When you are near an uncontrolled intersection at location 2 Which way should you look first?

Disclaimer: This information is general in nature only. While Budget Direct has endeavoured to ensure the information we’ve relied on is accurate and current, we do not guarantee it. Budget Direct accepts no liability for this information.

Knowing who gives way while driving can be tricky, not just for new drivers but also for experienced drivers as well.

In 2016, 25% of the road accidents that occurred in Australia happened as a result of drivers failing to give way. This tells us that it might be time to refresh our knowledge of driving safely.

We’ve put together a comprehensive guide, complete with illustrations of all the different ways you need to give way on Australia’s roads.

See all of Budget Direct's road-safety guides

Drivers must give way to all vehicles already travelling on the roundabout, not just those to the right of them. If two drivers arrive at the same time, the car to the right goes first.

At an uncontrolled (no signs) crossroad you must give way to traffic travelling in the opposite direction when the other car is travelling straight and turning left.

If you’re driving on a road that ends in a T-intersection you must give way to all vehicles travelling on the road continuing through the intersection (except for those doing a U-turn).

You must signal that you’re giving way to all vehicles and pedestrians in advance, even if they are facing a give way or stop sign.

At an intersection with both a stop and give way sign, drivers arriving at the intersection must give way to all vehicles on the road before giving way to each other. You must give way to vehicles turning right across your path if you are facing a give way sign.

When the speed limit is 70km/h or less you must give way to a bus that has a give way sign on the back of it. This includes when a bus is re-entering traffic from a bus stop or from the side of the road.

Parked cars looking to enter traffic must give way to all other moving traffic and signal for a minimum of 5 seconds before they plan to merge/enter.

When merging on a road that comes to an end, you must give way to traffic that is already travelling. This is particularly important if there are lanes marked on the road. If there are no lanes marked on the road, the car that is ahead has right of way and the car behind must merge.

When leaving or entering a road you must give way to all cyclists, pedestrians and vehicles travelling on the footpath and roads.

Trucks and larger vehicles can often need more space on the road. When giving way to larger vehicles ensure that they have enough room and don’t travel too closely to them.

Part of driving safely is also having insurance. Investing in Budget Direct’s comprehensive car insurance will help you to rest easy while you’re driving on our roads. 

See all of Budget Direct’s road-safety guides

Give Way rules are designed to allow vehicles to move predictably in all situations where their paths cross each other. In this article, we’ll go through all you need to know as well as where to find a great give way test.

Note: This article will cover many of the general rules in Australia. For the exact rules in your state, select your state and go to the lesson ‘Give Way Rules’. Each driver education course contains detailed examples of the specific rules in your state.

General Give Way Rules

In general, you must give way:

  • To vehicles on your right
  • When turning across someone else’s path. If turning, you also have to give way to all pedestrians crossing the road that you are entering.

Be careful and always approach an intersection at a safe speed that allows you to stop in time. If another driver doesn’t give way to you even though they should, you will have to slow down and stop.

If going straight

If you’re going straight at an uncontrolled 4-way intersection, you must give way to:

  • vehicles on your right that are going straight ahead
  • vehicles on your right turning right

Car B must give way to bicyclist A in (1), and to car A in (2).

If turning left

If you’re turning left at an uncontrolled 4-way intersection, you must give way to:

  • vehicles on your right going straight ahead
  • any pedestrians crossing the road that you are entering

Car B must give way to bicyclist A in (1), and the pedestrian crossing the road in (2).

If turning right

If you’re turning right at an uncontrolled 4-way intersection, you must give way to:

  • vehicles on your right
  • oncoming vehicles that are going straight ahead
  • pncoming vehicles turning left
  • any pedestrians crossing the road that you are entering

Car B must give way to car A in (1), and motorcyclist A in (2).

If both you and an oncoming vehicle are turning right, you can turn without giving way by passing in front of each other.

These cars can pass in front of each other as they are both turning right.

Multiple Vehicles and Giving Way

These vehicles can proceed in order: (1) B, A, C and (2) A & B, C.

You must combine the give way rules when there are more than 2 vehicles at an intersection. Don’t forget that you must always give way to vehicles on your right and if you intend to turn across the path of another vehicle.


T-intersections are where two roads meet and one of them ends. The general rules don’t apply at T-intersections. The vehicle travelling on the terminating road must give way to all traffic and crossing pedestrians on the continuing road unless otherwise signed.

While the roads don’t always form a regular T-shape, the rules still apply.

Car B is on the terminating road and must give way to car A.

The continuing road can sometimes go around a corner. If so, the continuing road will be marked by a broken white line (see illustration below).

A driver must signal to leave the continuing road and enter the terminating road, and give way according to the rules even if you enter the terminating road by driving straight ahead over the broken white lines.

Give Way Test

There are a great number of tricky situations drivers in Australia will face each day. That’s why we have put a great deal of effort into creating detailed tests specifying each possible situation you may come upon, so you can feel confident on the road.

Our give way tests are specific for your state. Select your state and go straight to the theory chapter about giving way to take the test. You can quiz your knowledge on the topic until you understand each situation perfectly.

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