Which of the following is a recommended method for controlling conflict?

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From the school yard to the work place, we experience conflict in every stage of our life. The ability to resolve conflicts with one another is a critical life skill, especially in today’s divisive world. At The First Tee, we encourage participants to work out disputes for themselves whether they arise on or off the golf course.

4 steps To resolve Conflict: CARE

Looking for ways to resolve a conflict that meets the needs of both parties is challenging, but something youth should learn to strive towards. As participants of The First Tee proceed through the program, they learn CARE:

1. Communicate

Open communication is key in a dispute. Expressing how you feel about the situation and sticking to the facts will let the other person know you’re genuine in your actions. Focusing on the problem at hand and not what the other person did will avoid unnecessary conflict.

2. Actively Listen

Listen to what the other person has to say, without interrupting. Try to be objective. Then, ask open-ended questions to make sure each side understands what the other person thinks and how he/she feels.

3. Review Options

Talk over the options, looking for solutions that benefit everyone. Do not feel pressured to come up with one answer immediately. Bring in objective third party for ideas, if necessary.

4. End with a Win-Win Solution

This is the ultimate goal—to agree on an option that benefits both sides to some extent. When one party wins by aggressive behavior or one party simply gives in, someone is losing. And that means you get outcomes that do not resolve the underlying causes of the conflict.

More than a Game: The First Tee uses golf to teach youth ages 7 to 18 life lessons and leadership skills.

More Than a Game

Offered are more than 1,000 locations, The First Tee program was developed by experts in the field of positive youth development and is delivered by trained coaches . Our mission is to help prepare kids and teens from all backgrounds for success in all areas of life. Chapters offer full scholarship or reduced fee programming for those with financial need so that no one is ever turned away for inability to pay.

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Conflicts are inevitable when a number of people will be working together. Conflict is defined as a “difference in opinion or some kind of disagreement between two or more parties”. Conflicts need to be resolved effectively. It is not only important to resolve the conflict, but also is equally important to ensure that the parties involved in conflict do not unnecessarily end up being in any kind of emotional stress during the resolution process of the conflict. Striking a balance between resolving the conflict to find the decision and maintaining the emotional well-being of the people involved will be critical to successful conflict management.

Hence it is important to understand clearly, what is a conflict, why conflict occurs, the challenges in resolving conflicts, and various methods for resolving conflicts. 

There are two views on conflicts or the so-called differences in opinion between people. The traditional view says “conflicts are bad and should be totally discouraged”, and the new modern view says” conflicts can be constructive and good and different ways of thinking should be encouraged to get multiple ideas and solutions to problems in hand”. 

Let us approach conflict management with the idea that conflicts can be good for the team. So for effective conflict management, there is a need for creating a right atmosphere that empowers people to think originally and encourages them to put forth their suggestions and opinions without fear. And the members are encouraged to resolve conflicts among themselves with a very open and collaborative mind. People need to rise above their personal emotions while resolving conflicts and they need to think about the final goals of the project or work at hand. A manager should intervene in resolving a conflict when the involved team members will not be able to resolve it on their own. A hands-on PMP training followed by the certification helps managers resolve conflicts with greater conviction.

Some of the sources of conflict include disagreements on schedules, cost, priorities, technical opinions, resources, administrative procedures, and personality. Personality-related conflicts should completely be discouraged. 

Some of the conflict resolution techniques are as follows:

1. Problem Solving / Collaboration / Confronting

In this method, people involved in the conflict or having a difference in opinion, come forward to discuss the problem at hand with a very open mind. They focus on resolving the conflict and finding the best alternative/solution for the team. They discuss rising above personal emotions with the sole intention to finding what is best for the team. This leads to a win-win kind of outcome. Here everyone collaborates.

2. Compromising/Reconciling

Sometimes for certain conflicts, there will be a need for the involved parties to think of a middle path wherein both parties decide to give up something and identify a resolution. This kind of solution will be temporary for that moment and are not a long-lasting solution. This leads to a lose-lose kind of outcome as both parties may feel they have lost something.

3. Withdrawing/Avoiding

In some situations, one of the parties in the conflict may decide to retract from the discussion and allows going with the other person’s opinion. Or some situations, one of the parties may decide to completely avoid the conflict by maintaining silence. This works well in situations where one of the parties in the conflict is emotionally charged up or is angry. Hence avoiding any conflict resolution provides a “cooling off” period for the people involved so that they can later come back for meaningful resolution.

4. Forcing/Competing

In some situations, a person with authority and power can force his/her opinion and resolves the conflict without giving any chance to the other party/person. This leads to a win-lose kind of outcome. Someone may end up feeling like a loser while the other person with authority may feel as a winner. This technique can be used if we see that conflicts are unnecessary and destructive for the team.

5. Smoothing/Accommodating

This is a technique that is used when the atmosphere seems to be filled with apprehension/distrust among the parties involved. And no one is coming forward for resolving the conflict. In these kinds of scenarios, one of the parties can take charge and tries to smooth the surrounding by using nice words and by emphasizing the points of agreement, and playing down the points of disagreement. This can work as a catalyst to break the discomfort between the involved parties by creating a feeling of trust and encouraging them to come forward and resolve the conflict.

69. Which of the following is a recommended method for controlling conflict?a.Changing established standardsb.Making more resources availablec.Hiring outsidersd.Initiating confrontation and compromisee.Increasing competition among individuals and teamsANSWER:RATIONALE:One method of controlling conflict is to expand the resource base.b

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