Which would be an appropriate follow-up question to ask this student what role did demeter play

Mr. Shae’s class is having a discussion about the writings of Shakespeare. Onestudent says, "One theme found inRomeo and Julietis that love can causeviolence. Although the play is a famous love story, it is actually very violent.”Which would be an appropriate follow-up question to ask this student?“Who is the most romantic character in Shakespeare’s playRomeo and Juliet?“What are some specific examples of love causing violence inRomeo and Juliet?”“Who were the most violent characters in this classic Shakespeare play?”“What are some symbols used by Shakespeare to depict love and violence?”Ms. Nichol’s class is having a discussion about Greek mythology. One studentsays, "The influence of the goddess Demeter can be found throughout Greekhistory and culture. She is the goddess of the harvest as well as the cycle oflife.”Which would be an appropriate follow-up question to ask this student?“What role did Demeter play in the lives of the other Greek gods?”“Who were some of Demeter’s allies in Greek mythology?”“What are some ways in which the influence of Demeter can be seen in Greek culture?”“Who were Demeter’s greatest enemies, according to Greek myths?”Read the rough draft of a student’s conclusion to an argumentative editorial.(1) Year-round schooling would help student achievement. (2) Not so muchinformation would have to be crammed into nine months. (3) Furthermore, theelimination of long breaks, particularly summer break, would significantlyreduce "learning loss” and the additional time wasted at the beginning of eachacademic year to reteach previously learned material. (4) It is clear that year-round schooling helps students learn and retain more. (5) The United States isnot the only country to experiment with a year-round school schedule. (6)Although many still claim that evidence about year-round school and its link tohigher achievement is inconclusive, these people need to open their eyes andsee that students in these schools consistently score higher on certainassessments than students who attend schools with traditional nine-monthcalendars. (7) It is about time that we replaced our outdated and inefficientschool calendars.

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