Who is marco polo and why is he important

Marco Polo’s Description of Kublai Khan’s Palace Grounds

From that corner of the enclosure which is towards the north-west there extends a fine Lake containing foison of fish of different kinds which the Emperor hath caused to be put in there so that whenever he desires any he can have them at his pleasure.

Who were two important explorers for Portugal and what did they accomplish?

Who were the two important explorers for Portugal and what did they accomplish? Bartholomeu Dias reached the cape of good hope. Cisco de gama sailed around the tip of Africa to reach India. Afonso de Albuquerque established at port at goa and helped establish Portuguese control of the spice trade.

What did Marco Polo’s writings show quizlet?

Marco Polo’s writings illustrate the limitations of the intercultural knowledge and understanding because paper money was how the Asians paid for everything. They also heated with coal while Europe heated with wood. and they frequently bathed which the Europeans did not.

When Did Marco Polo visit China quizlet?

The dates for Marco Polo are 1254-1324.

How did Marco Polo’s stories influence the Silk Road trade quizlet?

How did Marco Polo’s stories influence the Silk Road trade? They led to an increase in European trade with Asia. Which statement describes the territory controlled by the Yuan dynasty? They controlled most of modern-day China.

How did Marco Polo impact the Renaissance?

Marco Polo influenced the Renaissance period by bringing back inventions and ideas from his travels. Some things he introduced to Europe were Pasta Paper Money Coal Lenses Gunpowder Silk and Spices. … Paper Money: Revolutionized finance and commerce in Europe.

How did Marco Polo change the world?

Marco Polo changed the world in that he opened up trade routes to East India and China. This allowed for an increase in trade expanding Europe’s…

How did Marco Polo help Kublai Khan?

Kublai who generally relied on foreigners to administer his empire took Marco Polo into his court possibly as a tax collector. … After many years of seeking a release from service the Polos finally secured permission from Kublai to escort a young princess to her intended husband Arghun the Mongol ruler of Persia.

What did Marco Polo do in India?

Polo soon found himself sent on many diplomatic missions throughout the Great Khan’s empire including to India where he visited the southern tip of the subcontinent – specifically modern day Tamil Nadu and Kerala – between 1292 and 1294 – arriving on the Coromandel Coast in a merchant ship with some three hundred …

How did Marco Polo impact Christopher Columbus?

The geographical descriptions in his writing generated a basis for Columbus’ scientific calculations for his expedition and the explicit depictions of the luxury of Cipangu and Cathay flawed though they were created a strong motivation for Columbus. …

Who was Kublai Khan who was Marco Polo?

Kublai Khan is the leader and emperor of the Mongolian Empire. He is often reffered to as ‘Devil’ by those loyal to the Song Dynasty. He is the grandson of Genghis Khan and his successor. He is faced with tough decisions including the future of China and the dishonesty and betrayal of his own men and family.

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What is the significance of the Yuan Dynasty?

Significance of Yuan Dynasty

The most significant achievement of the Yuan Dynasty was the unification of the whole territory. Prior to this China had been for more than 300 years a country of separate states.

How did Kublai Khan treat the native Chinese population?

During Kublai Khan’s rule Buddhism flourished. The number of Buddhist temples and monasteries rose to 42 000 with 213 000 Buddhist monks and nuns. Under Yuan rule the native Chinese people were treated badly. … This meant that many Chinese became poor because they could no longer grow crops.

Why are the Spanish explorers important?

The Spanish forces in addition to significant armament and equestrian advantages exploited the rivalries between competing indigenous peoples tribes and nations. One of the most accomplished conquistadors was Hernán Cortés who achieved the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire.

What was the significance of Columbus voyages quizlet?

The significance of this voyage – He sailed hoping to find an alternate trade route to Asia and to its riches. In stead of reaching Asia he came upon the Caribbean islands and started the opened the door toward western expansion from Europe.

What were two main reasons why many people from Spain came to the Americas?

Spain colonized America because they were searching for gold and silver. They did find a lot of gold and silver when they conquered the Aztec and Inca Empires. France colonized North America because of the great amount of furs they found there.

Who was Marco Polo Mcq?

Marco Polo an Italian trader and traveler became famous for his travels in central Asia and China. He wrote a book that gave Europeans some of their earliest information about China which was then called Cathay. Marco was born in Venice.

Who was the first to discover America?

It’s an annual holiday that commemorates the day on October 12 1492 when the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus officially set foot in the Americas and claimed the land for Spain.

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Why was Lisbon Portugal important during the European exploration?

Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator Portugal took the principal role during most of the fifteenth century in searching for a route to Asia by sailing south around Africa. In the process the Portuguese accumulated a wealth of knowledge about navigation and the geography of the Atlantic Ocean.

Why did Spain and Portugal explore first?

Their goals were to expand Catholicism and to gain a commercial advantage over Portugal. To those ends Ferdinand and Isabella sponsored extensive Atlantic exploration. … The Spanish monarchs knew that Portuguese mariners had reached the southern tip of Africa and sailed the Indian Ocean.

What effect did Marco Polo’s book have on people in Europe and Asia?

What effect did Marco Polo’s travels have on Europeans? They became interested in the lands that Marco Polo had visited and they wanted to buy goods like silk and spices. An overland trade route between Europe and Asia.

What impact did the travels of Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo make on the world?

Both of them caused similar effects. Their actions closer linked far away lands either through customs or through knowledge of each other. Marco Polo specifically caused a major increase in travel and exploration in Europe. Ibn Battuta linked Islamic states and attempted to unify customs.

Who is Zheng He quizlet?

Who was Zheng He? He was an admiral eunuch and mariner during the Ming Dynasty. What was the primary purpose of Zheng He’s voyages? To spread China’s prestige explore new lands and establish trade relationships.


The Life Story of Marco Polo in Under 3 Minutes

The Travels of Marco Polo

Marco Polo Biography in English | Famous Journalist & Explorer

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