l’on constate une érosion de la confiance au quotidien, elle reste un élément clé pour le fonctionnement de notre société. Si elle atténue la complexité de nos organisations, comment la définir et quel est son rôle dans le secteur...

  • Published on 14 February 2019

    What are these custom and very specific types of virtual simulations and how can they open up a multitude of new opportunities for us?

  • Published on 31 January 2019

    The Winter 2018 edition of the Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) Energy Market Barometer explores the opinion of the French energy experts on the role of blockchain technology for the French energy sector. The experts were also asked about their...

  • Published on 31 January 2019

    Cette édition de l’hiver 2018 du Baromètre du Marché de l’Energie de Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) sonde l’opinion des experts français de l’énergie sur le rôle de la technologie Blockchain au sein du secteur énergétique français. Les experts...

  • Published on 21 December 2018

    It takes 21 days to change a habit. What if a serious game could change our innovation habits in 21 days?

  • Published on 21 December 2018

    Recent research demonstrates the power of images, in particular when trying to raise public awareness or change ingrained habits.

  • Published on 21 December 2018

    Why do we double down and risk losing everything at a casino yet refuse to accept other bets that have much better odds? Risk aversion and cognitive bias help us understand unwise decisions.

  • Published on 23 November 2018

    Serious games, the first-year challenge, research chairs, a business lab… Innovation is at the heart of Grenoble Ecole de Management. The school offers students, researchers and businesses an environment to foster creativity and collaboration.

  • Published on 05 November 2018

    When I started my Doctorate of Business Administration at Grenoble Ecole de Management four years ago, about 20 years had passed since I had earned my PhD in Chemistry. Since that milestone, I had been in several senior business management positions...

  • Published on 22 October 2018

    Is your tech company looking to improve its market strategy? TechBiz offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with motivated and specialized students. Under the supervision of an experienced mentor, the students will offer an in-depth analysis of...

  • Published on 16 October 2018

    Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) has appointed Charles-Clemens Rüling, professor of organization theory, as its new Associate Dean for Research. His long standing experience in conducting and managing high-level academic research, his publication...

  • Published on 06 December 2018

    Grenoble Ecole de Management's new serious game « 21 days, The Innovation Quest » has been awarded the Silver Award in the Cultivating Curiosity category of Re-imagine Education, the international competition rewarding educational innovative...

  • Published on 27 September 2018

    Permaculture is usually thought of as a farming practice. Yet knew research explores its potential to help us reorganize society. Thanks to its alternative approach to organizations, permaculture could offer us a positive solution to overcome...

  • Published on 10 July 2018

    Two graduates from our MSc Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship program share two completely different experiences as entrepreneurs. Their stories emphasize the need for new business founders to be able to solve problems, and to seize...

  • Published on 21 June 2018

    Formatted, creative methods with a framework enable scientifically proven increases in innovation processes. The stakes are high as only 15% of innovative ideas at a company end up as financial and commercial successes.

  • Published on 19 June 2018

    Remanufactured goods can provide companies with higher profit margins. But, it’s essential for companies to implement a strategy that adequately balances the sale of new and remanufactured products.

  • Published on 18 May 2018

    To improve sales, retail websites focus on personalizing their web pages and increasing their influence on social networks. To achieve these goals, should they rely on internal resources or call on external service providers? A study of 105 U.S....

  • Published on 23 April 2018

    Innovative companies rely on experimentation to develop their business models. However, this approach can be quite costly and the risks are underappreciated. Two GEM researchers recently analyzed the experiences of startups in the connected health...

  • Published on 26 February 2018

    The sharing economy encompasses an immense range of actors, including everything from majors economic players (e.g., Airbnb and Uber) to local community-based initiatives (e.g., repair cafés or fablabs). With such a variety of players, it is...

  • Published on 22 February 2018

    Lama Halwani started the DBA journey in 2015 at GEM. Her article about heritage luxury brands has recently been accepted in its current form for publication in Qualitative Market Research.

  • Published on 19 December 2017

    Design thinking is the art of finding unexpected solutions. How can we encourage this creative process?

  • Published on 14 December 2017

    Why are social entrepreneurs more often women? What motivates their engagement? New research bring into question old stereotypes.

  • Published on 08 December 2017

    All innovation processes begin with the generation of new ideas, the majority of which end up not being useful. To improve this process, businesses are involving customers. However, the quality of ideas generated by customers is often quite...

  • Published on 08 December 2017

    Si vous demandez à des consommateurs d’être créatif en faisant des analogies, ils émettront beaucoup d’idées de produits ou de services. Mais si vous voulez de bonnes idées, il faut également tenir compte de leur niveau d’expertise afin de bien...

  • Published on 01 December 2017

    Are profits and performance the only indicators of success? As businesses and governments around the world begin to question this vision, the Grenoble metropolis has launched a new initiative to develop indicators that measure the sustainability and...

  • Published on 17 November 2017

    From fighting poverty and illness to providing disaster relief, corporations around the world dedicate considerable resources to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Contributions come in a variety of forms such as monetary donations, the donation...

  • Published on 17 November 2017

    De la lutte contre la pauvreté et la maladie à l'aide aux sinistrés, les entreprises du monde entier consacrent des ressources considérables à leur politique RSE. Cela peut prendre différentes formes : dons en argent, dons de matériel ou bénévolat...

  • Published on 12 October 2017

    The number of certifications for businesses continues to grow year after year. While ISO standards have become commonplace for many companies in Europe, few companies question whether such an investment provides a good return on investment.

  • Published on 28 September 2017

    Policy-makers, researchers and entrepreneurs generally agree that R...

  • Published on 28 September 2017

    Décideurs, chercheurs et entrepreneurs conviennent facilement que la R...

  • Published on 03 July 2017

    French Tech goes to Singapore, a hub for technology and innovation in Southeast Asia.

  • Published on 08 July 2017

    Grenoble Ecole de Management launches a new chair to promote research and development on anosmia, a condition that causes patients to lose their sense of smell.

  • Published on 17 June 2017

    Emerging technology can impact society and the economy in a variety of ways. Nanovalor creates a platform to analyze and learn about the value of new tech.

  • Published on 20 March 2017

    How are markets and capital using new economic models to eat away at our free time on weekends? Gazi Islam, a researcher and professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management, studies individual and organizational work experiences. He recently looked at how...

  • Published on 18 March 2017

    Jérôme Giachino, fondateur de Starzik, a témoigné à Grenoble Ecole de Management d’une problématique d’innovation de rupture : la digitalisation et le téléchargement légal de la musique.

  • Published on 20 March 2017

    Gazi Islam démontre que la colonisation de l’espace de loisirs par le travail crée les conditions sociales et psychologiques permettant au travail de se faire.

  • Published on 20 November 2016

    If you would like to raise funds for a project using crowdfunding, recent research highlights that it is better to underline what makes your idea unique rather than emphasize transparency and a multitude of explanations. This conclusion is the...

  • Published on 18 October 2016

    More than 800 million people worldwide are undernourished. And despite this, we waste a third of our global food supply every year. Despite the development of many good practices to reduce household waste, food is often squander unintentionally. In...

  • Published on 02 January 2017

    La chute des taux d’intérêt a entrainé une baisse des profits bancaires. Les banques compensent ce manque à gagner en augmentant les frais bancaires. Virginie Monvoisin et Grégory Vanel analysent la situation dans un article de The Conversation.

  • Published on 08 December 2016

    Are radical transformations the answer to innovation?

  • Published on 08 December 2016

    Comment les entreprises confrontées aux problématiques d’innovation peuvent-elles s’inspirer de Bob Dylan, lui-même fervent adepte de la transformation radicale de son art ? Entretien avec Mark Smith, Professeur de ressources humaines et doyen du...

  • Published on 22 November 2016

    L’anosmie se caractérise par la perte totale ou partielle de l’odorat, environ 5% de la population est touchée. Il n’existe encore pas de traitement fiable .Comment aider les anosmiques et faire reconnaître ce handicap invisible ? Ce sont les...

  • Published on 17 November 2016

    As global competitiveness forces companies to innovate and distinguish themselves, this 360° method for innovation focuses on capturing and using a company’s creative potential. The profiling tool was implemented by Grenoble Ecole de Management and...

  • Published on 17 November 2016

    Michelin innove dans son approche de services de la mobilité grâce à l’open innovation, au serious Game "Tech It ! " et avec les étudiants de GEM.

  • Published on 17 November 2016

    Michelin innove dans son approche de services de la mobilité grâce à l’open innovation, au serious Game "Tech It ! " et avec les étudiants de GEM.

  • Published on 18 October 2016

    A logo represents a brand’s image. It highlights its values and market position. Changing your logo can be a delicate transition. How can you ensure a smooth change? In January 2014, Grenoble Ecole de Management unveiled its new logo. Caroline Cuny...

  • Published on 11 October 2016

    Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) publie les résultats de ses recherches sur les leviers psychologiques du gaspillage alimentaire. Un des objectifs est de contribuer à la prévention de certains comportements.

  • Published on 18 October 2016

    En janvier 2014, Grenoble Ecole de Management affichait un nouveau logo, aux couleurs de ses performances et de ses orientations. Caroline Cuny et Marianela Fornerino, professeurs au département marketing à GEM, et Julien Grobert, ancien assistant...

  • Published on 18 October 2016

    Thibault Daudigeos, professeur, et Vincent Pasquier, doctorant en Sciences de Gestion à Grenoble École de Management, ont établi une cartographie en trois dimensions de l’économie du partage, dans un article issu de leurs travaux de recherche,...

  • Published on 19 March 2017

    The battle for healthy food has become a worldwide concern. Public health agencies have invested energy and resources in fighting health risks such as obesity. In this battle, food labels that indicate nutritional facts have come to play a vital...

  • Published on 19 March 2017

    Plus la fiche d'informations nutritionnelles d'un produit est lisible et facile à assimiler, plus les intentions d'achat des consommateurs augmentent. Y compris si le produit est mauvais pour la santé ! Un éclairage inédit sur les efforts de...

  • Published on 01 July 2016

    The big data era is upon us. Startups, major companies, organizations and governments are all rushing to extract essential insights from big data. Yet in doing so, many have overlooked the potential value of the digital data streams (DDS) that make...

  • Published on 01 July 2016

    Enregistrés et analysés en quasi temps réel grâce aux progrès de la technologie, les flux de données du big data donnent naissance à de nouveaux services créateurs de valeur. Une étude portant sur 171 initiatives du monde entier décrypte la logique...

  • Published on 22 June 2016

    Every year, approximately 150,000 business transfers fail in Europe threatening some 600,000 jobs. BTAR's European project, launched in early 2015, aims to target the vulnerabilities in business transfer systems and draw on best practices in order...

  • Published on 04 May 2017

    2017 was a great success for the entrepreneurs of the MSc Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Grenoble Ecole de Management. Students had the opportunity to travel to Silicon Valley (USA) and discover the world’s leading hub for innovation...

  • Published on 22 April 2016

    Interactions are an essential part of any organization. Whether it is receiving help from colleagues or gaining access to crucial information, developing a strong internal network makes it easier for an employee to get things done. This latest study...

  • Published on 22 April 2016

    Un salarié dont le niveau de performance est reconnu par ses managers étend son réseau de contacts au sein de son entreprise et l'exploite davantage. Dans le cas contraire, il réduit le nombre de ses contacts. C'est la conclusion d'une étude sur 150...

  • Published on 22 March 2016

    The world wide web has revolutionized the hotel, restaurant and other travel-related industries. From online bookings to customer ratings, companies have to learn how to operate in this new environment. While an organization's market identity used...

  • Published on 22 March 2016

    A travers TripAdvisor, les clients ont une influence croissante sur la réputation des hôtels et ces derniers répondent de plus en plus aux avis défavorables. C'est ce que montre une étude menée entre 2002 et 2012 sur les avis des clients de 600...

  • Published on 29 February 2016

    Digital communications have created an information overload for customers. To stand out on the world wide web, companies have to offer clients a high-impact experience. When used properly, music provides a simple yet effective means of creating a...

  • Published on 04 February 2016

    The current weak price of crude oil is having an adverse impact on the amount of investment in renewables for heat generation, biofuels, and energy efficiency technologies, according to Grenoble École de Management’s Energy Market Barometer Reading.

  • Published on 26 January 2016

    Les démarches de Responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE) sont censées créer de la valeur. Pourtant, elles peinent à se mettre en place dans les secteurs où les chaînes de valeur sont éclatées : elles coûtent cher et ne profitent pas forcément à...

  • Published on 07 January 2016

    Nous rapportons dans ce document la perception du climat des affaires par les responsables financiers français et la comparons aux résultats obtenus en Europe et dans le reste du monde. Nous évaluons également les sources de risque pour l'entreprise...

  • Published on 04 January 2016

    La mention « origine locale » apposée sur un produit alimentaire déclenche chez le consommateur des perceptions plus positives et une intention d'achat plus forte qu'un produit d'une autre région française. Trois études portant sur 632 consommateurs...

  • Published on 28 October 2015

    Internships have become both an important part of undergraduate education and a critical tool for management education and organizational recruitment

  • Published on 08 September 2015

    Save lives and improve quality of living during and after treatment in the most cost-effective way: the promises of connected health are opening encouraging horizons for the future of healthcare systems. Connected health will contribute to creating...

  • Published on 08 September 2015

    Sauver des vies, améliorer la qualité de vie pendant et après le traitement, le tout au meilleur prix : les promesses de la santé connectée ouvrent des horizons encourageants pour l’avenir des systèmes de santé. Elle contribuera à créer un...

  • Published on 08 September 2015

    This summer at Vancouver, during last conference « Academy of Management Annual Meeting » Clemens Rüling and his co-authors received the prize of the“AMJ Best Article 2014” for their article on the evolution of United Nations conferences on climate...

  • Published on 07 September 2015

    The next Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) will take place in Paris from 30 November to 11 December. The Paris Climate Summit, announced as one of the biggest climate negotiations in history,...

  • Published on 16 July 2015

    Innovation has become a crucial factor for companies looking to maintain their competitive advantage. Yet creating innovative ideas requires a certain level of risk-taking. While research on this subject has focused primarily on risk-taking at one...

  • Published on 03 July 2015

    Every year, approximately 150,000 business transfers fail in Europe threatening some 600,000 jobs. BTAR's European project, launched in early 2015, aims to target the vulnerabilities in business transfer systems and draw on best practices in order...

  • Published on 22 June 2015

    Economic growth is the cornerstone of mainstream macroeconomics. In the face of economic crises and unemployment, growth has long been the only acceptable solution. Yet many issues have started to challenge this dominant economic model. As a result...

  • Published on 16 June 2015

    While the benefits of exercising are widely accepted by consumers and healthcare providers, people who begin an exercise program don't necessarily lose weight. A fact that can be frustrating not only for practitioners, but their coaches and...

  • Published on 07 April 2015

    En acceptant de réduire leur consommation électrique lors de pics de demande, les industriels faciliteraient l'équilibrage des réseaux de distribution. Or, ils ont de solides arguments pour ne pas jouer la carte de la flexibilité. Une étude les...

  • Published on 17 March 2015

    In search of continuous innovation, the digital creative industries have expanded their interactions with user communities to develop their products. This study highlights the evolution of these company-user relationships that allow for fluid...

  • Published on 16 January 2015

    The use of nostalgia has been a top trend in marketing in the last few years, in commercials, product lines and even TV shows. The present study demonstrates that feeling nostalgic weakens the desire to hold on to money, and makes it easier to part...

  • Published on 16 January 2015

    La mode actuelle des produits « rétro » ou vintage ne doit rien au hasard. Une étude co-écrite par Jannine Lasaleta, chercheur à GEM, montre que ce qui suscite un sentiment de nostalgie réduit simultanément l’attrait pour l’argent. Le dépenser...

  • Published on 01 December 2014

    Energy efficiency policies such as the EU ban on incandescent light bulbs (and on halogen ones in the near future) have been the subject of much discussion in the last few years. The majority of the academic community predicted that new emerging...

  • Published on 07 November 2014

    All of us use digital tools and objects that can now be shared and combined in a variety of ways. This change has profoundly influenced the organization of work with projects being divided according to specialization and geographical location.

  • Published on 07 November 2014

    Comment les spécialistes des effets spéciaux collaborent-ils sur un même film alors qu’ils appartiennent à 60 métiers différents et sont répartis dans le monde entier ? Deux chercheurs de GEM ont étudié les mécanismes de coordination qui structurent...

  • Published on 27 October 2014

    Les globe-trotters connaissent le coût exorbitant du hors forfait à l‘étranger et les heures perdues à chercher un réseau Wi-Fi souvent décevant.

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