Who is the governor of arkansas

Asa Hutchinson was sworn in as the 46th Governor of Arkansas in January 2015, and he immediately set in motion his plan to bring economic growth to his native state.

Governor Hutchinson kept a major campaign promise by working to pass the biggest income tax rate cut in state history. His initiative to require computer-coding classes in every public high school makes Arkansas a national leader and signals to businesses everywhere that our students will be prepared for the 21st-century economy.

In addition, the Governor’s emphasis on government efficiencies — including a hiring freeze instituted on his first day — have resulted in taxpayer savings and better-focused state services.

As part of his strategy to market Arkansas and attract more jobs to the state, Governor Hutchinson has met with CEOs of major industries across the globe from Silicon Valley to France, Japan, Israel, Germany, China, India, Dubai, Czech Republic, and Cuba.

Under his economic development policies, over 100,000 more people are working in Arkansas than when he took office, and he has signed incentive agreements with nearly 450 companies that were expanding or opening in the state. 

The Governor is the co-chair of the Council of Governors and the former chairman of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC), Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) and the Southern Regional Education Board.

President Ronald Reagan appointed Governor Hutchinson as U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Arkansas. In 1996, he won the first of three successive terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. During his third term in Congress, President George W. Bush appointed him director of the Drug Enforcement Administration and later as an undersecretary in the newly created Department of Homeland Security.

His experience has established him as a national resource for his expertise in trade, energy, national security, and education. 

He and his wife Susan have been married 44 years. They have four children and six grandchildren.

From Ballotpedia

Arkansas is holding an election for governor on November 8, 2022. The primary was scheduled for May 24, 2022, and a primary runoff was scheduled for June 21, 2022. The filing deadline was March 1, 2022.

Asa Hutchinson is not able to run for re-election due to term limits. This is one of 36 gubernatorial elections taking place in 2022. The governor serves as a state's top executive official and is the only executive office that is elected in all 50 states. There are currently 28 Republican governors and 22 Democratic governors. Click here for a clickable map with links to our coverage of all 50 states' responses to the pandemic and here for an overview of all 36 gubernatorial elections taking place in 2022.

A state government trifecta refers to a situation where one party controls a state's governorship and majorities in both chambers of the state legislature. A state government triplex refers to a situation where the governor, attorney general, and secretary of state are all members of the same political party.

As of August 27, 2022, there are 23 Republican trifectas, 14 Democratic trifectas, and 13 divided governments where neither party holds trifecta control.

For more information about the primaries in this election, click on the links below:

Candidates and election results

General election

Democratic primary election

Republican primary election

  • Leticia Sanders (R)
  • Leslie Rutledge (R)
  • Tim Griffin (R)

Libertarian convention

Voting information

See also: Voting in Arkansas

Election competitiveness

Race ratings

See also: Race rating definitions and methods

Ballotpedia provides race ratings from three outlets: The Cook Political Report, Inside Elections, and Sabato's Crystal Ball. Each race rating indicates if one party is perceived to have an advantage in the race and, if so, the degree of advantage:

  • Safe and Solid ratings indicate that one party has a clear edge and the race is not competitive.
  • Likely ratings indicate that one party has a clear edge, but an upset is possible.
  • Lean ratings indicate that one party has a small edge, but the race is competitive.[1]
  • Toss-up ratings indicate that neither party has an advantage.

Race ratings are informed by a number of factors, including polling, candidate quality, and election result history in the race's district or state.[2][3][4]

Race ratings: Arkansas gubernatorial election, 2022Note: Ballotpedia reviews external race ratings every week throughout the election season and posts weekly updates even if the media outlets have not revised their ratings during that week.
Race trackerRace ratings
August 23, 2022August 16, 2022August 9, 2022August 2, 2022
The Cook Political ReportSolid RepublicanSolid RepublicanSolid RepublicanSolid Republican
Inside Elections with Nathan L. GonzalesSolid RepublicanSolid RepublicanSolid RepublicanSolid Republican
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal BallSafe RepublicanSafe RepublicanSafe RepublicanSafe Republican

Ballot access requirements

The table below details filing requirements for gubernatorial candidates in Arkansas in the 2022 election cycle. For additional information on candidate ballot access requirements in Arkansas, click here.

Filing requirements for gubernatorial candidates, 2022 State Office Party Signatures required Filing fee Filing deadline Source Notes
Arkansas Governor Ballot-qualified party N/A Fixed by party 3/1/2022 Source
Arkansas Governor Unaffiliated 3% of total votes cast for governor in 2018 or 10,000, whichever is less N/A 5/1/2022 Source

Past elections


See also: Arkansas gubernatorial election, 2018

General election

Democratic primary election

Republican primary election


See also: Arkansas gubernatorial election, 2014

Election analysis

Click the tabs below to view information about demographics, past elections, and partisan control of the state.

  • Presidential elections - Information about presidential elections in the state.
  • Statewide elections - Information about recent U.S. Senate and gubernatorial elections in the state.
  • State partisanship - The partisan makeup of the state's congressional delegation and state government.
  • Demographics - Information about the state's demographics and how they compare to the country as a whole.

Presidential elections

See also: Presidential voting trends in Arkansas

How a state's counties vote in a presidential election and the size of those counties can provide additional insights into election outcomes at other levels of government including statewide and congressional races. Below, four categories are used to describe each county's voting pattern over the 2012, 2016, and 2020 presidential elections: Solid, Trending, Battleground, and New. Click [show] on the table below for examples:

County-level voting pattern categories Democratic Status 2012 2016 2020 Republican Status 2012 2016 2020
Solid Democratic D D D
Trending Democratic R D D
Battleground Democratic D R D
New Democratic R R D
Solid Republican R R R
Trending Republican D R R
Battleground Republican R D R
New Republican D D R

Following the 2020 presidential election, 80.4% of Arkansans lived in one of the state's 66 Solid Republican counties, which voted for the Republican presidential candidate in every election from 2012 to 2020, and 19.4% lived in one of eight Solid Democratic counties. Overall, Arkansas was Solid Republican, having voted for Mitt Romney (R) in 2012, Donald Trump (R) in 2016, and Donald Trump (R) in 2020. Use the table below to view the total number of each type of county in Arkansas following the 2020 election as well as the overall percentage of the state population located in each county type.

Arkansas county-level statistics, 2020
Solid Republican 66 80.4%
Solid Democratic 8 19.4%
Trending Republican 1 0.2%
Total voted Democratic 8 19.4%
Total voted Republican 67 80.6%

Historical voting trends

Arkansas presidential election results (1900-2020)

  • 20 Democratic wins
  • 10 Republican wins
  • 1 other win

Year 1900 1904 1908 1912 1916 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1940 1944 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020
Winning Party D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D AI[5] R D R R R D D R R R R R R

Statewide elections

This section details the results of the five most recent U.S. Senate and gubernatorial elections held in the state.

U.S. Senate elections

See also: List of United States Senators from Arkansas

The table below details the vote in the five most recent U.S. Senate races in Arkansas.

U.S. Senate election results in Arkansas Race Winner Runner up Average 64.0 33.3
2020 66.5%
2016 59.7%
2014 56.5%
2010 58.0%
2008 79.5%

Gubernatorial elections

See also: Governor of Arkansas

The table below details the vote in the five most recent gubernatorial elections in Arkansas.

Gubernatorial election results in Arkansas Race Winner Runner up Average 58.5 38.9
2018 65.3%
2014 55.4%
2010 64.4%
2006 55.6%
2002 52.0%

State partisanship

The table below displays the partisan composition of Arkansas' congressional delegation as of August 2022.

Congressional Partisan Breakdown from Arkansas, August 2022PartyU.S. SenateU.S. HouseTotal
Democratic 0 0 0
Republican 2 4 6
Independent 0 0 0
Vacancies 0 0 0
Total 2 4 6

State executive

The table below displays the officeholders in Arkansas' top four state executive offices as of August 2022.

State legislature

The tables below highlight the partisan composition of the Arkansas State Legislature as of August 2022.

Arkansas State Senate

Arkansas House of Representatives

Trifecta control

As of August 2022, Arkansas was a Republican trifecta, with majorities in both chambers of the state legislature and control of the governorship. The table below displays the historical trifecta status of the state.

Arkansas Party Control: 1992-2022
Eleven years of Democratic trifectas  •  Eight years of Republican trifectas
Scroll left and right on the table below to view more years.

Year 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Governor D D D D D R R R R R R R R R R D D D D D D D D R R R R R R R R
Senate D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D R R R R R R R R R R
House D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D R R R R R R R R R R


The table below details demographic data in Arkansas and compares it to the broader United States as of 2019.

  • Search Google News for this topic
  • Office of the Governor of Arkansas

  1. Inside Elections also uses Tilt ratings to indicate an even smaller advantage and greater competitiveness.
  2. Amee LaTour, "Email correspondence with Nathan Gonzalez," April 19, 2018
  3. Amee LaTour, "Email correspondence with Kyle Kondik," April 19, 2018
  4. Amee LaTour, "Email correspondence with Charlie Cook," April 22, 2018
  5. American Independent Party

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