Why does papaya taste like barf?

Much like the old cilantro debate, people apparently have a lot of feelings about the way papaya tastes and smells. While some love the tropical fruit and experience no issues, others claim it smells like a myriad of unpleasant things (including vomit, rotten salmon, or dirty feet.)

But, why are some people able to enjoy the fruit as-is, while others can’t stand to be around the smell? Turns out, there’s a scientific reason for why papaya stinks.

Papaya is chock-full of an enzyme called papain, which according to the Enzyme Education Institute has a “pungent, somewhat offensive” smell and “unpleasant” taste. Though the colorful description doesn’t exactly make you want to run out and eat it, papain has some amazing interesting benefits, including the fact that it helps our stomachs break down tough-to-digest proteins, like meat and eggs. In many cultures, papaya is even used as a salt-free meat tenderizer.

Another reason to give the stinky fruit a chance? Papaya is really nutritious—according to Nutrition Data, one cup of the fruit has 55 calories, 14g carbs, 2.5g of fiber, and only 8.3g of natural sugar. Not to mention, it’s loaded with vitamins. It packs 31% of your daily value for vitamin A, 144% of your vitamin C, 13% of your daily folate, and 10% of your daily calcium. It even has some Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

If you can’t stand the smell, but still want to reap the health benefits, don’t lose hope. Turns out, a squeeze of lime juice over the top of papaya can help get rid of its unpleasant stink and taste. Bonus: According to the National Cancer Institute, citrus foods may help alleviate nausea without drastically changing the taste of the fruit or wrecking your stomach.

So, there you have it. The next time you want to enjoy a Papaya Breakfast Boat, a Papaya-Noodle Bowl, or just some fresh fruit salad, squeeze a bit of lime to mask the smell and taste—and enjoy all of the wonderful health benefits this tropical fruit provides.

Opinions about the taste and smell of papaya are divided.

While some people love papaya, others think it smells like various unpleasant things from rotten salmon to vomit.

So why is there so much difference in how people experience it?

In this article we’ll cover why people experience papaya differently and how best to eat it.

What Does Papaya Taste Like?

The taste of this tropical fruit depends on how ripe it is.

If properly ripened, you’re in for a delicate treat. It has a mild to fairly sweet flavor and a creamy, butter-like texture.

A ripe papaya’s flesh melts in your mouth, although larger varieties have slightly firmer flesh. People say ripe papaya tastes like cantaloupe melon or tropical mango.

On the other hand, unripe papaya has little to no flavor. Some people describe it as bland or bad.

It also has an unpleasant smell. The reason for this is due to an enzyme called papain. Green on unripe papayas have a crunchy texture and are often used in Asian cuisine.

Overripe papaya adds too intense muskiness to the flavor of the fruit. The flesh is too soft and mushy.

How to Tell If a Papaya is Ripe?

Picking perfectly ripe papaya can be a bit challenging. That’s why knowing what to look for can help you find the right one.

The first thing to look for is yellow or orange-yellow skin with minimal blemishes. Check for any holes, deep scratches, and dents. It’s ok if it has minimal green specks and spots.

The smell of papaya is another thing to look out for. Focus on the stem portion and if it has an unpleasant smell it means the papaya is overripe.

If it has a sweet aroma near the stem, it means it’s ripe. Papaya with no smell near the stem is under-ripe.

A delicious, ripe papaya should be fairly soft on the outside. However, soft and mushy flesh near the base means the papaya is overripe.

Is Papaya Good for You?

Papaya is excellent for the digestive system. It’s a lightweight fruit low in calories but high in antioxidants, dietary fiber, and good digestive enzymes.

The dietary fiber content in papaya improves gastrointestinal health and protects against constipation. Some of the enzymes it contains, such as chymopapain and papain, encourage natural protein digestion.

Papaya’s digestive enzyme and fiber content can help you feel full for longer. Being low in calories, it aids weight loss while providing vital nutrients to your body.

It is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin E, and other antioxidants.

Last but not least, the anti-inflammatory properties of the enzyme papain are good for inflammatory conditions.

How to Choose Papaya?

Look for a deep yellow colored papaya that’s neither too firm nor too soft or mushy.

It should be heavy for its size and yield to gentle pressure. Smell it near the base and pick the one that has a pleasant, sweet aroma.

Check the base of the papaya and make sure it doesn’t have any mildew or mold.

What to Do with Papaya?

Papaya is a versatile, creamy fruit that reminds of avocado.

You can use it to make different dishes and treats. People usually eat it raw when ripe, or use it for cooked meals when it’s unripe or green. They often combine it with some lemon juice.

You can use papaya to make a variety of delicious delicacies, including salads, salsas, dressings, soups, smoothies, dried snacks, fruit bowls, etc.

Papaya goes excellent with mango, kiwifruit, passionfruit, and different berries.

How to Store Papaya?

To ensure your papaya is fresh for longer, you should know how to properly store it.

If you’ve picked unripe papaya, let it sit on the counter at a temperature of around 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. This method works best for partially yellow papaya. Leave it here for a few days until it becomes a bright yellow, perfectly ripe papaya.

If you want to speed up the ripening process, store your papaya in a paper bag and put it in a dry place. Make sure you keep an eye on it all the time to prevent it from over-ripping.

Does Papaya Taste Like Vomit?

Some people say papaya tastes like vomit, but that’s because of the enzyme it produces called papain.

This enzyme is more abundant when the fruit is under-ripe or overripe. A ripe papaya tastes sweet, so it can only taste like vomit or any other unpleasant smell when it’s not perfectly ripe.

How Can I Prepare It?

Here’s how to prepare your ripe papaya to enjoy it raw.

Cut it in half lengthways. Scoop out the seeds with a spoon as you don’t need them unless you want to grow your own papaya.

Cut the flesh away from the fruit skin of both halves using a small sharp knife. Remove the skin and cut the flesh in slices. Enjoy.

You can also use it to make delicious smoothies, soups, salads, salsa, snacks, and dressings. Be creative and use it as your imagination tells you.

We have all heard about the different confusing reviews about papaya.

Some people say the papaya fruit has a sweet taste and they love it, while others are against the sweet taste and say it is disgusting.

Papaya fruit or pawpaw is a tropical fruit plant that grows in three sexes, male, female and hermaphrodite.

The female is the one that reproduces after pollination.

When ripe, papaya fruits is yellow or green on the outside and has a sweet taste and melts in your mouth.

However, the unripe papaya is very bitter, and one can’t stand to eat it.

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Papaya fruits are known to smell like vomit since it contains enzymes called papain, similar to human digestive enzymes.

Papain has a strong odour, but this does not affect the taste.

The enzymes are known to help in the digestion of food in the body.

The smell, however, is not noticeable to everyone, while others will sense the smell from afar.

Does papaya taste like vomit?

No, papaya does not taste like vomit.

Papaya taste is similar to an exotic mango or cantaloupe melons.

It is a sweet taste but not very powerful. When ripe, they have a buttery texture, and when put in the mouth, it quickly melts.

However, the unripe papaya is seen to have a bitter taste.

Their odour is powerful, and one is not able to withstand it. The unripe papaya is one used in Asian cuisine as a recipe.

What does papaya smell like?

The smell of papaya is not very pleasant since it smells like vomit.

The papain enzyme is responsible for the smell and does not reflect the test.

As a new person, the smell might make you feel disgusted and prevent you from eating the sweet fruit.

However, you can mask the smell while making smoothies by the use of lime.

The papaya will add a sweet taste, and it will be worthwhile.

How to eat a papaya

There are various types of papaya; some are green while others have are yellow.

The inside part of the fruit usually is salmon pink or orange. They are seed inside the fruit.

Eating the papaya is you cut it in half, remove the seed by using a spoon, and eat the inner part.

The sweet part will be the inner part, and you can use a spoon to eat it or peel it off.

Both the green and yellow papaya will have a mouth-watering green taste that will change your view of the fruit.

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What does a papaya salad taste like?

The papaya salad is seen to be smooth and sweet.

They are mouth-watering and lack the papaya odour in it. For green papaya or unripe papaya, they often go well with shrimp or meat.

They have a crunchy taste, and a little sweetness is added to it.

So, What Does Papaya Taste Like?

The fruit is sweet but has an odour that is caused by the papain enzyme that some people think smells like vomit. 

Papaya is one of the best fruits. It contains a lot of nutrients and health benefits to the human body and when eaten.

So don’t be afraid to try it, it’s particularly delicious when used raw in a Thai spicy Papaya salad. 

Last update on 2022-09-27 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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