Why does george answer all the questions directed at lennie?

English 11 with Mrs. BrownOf Mice and Men: Chapter One Guided Reading Questions1. Describe the setting of the story, including the place and time period.The setting ofthe story is in a depression era in the valleys of California.2. List five words that describe George, the “first man” we meet in this chapter.Small,quick-witted, wiry, capricious, and protective.3. List five words that describe Lennie.Large, strong, child-like, gentle, and kind.4. To what animal is Lennie first compared?Bear5. Find at least three examples Steinbeck uses to show Lennie’s dependence onGeorge. (Use complete sentences here.)The book states that Lennie depends onGeorge in many ways, for example George has to tell Lennie not to drink so muchwater, George keeps Lennie from getting in trouble, and lastly Lennie relies onGeorge for work.6. Name the town that George and Lennie came from, what occurred there, and thecircumstances of their departure.The town was called Weed, Lennie touched a girl’sdress which led to embarrassment so they left the town.7. Where does George tell Lennie to hide if he gets into trouble?George told Lenniethat if ever gets into trouble to hide in the bushes so George can find him there.8. What is George’s attitude toward Lennie? Why does he stay with Lennie, and whatdoes this demonstrate about George’s morals?George’s attitude is that he cares forLennie, Lennie is George’s partner during their exploration, but sometimes Georgegets tired and frustrated of taking care of Lennie.9. Explain the background story of Lennie and mice, including the person who used togive him mice.Lennie’s Aunt Clara used to give him mice but Lennie wouldaccidently kill them.10. How does the story of Lennie and mice connect to the incident in Weed?Lennielikes to rub on soft things; in Weed Lennie rubbed on the girl’s dress on accidentbecause it was soft, and now he rubs on dead mice.

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