Why does my cat bite me gently out of nowhere Reddit

My cat jumped on my lap and I was petting him. He started purring and rubbed his face on mine, then out of nowhere he softly bit my eyebrow. Is that a sign that he was hungry or something?

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Does anyone know why my cat always bites me unprovoked from cats
Why is my cat biting me when i try to pet her? from cats

Every so often when I'm petting him, he'll just start biting me and after he'll lick me. I tell him to stop because it hurts sometimes, and he usually listens. I just wanna know if he's being aggressive or is it showing love?

My cat, Oliver.. I got him from a family when he was 4.5 months old. This was November 2012. He's a sweetheart (aside from trying to trip me everywhere I go!) and constantly wants attention.

Only problem is the biting! You'll scratch/pat him on the head and he'll be all lovey and rub his face on you and the next thing you know his teeth are around your hand. Not necessarily rough every time but enough to make me stop petting him. He bites a LOT when we play which I'm trying to walk away from him when he does it, but the nonchalant "I'll just wrap my mouth around your hand while you pet me" thing really throws me off. Any tips for getting all the biting in these situations to stop? It's been going on pretty much since I got him!

Also maybe tips for a cat that bites and attacks in general? I love him to pieces and he is beating me up! Lol.

Obligatory pictures of cat:

//i.imgur.com/AP18cH8.jpg //i.imgur.com/HbZU9Er.jpg //i.imgur.com/rFbvtQ6.jpg

So me and my family adppted our 3rd cat. And she is probaby the most affectionate cat I have owned. And for some reason she lightly bites and scratches me when I pet her.

I googled and google said cats do this when they're overstimulated and stroking them starts to iritate their skin. And while that makes sense that doesn't seem to be the case with my new cat, she is the one who rubs herself against me or against my hand and then bites me then rubs herlsef on me again in the same breath, and she bites me before I have even pet her enough to overstimulate her.

She is 1 year old if that helps. I really don't mind this at all, the bites and scratches don't hurt very much and don't break the skin, in fact I find it kinda endearing. But I'm atill curious about why she does this. Are cats just kinky like that? Or what?

I was just sitting on my couch playing music from my phone when Pockets walked over, took my hand holding my phone with his paw (claws not extended), pulled it towards his face, and gently bit my hand. I was like wtf and started laughing and he just walked across my lap, hopped off the couch and went and laid in a patch of sunlight. This isn't the first time he's done this. It doesn't hurt at all, is he just doing this because he's annoyed? Is he reminding me he's in charge? Is he saying hi?

Sometimes he likes to be held after I've been out a while, but if it goes on for too long he'll give me a gentle bite which I interpret as "put me down now," so maybe my music was just too loud for him and he was telling me to stop?

I have three cats but one most notable behavior is that one of my cats likes to "soft" bite randomly he's a really sweet cat unlike the older one he likes to cuddle and play a lot and he's about 3-4 years old. Usually greets me at the door when I get home and he's very vocal. He doesn't fuss when you try to play with him and usually if he ends up hurting you he will investigate. The reason I'm giving all this information is because I don't know if this may have anything to do with his behavior. I don't think I've seen another cat bite like he has, it doesn't seem aggressive by any means he will literally walk up to me and bite my hand softly sometimes while I pet him sometimes just before I pet him. Any ideas?

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