Which intervention would be most appropriate for a 3-year-old who has just ingested dish detergent?

There are many household items that are toxic to animals, including to our dogs. Many of the laundry detergents used within the home are toxic to dogs; however, they do not always show up on lists of cleaners that are poisonous. Ionic surfactants and anionic surfactants are in these products, and even when they are ingested in small quantities the dog can become sick. The dog will have several different symptoms depending on the detergent ingested, as well as the amount ingested. The first signs are usually upset stomach and drooling from the mouth. An item that doesn't often show up on lists of household products toxic to pets is laundry detergent. But it should, because most detergents and soaps contain ionic and anionic surfactants. When ingested in small amounts, these chemicals can cause GI upset in a pet, such as excessive drooling, vomiting or diarrhea.

Detergent poisoning in dogs is the result of a dog ingesting detergent, or other household cleaners, at a quantity where it becomes toxic. Detergent poisoning in dogs must be treated at the very first sign of ingestion of the product or when symptoms begin to occur.

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There are many household items that are toxic to animals, including to our dogs. Many of the laundry detergents used within the home are toxic to dogs; however, they do not always show up on lists of cleaners that are poisonous. Ionic surfactants and anionic surfactants are in these products, and even when they are ingested in small quantities the dog can become sick. The dog will have several different symptoms depending on the detergent ingested, as well as the amount ingested. The first signs are usually upset stomach and drooling from the mouth. An item that doesn't often show up on lists of household products toxic to pets is laundry detergent. But it should, because most detergents and soaps contain ionic and anionic surfactants. When ingested in small amounts, these chemicals can cause GI upset in a pet, such as excessive drooling, vomiting or diarrhea.

Detergent poisoning in dogs is the result of a dog ingesting detergent, or other household cleaners, at a quantity where it becomes toxic. Detergent poisoning in dogs must be treated at the very first sign of ingestion of the product or when symptoms begin to occur.

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There are many household items that are toxic to animals, including to our dogs. Many of the laundry detergents used within the home are toxic to dogs; however, they do not always show up on lists of cleaners that are poisonous. Ionic surfactants and anionic surfactants are in these products, and even when they are ingested in small quantities the dog can become sick. The dog will have several different symptoms depending on the detergent ingested, as well as the amount ingested. The first signs are usually upset stomach and drooling from the mouth. An item that doesn't often show up on lists of household products toxic to pets is laundry detergent. But it should, because most detergents and soaps contain ionic and anionic surfactants. When ingested in small amounts, these chemicals can cause GI upset in a pet, such as excessive drooling, vomiting or diarrhea.

Detergent poisoning in dogs is the result of a dog ingesting detergent, or other household cleaners, at a quantity where it becomes toxic. Detergent poisoning in dogs must be treated at the very first sign of ingestion of the product or when symptoms begin to occur.

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There are many household items that are toxic to animals, including to our dogs. Many of the laundry detergents used within the home are toxic to dogs; however, they do not always show up on lists of cleaners that are poisonous. Ionic surfactants and anionic surfactants are in these products, and even when they are ingested in small quantities the dog can become sick. The dog will have several different symptoms depending on the detergent ingested, as well as the amount ingested. The first signs are usually upset stomach and drooling from the mouth. An item that doesn't often show up on lists of household products toxic to pets is laundry detergent. But it should, because most detergents and soaps contain ionic and anionic surfactants. When ingested in small amounts, these chemicals can cause GI upset in a pet, such as excessive drooling, vomiting or diarrhea.

Detergent poisoning in dogs is the result of a dog ingesting detergent, or other household cleaners, at a quantity where it becomes toxic. Detergent poisoning in dogs must be treated at the very first sign of ingestion of the product or when symptoms begin to occur.

40.Which would be the best response to the mother of a 13-year-old who continues toask to ride his 16-year-old cousin’s all-terrain vehicle?1.Emphasize the wearing of safety apparel and adult supervision.2.Explain that he is developing increased physical skills; if he wears safety appareland shows maturity, it should be fine.3.All-terrain vehicles are not recommended for those younger than 16 years of age.4.This is a stage at which the child is seeking independence and should be allowedto participate in new physical activities.41.Which response about safety measures is the most appropriate advice for the 2-year-old’s mother who had her older home remodeled to reduce the lead level?Select allthat apply.1.“Wash and dry the child’s hands and face before he eats.”2.“Remodeling the home to remove the lead is all you need to do.”3.“It is best to use cold water to prepare the child’s food to decrease the lead.”4.“Diet does not matter in reducing lead levels in the child.”5.“Drinking two cups of milk per day helps to decrease lead levels.”42.Which intervention would be most appropriate for a 3-year-old who has justingested dish detergent?1.Discuss childproofing measures in the home in a nonthreatening manner.2.Inquire about the circumstances of the ingestion.3.Discuss having ipecac and the Poison Control phone number in the home.4.Tell the mother you will be giving the boy medicine to make him throw up.

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  • Common household and garden products can be swallowed by accident.
  • If you suspect that someone has taken an overdose of medicine or has swallowed a poisonous substance, get medical help immediately — this is an emergency.
  • Store all medicines, chemicals and cleaning products in a high, locked cupboard out of sight and reach of children to prevent poisoning in children.
  • If you suspect that the poisoning was not the result of an accident and that it was done on purpose, seek help from a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

Common household and garden products may be swallowed by accident. Most of these substances are not dangerous, but there are many products that can be harmful.

Some common substances that are swallowed include:

  • cleaning products
  • bleach
  • paints or paint cleaners
  • make-up and cosmetics
  • plant food and fertilisers
  • ink
  • air fresheners or aromatherapy oils
  • medicines

When should I call an ambulance or go to the emergency department?

If you suspect that someone has taken an overdose of medicines or has swallowed a poisonous substance do not try to treat them yourself. Get medical help immediately.

If the person is showing signs of being seriously ill, such as vomiting, loss of consciousness, drowsiness or seizures (fits), call triple zero (000) for an ambulance, or take the person to the closest emergency department.

FIND A HEALTH SERVICE — The Service Finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.

What should I do while waiting for the ambulance?

  • If the poisoned person has collapsed or is not breathing, start resuscitation.
  • Call the Poisons Information Line on 13 11 26 (24 hours a day from anywhere in Australia).
  • Wash the substance off the person’s face with clean water.
  • Take a photo of the label of the swallowed substance or note down the product details.
  • Do not let the person eat or drink anything unless you have been told otherwise by the Poisons Information Hotline.
  • Do not to try to make the person vomit as this could block the airway and cause choking.

What are the warning signs or symptoms when a substance is swallowed?

The signs of a swallowed substance depend on the substance. They may include:

The symptoms may be immediate, but with some substances they may be delayed, sometimes for several days.

CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS — Use the swallowed or inhaled substances Symptom Checker and find out if you need to seek medical help.

Why might someone swallow a substance?

Young children are naturally curious and explore their environment by putting things in their mouths, so it’s common for children to swallow substances they shouldn’t. You might not realise they can reach a cupboard, or something you left in their reach (such as a medicine or washing up liquid).

Children may swallow a substance if they are not properly supervised, if there are visitors in the house who have medicines, or when they start to crawl or walk.

Adults may swallow too much of a medicine or the wrong medicine by mistake, drink too much alcohol or swallow a dangerous substance at work.

Sometimes substances may be swallowed accidentally, for example, if they are stored in food containers such as soft drink bottles.

Some people swallow substances deliberately to harm or injure themselves. If you have done this, you should know you are not alone and help is available. Please discuss this with a healthcare professional.

Find out more about self-harm.

Are you having suicidal thoughts? Read this article, or call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

What do I do if I suspect deliberate harm?

If you suspect that the poisoning was deliberate, seek help from a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

If a child is too young to swallow a substance accidentally, they may have been poisoned on purpose. If you suspect that a child has been poisoned, contact a nurse or doctor at an emergency department, doctor’s surgery, health visitor or school nurse.

The healthdirect Service Finder can help you find a health service near you, including counselling and child protection services. These agencies offer confidential advice if you are worried that you or someone close to you was harmed deliberately.

How is a swallowed substance diagnosed?

A doctor will ask about the substance and examine you. They may do a blood test, urine test or an x-ray and will monitor you closely.

It is very helpful if you can provide them any information about the swallowed substance, such as details about the product, the product container or a suicide note, if there is one.

How is someone who has swallowed a substance treated?

The doctor or paramedic will apply emergency first-aid to check the person’s airway, breathing and circulation. Further treatment depends on the substance taken. Treatment may include an antidote to the substance if there is one. In very specific situations, they may need activated charcoal to prevent the substance from being absorbed through the gut into the bloodstream. Rarely, the contents of the stomach or bowel may be emptied or washed out.

How do I prevent a substance from being swallowed?

Many household substances are poisonous if swallowed. It is very important to store all medicines, chemicals and cleaning products in a high, locked cupboard out of sight and out of reach of children.

Here are some tips on how to keep your medicines stored safely:

  • Try to keep medicine in its original packaging, as this will include the ingredients, dosage instructions and expiry date.
  • A medicine cabinet is a good place for storage. It should be high enough off the ground that children cannot access the cabinet or its contents. Ideally, it should be at least 150 cm off the ground and locked.
  • Don’t store old medicines. Take medicines that you don’t need anymore, or that are out of date, to your local pharmacy and they will dispose of them safely.

Complications when a substance has been swallowed

Some swallowed substances can be highly toxic or can burn your gut or airway. They can affect your heart, blood pressure and breathing, and can lead to problems with organs including the kidneys and liver.

Resources and support

  • Poisons Information Centre 13 11 26
  • Kidsafe Australia

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Last reviewed: May 2022

These trusted information partners have more on this topic.

Results for medical professionals

Top results

Children, especially toddlers, are particularly prone to poisonings given their habit of tasting everything.

Read more on Queensland Health website

Young children put everything in their mouths, including household poisons, chemicals and medicines. Keep all household poisons up high in locked cupboards.

Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website

Concerned about preschooler safety? Here’s all you need on with articles, videos and resources on first aid, poisons, dangers, dogs, car seats and more.

Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website

Medicines are the most common cause of poisoning in young children. Safety starts with locking medicines in a child-resistant cupboard when not in use.

Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website

How can you prevent poisoning?Dishwasher safetyAlthough dishwashing tablets are easy to use, they don’t come in child-resistant packaging and they can look like lollies to young children. If a child swallows the tablet, detergent or any of the leftover residue in the dishwasher dispenser, it can cause serious injuries.

Read more on Sydney Children's Hospitals Network website

What is Carbon Monoxide? Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a clear gas that you cannot smell

Read more on Sydney Children's Hospitals Network website

Young children are most at risk from lead. Lead exposure can affect a child's mental and physical development. If you suspect that your child has been exposed to a toy containing lead, remove the toy immediately and contact your doctor for advice.​

Read more on NSW Health website

This illustrated guide to child safety at home indoors has information on smoke detectors, safety glass, poisons, safety gates, sharp items and blind cords.

Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website

Lead is a naturally occurring metal which is widely used in manufacturing. But lead can be harmful to the human body. Infants, children and pregnant women are at the greatest risk of harm from lead.  NHMRC has reviewed the evidence on the health effects and management of lead exposure in humans. The review has a particular focus on low level lead exposure (blood lead levels less than 10 micrograms per decilitre) as there has been recent evidence suggesting that health effects may occur at blood lead levels lower than previously thought.

Read more on NHMRC – National Health and Medical Research Council website

Children are at higher risk of accidental exposure to fentanyl, a potent opioid that treats pain. Fentanyl patches are particularly dangerous. Read more.

Read more on NPS MedicineWise website

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