Why is deep level diversity more important?

Traditionally, diversity has focused on easily observable, surface-level demographic traits like gender and ethnicity. In contrast, deep-level diversity focuses on traits that are psychological (e.g., personality, cognitive, or decision-making styles). Since it inherently involves the “inner workings” of people’s minds, it’s naturally less obvious than the visual characteristics of someone’s skin colour or gender.

It’s possible to measure deep-level diversity with reliability and validity.

Although not easily observed compared to surface-level traits, many different types of tools have been developed to measure deep-level traits so that they can be studied with rigour. These include tools measuring cognitive and decision-making styles, perceptions of cognitive diversity in established teams, and the range of academic and commercial tools designed to measure personality dimensions.

The links between surface-level diversity and group performance in a range of tasks are weak or non-existent.

Different studies have found support for the role of deep-level attributes that drive performance in tasks such as problem-solving and decision-making. In contrast, these studies have found little support for the effect of demographic variables on group performance in these tasks. That’s not to say that ethnic or gender diversity isn’t important for a just and representative workforce, given the times we live in, but that deep-level diversity plays a much larger role in driving performance outcomes regardless of demographic variables.

It’s important to distinguish between surface and deep-level diversity because the two types aren’t necessarily intertwined. When we tease apart the impact of the types of diversity that are important for key outcomes, we can start to see a more nuanced picture of diversity as a whole. Stay tuned for the next update when we talk about when diversity is useful and when it might not be so useful.

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It's all too easy to utter and hear someone say "diversity" without really fully understanding what it signifies. However, with only a rudimentary knowledge of the term, it's conceivable that certain forms of variety are being disregarded. Gender, sex, financial situation, childhood, physical prowess, culture, philosophies, age, sexual preference, nationality, neurodiversity, and real-world experience are all examples of diverse backgrounds.

Often, variety in any of these aspects must be assembled consciously. It takes deliberate nurturing to keep it alive. This continues to alter as more executives understand the benefits of diversity in the workplace and the negative consequences of not having variety. Individuals are no longer crucial to hire since they make the organization appear diversified.

Surface Level Diversity

Surface-level diversity refers to a sort of diversity in which the features are observable and palpable. Age, color, sex, gender balance, visible disability, and physical size are just a few examples. Surface-level diversity in office activities refers to the disparities that can be seen merely by glancing at them or talking to them once or twice.

Surface-level activities, whether well-intentioned or not, have the impact of making individuals feel "outcasted" and weakening their sense of community, which is a sure way to push them out of the company. These behaviors can breed skepticism in the workplace, making developing a truly diverse and inclusive atmosphere more challenging.

50% of employees in the United States want their company to put more effort into encouraging diversity and inclusion in the workplace. If individuals appreciate teamwork and strongly prefer group activities, intragroup variations in gender and nationality may foster less hatred and frustration that characterize interpersonal disagreement. When employees have a high level of team attitude, the negative impacts of classification and ethnic uniqueness are less likely to occur, and individuals are more committed to working through discrepancies.

Multiple identities may frequently exacerbate the hurdles a person may experience in obtaining work and demonstrating their worth. Therefore human resources and recruitment teams should be especially aware of this. One common theme runs through them all, no matter how good or bad they seem, talk, or are described. It is compassion. The remainder will be simple if you comprehend the humanitarian method first and treat everyone else with love, respect, and decency.

The diversity of working tasks is merely the tip of the iceberg. Even if we talk about deep-level differences, we all have specific fundamental needs: the need to be respected, loved, and understood. If you meet your individuals' needs, they will reciprocate in a variety of ways.

Deep Level Diversity

Non-observing qualities, or not apparent features, are included in deep-level diversity. Opinions, beliefs, and religious affiliations are among them. They're related to hidden diversity in that they're difficult to spot.

Historically, diversity has been defined by plainly visible, surface-level demographic characteristics such as gender and race. On the other hand, deep-level diversity is concerned with psychological traits (e.g., personality, cognitive, or decision-making styles). It's typically less visible than the external traits of someone's gender or ethnicity since it includes the deep internal dynamics of their thoughts.

Deep-level diversity increases engagement and productivity, according to research. When employees feel appreciated, respected, and involved, they are better, stronger, and more productive. Top management can benefit from fabulous ideas, broader views, and better solutions.

Although deep-level features are less visible than surface-level traits, several different types of instruments have been created to quantify them so that they may be researched thoroughly. Measures for assessing cognitive and decision-making styles, views of cognitive diversity in established teams, and various academic and commercial tools to evaluate personality traits are among them.

Several studies have revealed evidence for the importance of deep-level qualities in driving success in problem-solving and decision-making activities. On the other hand, these experiments have shown minimal evidence that demographic characteristics impact organizational success in these tasks. Given the times we live in, ethnicity variation is vital for a just and representative workforce. Still, deep-level diversity has a considerably more significant influence in driving performance benefits, independent of demographic considerations.

Diversity management should be approached from the standpoint of business managers' overall organizational and team productivity. Many studies think that firms must overhaul their whole structure to embrace diversity and improve corporate performance.

As per an investigation by Josh Bersin and Deloitte's inclusive organizations are twice as likely to be perceived as innovators. Inclusive businesses also develop better, more agile leaders. Their background allows them to make better decisions and deal with various people and conversation styles.

Diversity Levels Within the Organization

Having a varied staff from various origins may increase employee engagement and productivity, but building a welcoming environment for diverse individuals outside the business outcomes can be beneficial. Because of perceived disparities, many individuals may believe they are not given the opportunities they deserve in life. Many variables contribute to diversity—some are evident on the surface, while others are just a part of how individuals are born. The four types of diversity were formed based on these characteristics.

Internal Diversity

Internal diversity features are those that are tied to the circumstances in which an individual is born. They are characteristics that a person did not choose for themselves and that no one can alter. Internal diversity can be seen in the following ways:

  • Age Identified sex Sexual orientation Ethnicity 
  • The Country of origin
  • Physical aptitude 
  • Mental proficiency 
  • Identity in terms of culture

External Diversity

The term external is applied in diversity to indicate things linked to an individual but aren't qualities that they were born with. While other individuals and their circumstances might substantially impact outward variety, it is ultimately something that a person can modify and frequently does over a period. External type can be seen in the following ways:

  • Personal preferences
  • Education
  • Education
  • Nationality
  • Religious convictions
  • Location
  • Relationship 
  • Familial status 
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Experiences in life

Organizational Diversity

The discrepancies between people assigned to them by an organization are referred to as organizational diversity, also known as functional diversity. These are all the traits that separate one staff member from another within the workplace. An organization can be as tiny as a group of two or as large as a corporation, as long as one autonomous person. However, there are other types of organizational diversity, including:

  • Job Purpose
  • Place of employment
  • Status of Management/Employment/Pay Type
  • Career progression
  • Membership in a labor union

Worldview Diversity

A worldview is a term used to describe the fourth category of diversity. Various elements, such as our internal, external, and organizational diversity features, are combined to construct our worldview. Each individual has a different and unique worldview with which they agree upon. Our worldviews still have complexities, but here are a few good examples:

  • Political convictions
  • Perimeter of morality
  • Perspective on life 
  • Ideology

Worldview diversity is yet another sort of diversification that evolves—as we gain new information and knowledge more about ourselves and others, we perceive the world in new ways.


Diversity management involves organizational leaders' commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace culture. Across today's global market, business leaders that embrace and implement deep-level diversity in the entirety of their company's plans, processes, and operations will generate better results. A company must welcome and appreciate all forms of differences, both apparent and hidden, to be truly diverse. It's not enough to have surface-level variation. Finding people who question you, your way of thinking, and your preconceptions are crucial to creating a genuinely inclusive work environment.

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