Why does my dog lick me a lot

One of the common questions that vets get asked by pooch parents is about their dog's licking habits. Many dogs will spend lots of time licking their owners, the furniture, or the carpet.

Being greeted at the door by their dog licking their face is just part of life for many owners. In fact, some even appreciate receiving such a loving welcome! However, other dog owners might become frustrated by their dog licking them, especially if it's excessive. So, here are some reasons why dogs lick their owners and what you can do about it. 

1. You taste good!

Your dog might be licking you because you taste great! Whether you’ve been chopping food and your hands are covered in microscopic food particles, or whether you just put on that coconut body lotion, it’s possible your dog is licking you because your skin tastes delicious.

It might even be your natural body oils and sweat that your dog enjoys so much – that salty flavour is a canine favourite!

Be aware that some ingredients in body lotion may be toxic to dogs, so they should be discouraged from licking you after applying moisturiser. 

Unfortunately, our dogs are prone to stress, and this can sometimes manifest in obsessive behaviours. Repetitive licking of people, objects, and themselves can be a sign of stress, dog boredom, or anxiety in our canine friends. You might notice your dog only licks you when they’re anxious (for instance, during a thunderstorm or firework show), or it may be that your dog licks anytime you’re near them.

Licking is naturally comforting for dogs – it’s a grooming behaviour they undertake when calm and relaxed. In fact, it could even be seen as the canine equivalent of taking a deep breath in and out to calm down.

For these cases, providing more entertainment is useful, as it can resolve boredom and reduce stress. The best dog puzzle toys are useful for dogs suffering from boredom, anxiety, and stress. They also allow dogs to redirect the repetitive licking behaviour onto an appropriate toy. Lickimats and stuffed toys are great. Playing games with your dog can also relieve boredom, as can adding in some new training regimes.

If your dog’s anxiety is severe, you are likely to see other symptoms – at this point it’s worth discussing with your vet. 

3. Canine dementia

In canine dementia (properly called ‘canine cognitive dysfunction’ or CCD), your dog can gain new repetitive behaviours, including licking you. If your dog is elderly and seems to be licking your foot or hand more than they used to, it’s possible canine cognitive dysfunction is to blame.

Other symptoms of CCD include changes in sleep-wake pattern, forgetfulness, toileting accidents, and anxiety. Luckily, treatment can resolve many of these symptoms, including licking! 

(Image credit: Getty)

4. You've accidentally trained them to do it!

Dogs are fast learners, and they’ll take just about anything as a reward. So, it’s possible you’ve actually trained your dog to lick you by inadvertently ‘rewarding’ his behaviour. For instance when your dog licks you, you move his head away and absentmindedly stroke him – that’s positive reinforcement. They’ll quickly learn that licking you gets a stroke! 

Even telling him off can work as reinforcement – for many dogs, all attention is good attention, even if you’re asking them to stop. If your dog licking you gets you to give them attention, then they’ll carry on doing it. 

So how can you stop it? Try to ignore your dog completely if they start licking, and silently move away. Your dog will soon realise that licking causes you to ignore him and leave the room, and he’ll quickly stop. Don’t forget to praise him when he’s sitting near you without licking you, too!

Dogs lick other dog’s faces to communicate. Generally, it’s something a puppy does to an adult dog. To his mother, this might mean ‘feed me’, but to other adults in the pack, licking the face can be a submissive behaviour asking for approval. Socially, licking an adult dog’s face is saying ‘I’m just a puppy, you take the lead and tell me how to behave.'

Vets and researchers aren’t quite sure whether dogs lick human’s faces for the same reason. But, if your dog is still young, there’s a possibility they’re looking for guidance… or for food!

(Image credit: Getty Images)

How to stop a dog from excessively licking 

Although some dog licking is normal, it can be annoying if your dog licks excessively, whether it's you or your home furnishings. It's important to remember that how you act when your dog is licking can have a tangible impact on their future behavior.

If your dog approaches and licks your hand, it's almost a reflex to stroke their head, but this could easily cause them to associate licking you with getting a fuss. Similarly, if they're licking the sofa and you want them to stop, you might approach them and give them fuss as you lead them away, or even give them a reward like a chew to keep them occupied.

Keep them occupied

Frustratingly though, the opposite behavior might also cause your dog to lick since even if you tell them off, you're still acknowledging them and giving them attention. The best way to discourage excessive licking altogether is to ignore the behavior and provide plenty of activities to give your pooch plenty of alternatives to keep them busy.

Visit your vet for a check-up

Remember, though, that excessive licking can sometimes indicate a medical problem, like anxiety, for instance. Dementia is common in older dogs, and this can also cause some odd behaviors, like licking. It's also possible that your dog is licking as a form of pica, where a nutrient deficiency causes them to eat or lick inedible things. So, if you can't seem to get your dog's excessive licking under control, it's worth taking them to the veterinary clinic for a general health check.


These are five possible reasons your dog might be licking you, but getting to the bottom of the problem can be tricky. Whilst licking isn’t necessarily harmful, dog’s mouths are dirty places and there is a risk they can pass on germs to family members. So, it’s best to stop your dog from licking people wherever possible.

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Kisses from your dog could be because your dog thinks you taste good. SolStock/Getty Images

Have you ever wondered why your dog seems so eager to lick your hands and face? Your dog could just be licking you to show their affection, but there are several other factors that may be at play.

Here are six reasons why your dog may be licking you.

One simple explanation is that your dog is excited to see you walk in the door.

"Essentially, it is their way of greeting you … like they are saying 'Hello!'," says Lara Sypniewski, DVM, a professor of small animal medicine at Oklahoma State University.

It may also be an evolutionary behavior — researchers have observed that some wild dog species will lick other members of the pack as a welcome when they return home.

Licking can be a way for dogs to bond with family members. For example, mother dogs will often lick their puppies to groom them or offer comfort.

Likewise, licking may be your dog's way of grooming you and showing closeness.

"Licking is a normal juvenile behavior in puppies and this behavior appears to be common with humans, especially when humans encourage the interaction," Sypniewski says.

Your dog is very sensitive to your emotional states. "Dogs have evolved alongside humans and appear to have the unbelievable ability to interpret and respond to human emotion," Sypniewski says.

If you appear to be upset, your dog may mirror this feeling, and respond by licking you, says Melissa Bain, DVM, a professor of clinical animal behavior at UC Davis. 

Dogs may also have a drive to comfort unhappy humans. A small 2012 study showed that dogs were more likely to offer comforting behaviors like approaching and nuzzling to people who seemed sad, rather than people who acted neutral. 

Your dog may learn over time that licking is an effective way to get your attention.

"As dogs lick, humans typically respond with attention and love, further reinforcing the dog's licking behavior," Sypniewski says.

Your dog may also seek your attention and lick you to signal that they want food.

This instinctual behavior mirrors that of wild dogs — puppies in the wild lick their mother's lips after a hunt to show that they're hungry and the mother will then regurgitate food for them. 

Your dog may want to lick you when you're sweaty after a workout — studies have shown that dog tongues can taste salt.

Your dog may also want to lick your face or hands after you eat a meal. Even if you don't think you have food on your face, your dog may be able to pick up more subtle, enticing smells with their incredibly sensitive noses.

According to Bain, there are several reasons why your dog might feel anxious, including:

  • Your behavior — "this may be because the owner has done something that the dog finds aversive, such as yelling," Bain says.
  • Some dogs may be prone to a general sense of anxiety, based on their disposition.
  • Dogs with separation anxiety may feel anxious when their owner returns home.

"When experiencing anxiety, they may look for ways to soothe themselves," Sypniewski says. Licking causes dog's brains to release dopamine and endorphins, hormones that can help them feel more relaxed.

"Dog owners may also respond to anxious licking by petting, cuddling, or offering encouraging sounds or words," Sypniewski says. This can encourage your dog to use licking as a way to get comfort in the future.

There are many possible reasons why your dog might lick you, ranging from showing love or just trying to get a taste of your dinner.

But keep in mind that excessive licking can also be a sign that your dog isn't feeling well. "Owners should also be aware that dogs can lick if they feel nauseous, so if this is a change in behavior for the dog, or if it is accompanied by other signs of illness, they should contact their veterinarian," Bain says.

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