Why didnt winnie drink the water

Winnie did not die JUST KIDDING :) she poured the spring water to the toad that was in danger and so she didnt get a drink of spring water she followed the life cycle and so she ended up dying at the ageof 78 :(

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Written by Natalie Babbitt

Reviewed by Taylor M. (age 8)

The story Tuck Everlasting is about a girl, Winnifred Foster, and a boy, Jesse Tuck. Jesse Tuck has a secret about his family. The secret is that they all drank from a spring that would make them live forever, but they didn't know. Everyone drank the water except the cat, and the cat died. Winnie found out about the secret. First Jesse told Winnie not to drink the water then he told her to drink the water so she could live forever and never die. Then Mae and Tuck got in jail and Winnie helped get them out by pretending to be Mae in the jail. Tuck Everlasting is also about how people meet and fall in love and they want to be together forever.

My favorite part in the story is when Jesse says "You know, maybe we could get married" . My favorite characters are Miles, Jesse, and Winnie. I like the story because it kept me wondering what would happen next to Winnie and Jesse. I wondered if they would get married or not. I really wished that they would have.

I think other people should read Tuck Everlasting and see what they think about the book themselves. I think the fifth graders or up could read Tuck Everlasting by themselves.

Taylor M.is a student in

Mrs. Weidemann's 2nd Grade through 3rd Grade Class

Last week Ms. Leake’s student teacher Kristina Engstrom (she does some observations and teaching with us as well) did a lesson with the class on making choices based on Tuck Everlasting. The students were challenged to write a short persuasive letter from the point of view of one of two characters in the book, Winnie Foster or Jesse Tuck. If they chose Winnie, they would write explaining why they would or would not drink the water from the “fountain of youth.” If they chose Jesse, they would try to convince Winnie to drink or not drink the water that would allow her to live forever. 

By Thidapech Dear Winnie, Why didn’t you drink the water instead of wasting it? Why did you pour the water on the toad? For me, I don’t think I should drink the water because it might make me think about life or I just know the living forever would just be heart-breaking and hard to live forever. But anyway, you made a good choice! But it will be better if you drank the water, and then we should’ve got married. But I still love you forever!

Love, Jesse Tuck

By Skyler Dear Winnie, I got your letter. Why didn’t you drink the water? I thought you were going to drink it. Where are you? I want to know where you are so I can talk to you in person.

Sincerely, Jesse

By J’Son Dear Jesse, I’m sorry that I did not drink the water.

Sincerely, Winnie Foster

By Ingrid Dear Jesse, I decided not to drink the water because I would miss my parents and I want to be a normal person. There are some good things that could happen, though, like, you could do anything you want and you can’t get hurt and you will see the world change around you. That will be cool. I am so sorry that I decided not to drink the water, but I used it on a toad; look for him. He will keep you company. I miss you a lot.

Love, Winnie Foster

By Thidapech Dear Jesse, I’m so sorry that I didn’t drink the water, but I wanted to be a normal person, not like a villain that lives forever! But I will always love you even for my next life! Please stay and wait for me!!!

Love, Winnie Foster

By Ben Dear Jesse, I didn’t drink the water because I poured the water on a toad and I could get some more sometime. But over the years I forgot all about the water. So when the tree fell I knew my chance was missed many years ago. So that’s why I never came.

Sincerely, Winnie Foster

By Hannah Dear Winnie, I really wish you could drink that water because you won’t suffer pain and you will see changes in the world. That’s what all the blessings you could have like me. Bad thing is, is that you remember horrible stuff; you’re the only one that lasts. I really want to be with you, but maybe later. Hope I see you soon. Love you very much.

Sincerely, Jesse Tuck

By Anna Dear Winnie, Why did you waste the water on a stupid toad? Why didn’t you drink the water and come with me? We could have gotten married. That’s what you wanted, right? That stupid toad didn’t need to live forever! I’m sorry I’m overreacting, but I just want to know why? I wish you drank the water (so) we could have gotten married. I loved you, I love you now, and I’ll love you forever.

Sincerely, Jesse Tuck

By Gabriel Dear Jesse, I didn’t drink the water because what if I can’t find you or if people know the secret? What if someone notices that I never die?

Sincerely, Winnie

By Lillian Dear Jesse, I’m sorry I did not choose to drink the water. I t was a hard decision—the toad or me? Please forgive me. I wanted to have a normal life. I would like to travel around the world and see the world change. I hope you like seeing the world change. Think about me when you see the toad. I miss you.

Love, Winnie Foster

By Molly Dear Jesse, I’m sorry I didn’t drink the water. It was too much of a decision. I couldn’t help it. I wanted to be normal like all the others. It would be too hard to keep the secrets forever. What would happen if the world would end? How would I keep the secret? These are questions I’ve been asking since I found out. You are my best friend and I love you so much. I’m sorry.

Sincerely, Winnie Foster

By David Dear Winnie, Why didn’t you drink the water when you were 17? We could have married by then. Or we could be friends and travel around the world. I always remember the day you helped my mom escape out of prison, and I have been waiting since that day, but then I lost hope. When my mom and dad had returned, they said they stopped by Treegap. My mom and dad saw an RIP that said Winnie Foster, and since that day I was very sad. But you are also my best friend.

Sincerely, Jesse Tuck

By Lucas Dear Winnie Foster, Why didn’t you drink the water? I don’t know why you didn’t but I know you didn’t mean it in a bad way. I guess you just wanted to be a normal person and be like everyone else. I will remember you forever.

Sincerely, Jesse Tuck

By Emma Dear Jesse, Jesse, I didn’t drink the water. I’m now 20 years old. I am sorry but I’m engaged. We have bought a new house just out f town. Are you coming back? I’m dearly sorry, but I miss you so much. It is the little white house. You can’t miss it. So until you come back I’ll be here. P.S. I wasted the water on a toad. Oops!

Sincerely, Winnie Foster

By Dylan Dear Winnie, Are you going to drink the water?

Sincerely, Jesse

By Zach Dear Winnie, Why didn’t you drink the water? Well, I guess I can’t really blame you.  Yup. It’s a pretty hard life. Everybody who finds out thinks that you are a freak.

Sincerely, Jesse

By Clifford Dear Winnie, Winnie, do not drink the water because you will be lonely for the rest of your life and there will be nobody with you to do everything with you. If you drink the water and you will not change, other people will and so everybody will think you are crazy.

Sincerely, Jesse

By Avery Dear Jesse, The reason I did not drink the water is there was a toad I saw before I ran away and a dog was messing with the toad. I did not want the toad to die so I poured the water on the toad. I’m sorry.

Sincerely, Winnie

By Maggie Dear Jesse, I am sorry I didn’t drink the water. I poured the water on the toad. I hope you’re not that sad or mad that I did that. Because I died ‘cause I didn’t drink the water and I hope that you will remember me forever.  Oh! P.S. If you see the toad again, please take care of him.

Sincerely, Winnie Foster

By Chris Dear Jesse, I decided to not drink the water because I would miss my family and it would be lonely. But the good news is that if I had drunk the water I would be your friend and I wouldn’t be lonely.

From, Winnie

By Xavier Dear Jesse, I didn’t drink the water because I would miss my family. How would I find you, too? It’s too much to ask.

Love, Winnie

In the world there is a special place called the woods and it has magical water produced there. When people drink this water, they do not grow up anymore. Also, they can not get hurt, and they live forever which makes them immortal. In the novel, “Tuck Everlasting”, drinking the water from the spring is a terrible idea because the people who drink the water can not grow old anymore, they have to hide themselves because if the other people find out the secret of the water, bad things happens to the people who drink the water.
The first reason why people should not drink the special water is because they can not grow old anymore. The special water is magical, if people drink it they stop growing. “Mae tuck and her husband and Miles and
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People who drink the water have to hide themselves entire life, “Anyways, it's ten years since I went to Treegap, No one’ll remember me” (p.10). Mae can meet her son ten years once, and they have to make sure nobody will remember them. People who drink the water can not have normal people life, “Tuck family all drink the water even the horse, but the cat. The cat had live long and happy life on the frame” (p.40). Tuck family can not enjoy growing old with their family, They can not actually enjoy their life. Also, people who drink the water can not make friends with other people because of they can not let other people find out the secret. “They have work the farm, settled down, make friends, but after 10 years, theme twenty, they have to face to face that there was something terrible wrong, none of them was getting older” (p.39). This means, people who drink the water can not make friends or if they do, other people can find out the secret. This is another reason of hey people should not drink the water from the …show more content…
First, if other people find out, they think ita black magic, and kill the people who drink the water. “They come to pull back from us. There are talks about witchcraft. Black magic…” (p.39). Miles’ wife and his two kids die because of people find out Mile’s secret. Second, if bad people find out the secret of the water, they use the people who drink the water to do bad things to other people to get money. “The man in the yellow suit have a paper here, all signed and legal, to prove it, I’m going to sell the water…. only for people who deserve it” (p.97). The man in the yellow suit want to use Tuck family to sell the water help him to get a lot of money. Third, people who drink the water cannot find their true love. “Jesse say:” two years, she dies two years…” (p.138). Jesses and Winnie loves each other, When Jesse leave, he give Wienne a bottle of water from the spring, and ask Wienne when she 17 years old drink the water. Therefore, they can together forever, but Winnie did not drink the water. She enjoy her life and die. This is the last reason why people should not drink the water from the

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