Why does decreasing the temperature of a liquid make it freeze?

Creating an ordered solid from a disordered liquid releases energy

At the molecular level this is what is happening when you cool something like water.

At first the cooling reduces the average kinetic energy of the water molecules so they slow down. Basically, temperature is the average kinetic energy so removing energy lowers the temperature.

At some point, though, water starts to form ice where the molecules are not wandering about randomly and get rigidly stuck together in ice crystals. But this process also releases energy: the ordered ice crystal has a significantly lower energy than water at the same temperature. Converting liquid water to ice releases that energy.

What this means is that when extracting energy from warm water the result is simply a lower temperature. But one you get to 0°C the extra energy extracted is used to convert the liquid to the solid rather than reducing the temperature. Once all the water has solidified, further removing energy reduces the temperature again.

The key is that the process of freezing itself involves energy changes so instead of reducing the temperature, the energy comes from the conversion of liquid to solid.

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Most liquids have a quite simple behavior when they are cooled (at a fixed pressure): they shrink. The liquid contracts as it is cooled; because the molecules are moving slower they are less able to overcome the attractive intermolecular forces drawing them closer to each other. Then the freezing temperature is reached, and the substance solidifies, which causes it to contract some more because crystalline solids are usually tightly packed.

Water is one of the few exceptions to this behavior. When liquid water is cooled, it contracts like one would expect until a temperature of approximately 4 degrees Celsius is reached. After that, it expands slightly until it reaches the freezing point, and then when it freezes it expands by approximately 9%.

This unusual behavior has its origin in the structure of the water molecule. There is a strong tendency to form a network of hydrogen bonds, where each hydrogen atom is in a line between two oxygen atoms. This hydrogen bonding tendency gets stronger as the temperature gets lower (because there is less thermal energy to shake the hydrogen bonds out of position). The ice structure is completely hydrogen bonded, and these bonds force the crystalline structure to be very "open", as shown in the following picture:

The pictures on this page are provided courtesy of the MathMol project at the NYU/ACF Scientific Visualization Laboratory.
Information about MathMol can be found here.

In the following two pictures, the first shows a typical structure of liquid water, while the second is an ice structure; note the extra open space in the ice.

It is this open solid structure that causes ice to be less dense than liquid water. That is why ice floats on water, for which we should all be thankful because if water behaved "normally" many bodies of water would freeze solid in the winter, killing all the life within them.

Water's "density maximum" is a product of the same phenomenon. Close to the freezing point, the water molecules start to arrange locally into ice-like structures. This creates some "openness" in the liquid water, which tends to decrease its density. This is opposed by the normal tendency for cooling to increase the density; it is at approximately 4 degrees Celsius that these opposing tendencies are balanced, producing the density maximum.

Updated December 3, 2013

why does decreasing the temperature of a liquid make it freeze? cooling slows molecular motion until attractive forces between molecules can hold them in place. The molecules will vibrate in fixed positions and form a solid. … liquid absorbs energy to evaporate liquid releases energy when to freeze.

Does a liquid give off energy or absorb energy when it changes into a gas What about when it changes into a solid?

Does a liquid release energy or absorb energy when it changes into a solid? A liquid releases energy when it changes into a solid.

What is sublimation is it a heating or cooling process what is sublimation is it a heating or cooling process?

Is it a heating or cooling process? a) Sublimation is when the slowest molecules at the surface of a solid have escape velocity and leave the solid. It is a cooling process for the solid left behind.

What happens to the water pressure at the bottom of a geyser when some of the water above gushes out what is the result?

What happens to the water pressure at the bottom of a geyser when some of the water above gushes on? As water gushed out the pressure on the remaining water is reduced the water boils rapidly and erupts with great force. Afterwards the geyser refills and repeats the cycle.

Why is evaporation a cooling process?

As perspiration evaporates it absorbs heat to cool your body. The principle underlying evaporative cooling is the fact that water must have heat applied to it to change from a liquid to a vapor. When evaporation occurs this heat is taken from the water that remains in the liquid state resulting in a cooler liquid.

What happens to a liquid when it is heated?

If a liquid is heated the particles are given more energy and move faster and faster expanding the liquid. … Liquids evaporate faster as they heat up and more particles have enough energy to break away. The particles need energy to overcome the attractions between them.

If energy is removed the liquid water will freeze.

What is sublimation heating or cooling?

Is it heating or cooling? Sublimation is when the fastest molecule at the surface of a solid leaves to become a gas. When a gas becomes liquid it’s called condensation. It’s a warming process.

How does the sublimation process work?

Well sublimation printing uses heat to essentially bring ink and fabric together as one. … The heat opens up the pores of the fabric then with the applied pressure the ink cools and returns to a solid form. The result is a permanent full colour image that won’t crack peel or wash away from the substrate.

Why is sublimation such a critical component for the water cycle in cold climates?

The air is so dry that when it hits a snowpack the frozen water evaporates going directly from the ice to vapor and bypassing the liquid phase entirely. This is called sublimation and it’s a common way for snow to disappear in the arid West.”

Why does the boiling temperature of water decrease when the water is under reduced pressure such as at a higher altitude?

At elevated altitudes any cooking that involves boiling or steaming generally requires compensation for lower temperatures because the boiling point of water is lower at higher altitudes due to the decreased atmospheric pressure. The effect starts to become relevant at altitudes above approximately 2 000 feet (610 m).

Why does the liquid change to a gas?

Evaporation occurs when particles in a liquid pass directly into the gas state at a temperature below the boiling point of the liquid. … Evaporation is dependent on individual particles gaining enough energy to escape the surface of the liquid and become gas particles.

What happens to the temperature of the water as the heater continues to heat after the water has come to a boil Why?

Temperature increases linearly with heat until the melting point. … At the boiling point temperature no longer rises with heat added because the energy is once again being used to break intermolecular bonds. Once all water has been boiled to steam the temperature will continue to rise linearly as heat is added.

Is freezing a warming or cooling process?

Freezing is a phase transition where a liquid turns into a solid when its temperature is lowered below its freezing point. In accordance with the internationally established definition freezing means the solidification phase change of a liquid or the liquid content of a substance usually due to cooling.

Does freezing absorb or release heat?

Note that melting and vaporization are endothermic processes in that they absorb or require energy while freezing and condensation are exothermic process as they release energy.

How does the freezing point of a liquid compare with its melting point?

Freezing occurs at the same temperature as melting hence the melting point and freezing point of a substance are the same temperature. The melting/freezing point of a substance is defined as the temperature above which the substance is liquid and below which it is solid.

Why does a liquid expand when heated?

Liquids expand for the same reason but because the bonds between separate molecules are usually less tight they expand more than solids. … Heat causes the molecules to move faster (heat energy is converted to kinetic energy ) which means that the volume of a gas increases more than the volume of a solid or liquid.

What happens to the particles of water in ice as it turns to liquid?

The ice cube which was solid has turned into the liquid water because the air temperature is warmer than the freezers. Which means the ice particles gather heat energy from the warmer air. Therefore the ice particles have enough energy to break apart (melt)into smaller particle arrangements. … This is liquid water.

How does temperature affect the movement of particles?

With an increase in temperature the particles move faster as they gain kinetic energy resulting in increased collision rates and an increased rate of diffusion. … With an increase in temperature the particles gain kinetic energy and vibrate faster and more strongly.

At what temperature does water freeze change from liquid to solid )?

32°F (0°C). Share that the temperature at which fresh water freezes is called the freezing point. The freezing point is the temperature at which a liquid turns to a solid. The freezing point at which water — a liquid — turns to ice — a solid — is 32°F (0°C).

How do you explain condensation to a child?

Condensation is the process by which water vapor (water in its gas form) turns into liquid. It happens when molecules of water vapor cool and collect together as liquid water. Water vapor can be found on the outside of cold glasses the warm side of windows and in the clouds up in the air.

Is a popsicle a solid or liquid?

Slowly the solid popsicle becomes a liquid. As the popsicle melts it goes through a change of state or phase change. A change of state when a substance changes physical form but not in molecule make up. The molecules do not change into something different they just gain or lose energy and movement.

Why does ice sublimate in the freezer?

When dry ice heats up the solid becomes a gas directly (any liquid is from water condensing on the dry ice). This process is called sublimation. Water (or ice) can also sublimate at temperatures below freezing. Because of the dry air in the freezer ice cubes will sublimate and will disappear.

Does snow melt or evaporate?

Sublimation happens best on sunny days where the sun creates enough energy to allow the solid water to turn to a gas… skipping the melting phase. Snow can also sublimate with strong enough wind… this evaporates the snow before it has a chance to melt.

How is dry ice made?

Dry ice is made by liquefying carbon dioxide and injecting it into a holding tank where it’s frozen at a temperature of -109° F and compressed into solid ice. Depending on whether it’s created in a pelletizer or a block press dry ice can then be made into pellets or large blocks.

What is a sublimated shirt?

Sublimation shirt printing is a specific process of printing that first involves printing onto a special sheet of paper then transferring that image onto another material (usually polyester or a polyester mix). The ink is then heated until it disintegrates into the fabric.

Is dry ice sublimation?

Sublimation and the water cycle:

Dry ice” is actually solid frozen carbon dioxide which happens to sublimate or turn to gas at a chilly -78.5 °C (-109.3°F).

What is gas to solid called?

Deposition is the phase transition in which gas transforms into solid without passing through the liquid phase. Deposition is a thermodynamic process. The reverse of deposition is sublimation and hence sometimes deposition is called desublimation.

Why does sublimation happen?

Sublimation is caused by the absorption of heat which provides enough energy for some molecules to overcome the attractive forces of their neighbors and escape into the vapor phase. Since the process requires additional energy it is an endothermic change.

Why is sublimation important?

Sublimation can be important in the recovery of compounds that are suspended or dissolved in a fluid or a solid like dry ice. The compounds can be recovered at least in crude form by allowing the suspending matrix to sublimate away.

What happens during condensation and sublimation?

Condensation: the substance changes from a gas to a liquid. … Sublimation: the substance changes directly from a solid to a gas without going through the liquid phase. Deposition: the substance changes directly from a gas to a solid without going through the liquid phase.

When you boil water Why does the level of liquid decrease?

when you boil water you convert it into water vapor which leaves the pot and mixes with the atmosphere. If you boil the pot long enough eventually all the water in it is converted to vapor and leaves. the pot is then empty.

What happens to the temperature of water while it is boiling?

When boiling occurs the more energetic molecules change to a gas spread out and form bubbles. … Therefore the temperature of the liquid remains constant during boiling. For example water will remain at 100ºC while boiling.

What is the effect of temperature on boiling point of water?

As the temperature is increased the vapour pressure increases at the boiling point bubbles of vapour form within the liquid and rise to the surface.

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