Why do cats chew cardboard

Some cats have a habit of eating or chewing on paper. Cats are known to sometimes exhibit odd behavior for a variety of reasons, keeping their owners wondering why. Although it's generally harmless for cats to eat paper, there are some potential dangers.

Cats are curious creatures that use their noses and mouths to explore the world by sniffing, tasting, and even chewing interesting items. They can smell and taste things humans cannot detect. As strange as it sounds, paper and cardboard are appealing to many cats. Depending on the cat, this may include printer paper, bills, books, magazines, cardboard boxes, toilet paper, and paper towels.

Cats may lick and chew paper to explore it or play, then realize they enjoy the smell and taste. Some cats will simply chew paper and cardboard, but others will actually ingest it.

Cats are carnivores that instinctively enjoy hunting prey. It is possible that tearing paper and cardboard mimics the act of tearing through the meat of their prey.

Pica is the compulsion to eat non-food items that offer no health benefits. This condition is seen in humans, cats, dogs, and other animals. Eating paper is a form of pica in cats and there are some possible reasons for it.

  • Curiosity
  • Boredom
  • Fun/play (cats often enjoy the texture)
  • Teething in kittens
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Medical condition or nutritional deficiency

Cats that chew paper usually only ingest small quantities. However, eating large amounts of paper can lead to health problems. Paper is made from cellulose fiber extracted from wood or similar materials and may contain various chemicals used in processing. Finished paper often contains ink and dyes. The chemicals in some paper may be toxic if enough is ingested. Fortunately, it would take a lot of paper to cause toxicity.

Gastrointestinal obstruction is the greatest risk associated with paper-eating in cats. Small quantities of paper can usually be digested in the stomach. However, large amounts of paper can absorb liquid and clump in the stomach or intestines. If large enough, clumps of paper can block food from passing through the GI tract. The body will try to expel the paper or pass it. Your cat may vomit up all or part of the paper. However, there is a risk of the underwear becoming logged in the gastrointestinal tract, causing an obstruction. This is a serious condition that requires immediate veterinary attention.

Possible initial signs of a GI obstruction include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and lethargy. The abdomen may become painful and/or bloated. If you notice these signs and you suspect your cat might have eaten something non-edible, go to the nearest open veterinarian immediately. A GI obstruction may be discovered via radiographs or ultrasound. If so, the foreign body will need to be removed. If the foreign body is in the stomach, it may be possible to remove it with endoscopy. Blockages in the intestines require abdominal surgery.

Contact your vet if you notice your cat eating large amounts of paper other inappropriate items, or if your cat is showing any signs of illness. It's important to rule out a medical or nutritional cause for the pica before you try to correct the behavior.

The best way to prevent your cat from eating paper is to keep it out of reach. Put books and magazines on shelves or in drawers. Store important papers in drawers or plastic folders (unless your cat also eats plastic). If your cat tends to eat large amounts of cardboard, avoid leaving boxes out.

Take steps to enrich your cat's environment and reduce boredom. Spend time playing and bonding with your cat. Place cat toys and scratchers around the home to keep your cat occupied. Consider adding vertical space to the home, such as cat shelves on the wall.

Training may help you divert your cat from eating paper. Some cats are stubborn and set in their ways, but many cats actually respond well to clicker training, especially if they are food-motivated. Try teaching your cat actions with specific cue words, then use the clicker to reinforce desired behaviors. Once you have clicker-trained your cat, use a pre-trained cue word to divert your cat's attention from the paper to you. When your cat is trying to eat something she should not eat, say the cue word. If your cat complies, click then reward.

Pica is the behavioral urge to eat nonedible materials. In cats, these items most often include fabrics, elastics such as hair binders, cardboard, paper, and plastic. Young cats are more likely to suffer from pica syndrome. The cause of pica is unknown, but experts speculate that it could be due to a number of causes such as being weaned too young, dietary deficiencies, genetics, boredom, compulsive disorder, or stress. The onset of pica can be as early as 3 months of age and some cats are able to grow out of it by 1-2 years of age.

Ceci and evidence of her Pica syndrome

Although many young cats will chew or tear apart items during play, a pica sufferer will grind the object repeatedly along their back molar teeth before swallowing. This behavior is highly rewarding for susceptible individuals, and they will go to great lengths to seek out material. Oriental breeds are believed to be more likely to suffer from pica due to their predisposition to wool sucking behavior. Wool sucking is when a cat simply sucks on bedding, but this behavior can become addictive and quickly transform into actually ingesting the materials.

Personal Experience

Ceci post-intestinal blockage removal.

My own cat has pica. Her onset for this behavior was about 4 months of age. Her most favored item to chew is fleece and other soft materials. She is 2 years old now and has ingested many blankets and clothing items over that time. One day I came home for lunch and noticed she didn’t eat her morning meal and had no interest in eating, which was alarming for a cat that never misses a meal. I went up to the cat’s room to find many large piles of vomit. I brought her in for radiographs and it was apparent there was material in her GI tract. It was uncertain if the material would be able to pass on its own with a little time, but as the day went on she became less comfortable and more lethargic. Repeated radiographs at 10pm showed the blockage was not going to budge and needed to be removed surgically ASAP. The incident was unexpected and escalated quickly. It was devastating for both me and her. An unexpected incident like this could cost around $1000 or more to treat! Pica syndrome is serious and can end up in surgery or death. Management is critical to reduce the risk. Consult with your veterinarian for suggestions to curb this behavior.

What To Do

Puzzle feeder

Mental/physical stimulation can be helpful if stress is the trigger to self-soothe. A bored cat will look for something to do and that could include chewing and ingesting non-food items. For my cats, I bought them a chicken coop to keep in the back yard. The cats like to lay outside watching the birds for a few minutes each day to occupy their mind. Other ideas to keep cats busy include but are not limited to: puzzle feeders, scratching posts, and interactive toys. Hiding kibbles around their accessible areas can be helpful as well.

Chicken coop that is now a modified outdoor cat enclosure to provide mental stimulation.

Removing all materials that are preferential may be necessary to curb the behavior as well. Sometimes dietary modifications may be beneficial such as an increase in fiber content or larger kibble. Consult with your veterinarian to help find a suitable diet.

Things to Watch

If your cat suffers from pica syndrome, it is important to pay close attention to their eating habits and energy levels to monitor for signs of an intestinal blockage. General listlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, straining to defecate, and disinterest in eating are indicators that a vet visit may be necessary.

If your cat chews on other materials without the grinding or chewing action reminiscent of pica, there may be other factors contributing to this behavior and it is important to mention this to your vet.

Managing pica is not easy but can be achieved; prevention is key! Cats suffering from this syndrome need to be closely monitored to prevent serious illness.

Ceci and friends Article by Lindsey Q

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