Which of the following statements best describes the difference between perimeter and area

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Area and perimeter are two vital fundamental concepts of mathematics, which are often understood together. These two concepts are used to measure the physical space of an object and forms a foundation for advanced mathematics. The perimeter is often understood as the length of the path that covers a closed figure while the area refers to the space covered by the closed figure.

Both the concepts have practical application and are used in our day to day life. While the area is nothing but the extent of the surface, the perimeter is the continuous line that forms a boundary of a closed geometrical shape. Take a read of the article to know the basic differences between area and perimeter.

Content: Area Vs Perimeter

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Formulas
  5. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Basis for ComparisonAreaPerimeter
MeaningArea is described as the measurement of the surface of the object. Perimeter refers to the outline that surrounds a closed figure.
RepresentsSpace occupied by the figure.Rim or boundary of a figure.
MeasurementSquare unitsLinear units
Dimensions involvedTwoOne
ExampleSpace covered by the garden.Length of fence required to enclose the garden.

Definition of Area

In mathematics, the area of a flat surface is defined as the amount of space covered by it. It is a physical quantity that indicates the number of square units occupied by the two-dimensional object. It is used to know how much space is taken up by a flat surface. It is measured in square units, i.e. square meters, square miles, square inches, etc.

The term area has end number of practical usage like in construction projects, farming, architecture and so on. To measure the area of a flat surface, you need to count the number of squares covered by the shape.

For instance: Suppose you need to tile the floor of the room, the number of tiles required to cover the whole room will be its area.

Definition of Perimeter

The perimeter is defined as a measure of the length of the border that surrounds a closed geometrical figure. The term ‘perimeter’ is derived from the Greek word, ‘Peri’ and ‘meter’ which means around and measure. In geometry, it implies the continuous line forming the path outside the two-dimensional shape.

In simple words, the perimeter is nothing but the length of the outline of a figure. To find out the perimeter of a particular object, you can simply add the length of the sides, to arrive at its perimeter. The perimeter of a circle is commonly known as its circumference.

For instance: a. Suppose, you wrap a string around the square, the length of the string would be its perimeter. b. You walk around outside the garden, the distance covered would be garden’s perimeter.

Can you have the same perimeter but different area? Rectangles that measure 8 × 2 and 5 × 5 have the same perimeter (20) but different areas. An increase in area is connected to an increase in the minimum perimeter. The quadrilateral with the smallest perimeter for a given area is a square. and a = 2(1+ r) r .

Will the same perimeter always have the same area?

It is not always the case that shapes with the same area have the same perimeter. Likewise, it is not always true that shapes with the same perimeter have equal area.

Can two rectangles have the same perimeter but different area?

Objective: Students will discover that multiple rectangles can have the same perimeter, yet their area can be different.

Does area change with perimeter?

The area increases much faster than the length of the perimeter (you could graph this and discuss linear versus exponential growth). Sides increase by one, perimeters increase by four, and area increases by three, five, seven, then nine!

Can two different size squares have the same perimeter?

If two squares have different perimeters, the one with the larger perimeter will have a larger area. If two polygons have the same perimeter, then they must have the same shape. If two polygons have the same shape but are different sizes, then they must have different perimeters.

Is there a relationship between the area and perimeter of a rectangle?

There is no direct relationship between the perimeter of a rectangle and its area.

Can the perimeter be more than the area?

Yes you can draw a the shape in which the perimeter is numerically twice the area, it is a 2 by 2 square, because the area is 4cm^2 and the perimeter is 8cm. Bashayer from Kingsbury Green Primary also found this solution.

How does perimeter relate to area?

The key difference between area and perimeter is: area is the region occupied by shape and perimeter defines the length of the outer boundary of the shape. Both the parameters define the size of a shape.

Can you get area from perimeter?

Divide the perimeter by 4: that gives you the length of one side. Then square that length: that gives you the area.

What shape has the same perimeter and area?

A two-dimensional equable shape (or perfect shape) is one whose area is numerically equal to its perimeter. For example, a right angled triangle with sides 5, 12 and 13 has area and perimeter both have a unitless numerical value of 30.

Why is area greater than perimeter?

The perimeter is always bigger except for one (Shape G). … The area and perimeter are the same. The same happened if there you have a rectangle that has a length of 6 and a width of 3. Table 3 (they didn’t give their school) looked at finding a shape which has a perimeter numerically twice the area.

What happens to area when perimeter is doubled?

Perimeter is doubled. Let us assume the new perimeter to be P’ and s’ to be the new side of the square. Therefore, the side becomes twice the original side. Thus, area becomes 4 times of the original area.

What shape has an area twice the perimeter?

The area of a square is equal to twice the square’s perimeter. Find the length of one side of the square.

How do you compare perimeter and area?

Area Perimeter
Area refers to the space occupied by a shape or an object or a surface. Perimeter refers to the measure of the length of the outline or boundary of a shape, an object or a surface.

How does area differ from parameter when it comes to measurement?

Key Differences Between Area and Perimeter

. Area represents the space occupied by the object. conversely, perimeter indicates the outer edge or boundary of the shape. Measurement of the area is done in square units i.e. square kilometres, square feet, square inches, etc.

How do you find the area of 4 unequal sides?

Use the formula below: Area = (Side 1 × Side 2) × sin (angle) or A = (s1 × s2) × sin(θ) (where θ is the angle between sides 1 and 2). Example: You have a kite with two sides of length 6 feet and two sides of length 4 feet. The angle between them is about 120 degrees.

How do you find out the area?

How do you find area?

What is the relationship between area and perimeter of a triangle?

The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the length of its three sides, whether they are equal or not. The area of a triangle is equal to the basis multiplied by the height divided by .

Is the area of a rectangle greater than its perimeter?

For example, the area of the rectangle with length = 5 and breadth = 4 is greater than its perimeter. Note: Rectangle is a quadrilateral(i.e., it has 4 sides). And all the 4 angles of the rectangle are of 90 degree.

Can you increase area without increasing perimeter?

Both figures have the same perimeter, but they have very different areas. Thus it is possible to increase the area without increasing the perimeter.

What happens to the perimeter and the area of a rectangle if you double the length and width?

1 Answer. If length and breadth of a rectangle are doubled then its perimeter too is doubled.

How does changing dimensions affect the perimeter?

Changing a dimension will often have a greater effect on the figure’s area than it will on its perimeter. Even when the dimensions aren’t being squared in an area formula, they might be multiplied together, so a change in one dimension can have a significant effect on the area.

Are there rectangles with the same perimeter?

Rectangles that measure 8 × 2 and 5 × 5 have the same perimeter (20) but different areas. An increase in area is connected to an increase in the minimum perimeter. The quadrilateral with the smallest perimeter for a given area is a square. and a = 2(1+ r) r .

Is a square always the largest area?

A particular case of the Isoperimetric Theorem says that among all rectangles of a given perimeter, the square has the largest area. (This is of course equivalent to the claim that among all rectangles of a given area the square has the least perimeter.)

Do all rectangles with an area of 24cm2 have the same perimeter?

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of a rectangle is length x breadth. In this case, area is 24 cm2. So, Rectangles of area 24 cm2 will have different perimeters..

Do all rectangles with the same area have the same perimeter?

We found out that rectangles that have the same area don’t necessarily have the same perimeter.

Why do rectangles with the same perimeter have different areas?

Which of the following statements best describes the difference between perimeter and area?

Do all rectangles with the same area have the same perimeter?

We found out that rectangles that have the same area don’t necessarily have the same perimeter.

Why do rectangles with the same perimeter have different areas?

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