Which of the following best explains how this photograph from the Second World War can be connected to the Cold War that began shortly?

After the Second World War, the disintegration of Britain's empire transformed global politics.

Before the war, Britain maintained colonies all over the world, which provided valuable raw materials, manpower and strategic bases. By 1945, however, colonies were an expensive liability for Clement Attlee's newly elected Labour government. The United States' rising global influence and its opposition to imperialism made colonialism less politically viable, while Japan's wartime victories had destroyed Britain's imperial prestige.

In 1947 India, having contributed enormously to Britain's war effort, became independent. Less than a year later, communist guerrillas launched a violent campaign aimed at forcing Britain from Malaya. Thousands were killed, but an effective political and military response prevented a Communist take-over. Malaya became an independent democracy on 31 August 1957. In the Middle East, Britain hurriedly abandoned Palestine in 1948. Ghana became Britain's first African colony to reach independence in 1957. By 1967 more than 20 British territories were independent.

Decolonisation was a complex process. Each colony's unique societies presented different political pressures which could sometimes lead to violence ranging from riots to massacres.

The Cold War added further complexities, as Britain attempted to insulate former colonies from the influence of the Soviet Union.

In 1997 Hong Kong returned to Chinese administration. Though Britain still maintains overseas territories, the handover marked the final end of Britain's empire.

Military conflict took place during every year of the 20th Century. There were only short periods of time that the world was free of war. The total number of deaths caused by war during the 20th Century has been estimated at 187 million and is probably higher.

Britain And The Commonwealth Since 1945

In 1839 Britain captured the town of Aden (now part of Yemen) in the south of the Arabian Peninsula.

Victory over Japan Day marked the end of the Second World War in August 1945. Yet the conflict did not end on this day, particularly in Asia. While decolonisation across South and South East Asia seemed inevitable, the territory of the British Empire was at its apogee in 1945 and the journey to independence for countries in this region was not simple.

At the end of the Second World War, Korea – which had formerly been occupied by the Japanese – was divided along the 38th Parallel. This was an internal border between North and South Korea based on a circle of latitude.

Control of the seas was vital during the Korean War. Curator Rob Rumble talks about the role of the navy from the decks of HMS Belfast.  

Ron Yardley joined HMS Belfast as she prepared to travel around the world to fight in the Korean War. Ron remembers the maze of ladders and corridors of the ship and the power of her forward guns when she went into action.

How would you react if the future of the world depended on your decision to cooperate…or not?

Explore photos that show the experiences of some of the men who served in Korea and the conditions in which they lived and fought during the war.

Hear veterans of the Korean War tell their stories of the conflict. 

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