Why is my girl crush avoiding me all of a sudden

When one has tried to win over a woman unsuccessfully, the next natural question that comes to their mind is, “why is she ignoring me?” The truth is she could be ignoring you because she is bored or not interested in you.

If you find yourself asking, why is she avoiding me or why does she ignore me, the chances are that you are asking a woman out, and she has rejected you. You then do everything possible to get her back, she realizes your pestering and starts avoiding you.

What happens then? You are confused and don’t know what to do when she ignores you. This situation can even make you ask yourself, “Should I ignore her if she ignores me?”

In another situation, you may love a woman and care about her. Suddenly, she starts ignoring you, and you wonder, “why is she ignoring me for no reason?” or “Is she avoiding me because she likes me?” Just so many things are going through your mind.

Understand that the question, “Why is she ignoring me?” and many others you ask are valid in such a situation. We all want our love interest to reciprocate the love we show.

If, however, you find yourself asking why she is ignoring you, it is time to know the reason and work towards solving it. If you would like to know what to do when she ignores you, read this article to the end for a comprehensive answer.

15 reasons why she is ignoring you

Why is she ignoring me? Here are some reasons why it could be happening.

1. It took you a long time to make a move

She is ignoring you because you waited too long before asking her out. Yes! You have realized she is the one for you a long time now, but you decide to wait a bit, or you thought you would be acting fast if you asked her out then. In essence, you are trying to play it safe.

Wasting time is one of the worst moves a man can make. While you are there giving her time, another man is asking her out. So, when she ignores you, it means another man has already taken your place.

Related Reading: Making Time For You And Your Spouse

2. You don’t give her space

What does it mean when a girl ignores you?

When a girl ignores you, it could mean you don’t give her space. If you reveal your insecurity way too early in a relationship or would-be relationship, you decrease your chance of dating.

You love her and want to be with her all the time. However, she needs some breathing space and time to think about it. You can’t even get angry at some of her actions because you want her to say yes. This is very dangerous and can make her ignore you.

Related Reading: 15 Signs You Need Space in Your Relationship

3. You are pushy

Why is she avoiding me?

When a girl ignores you but likes you, it could be that you are too pushy. Even if she wants to be in a relationship with you, making some decisions quickly can make her anxious. Your love interest might be someone who loves to take it slow. If you don’t observe her personality, you may appear as being too forward, and that can make her ignore you.

Related Reading: 20 Signs She Wants a Serious Relationship With You

4. She is bored

If you have asked, “Why is she ignoring me for no reason?” She ignores you because she is bored. If your effort to make the relationship work has become a routine, it can make the relationship boring. For instance, if you take her to the same restaurant every time and on the same day, the spark and thrill that were once there will disappear.

Also Try: How Do You Spice up a Boring Relationship

5. You are shy

When a girl ignores you but likes you, the reason could be your shyness. If she notices that you hardly communicate your feelings and emotions, it can get frustrating. She may also think you are no more interested in her if you don’t speak or act freely around her.

Also Try: Is He Not Interested or Just Shy Quiz

6. You don’t show up

If you want the answer to the question, “Why is she ignoring me?” The problem could be that you are inconsistent with your actions. You claim you love her but hardly stay around, or you don’t fulfill your promises. This action can piss a woman who values her self-esteem.

Related Reading: 100 Love Paragraphs for Her to Cherish

7. She has another man

When a woman ignores you, what does it mean? It could mean that she has a boyfriend. This situation happens more times than you can imagine.

If she hasn’t given you a specific answer yet ignores you, most times, it means she might just be occupied with her boyfriend. This is another likely situation when a woman ignores you but likes you.

8. She doesn’t feel the relationship

Why do women ignore me?

In some cases, your love energy might not match up to her. You can be willing to give her all your love and make her happy. Yet, she might not feel the spark like you do. So, when she ignores you like this, it means life happens. Some things don’t just work out.

Related Reading: 20 Signs He Doesn’t Care About You or the Relationship

9. She is not interested in you

Is she avoiding me because she likes me? No, she is avoiding you because she is not interested in you. Let’s face it. We all have our type, and most times, you won’t meet someone that fits your criteria. You are not just the kind of person your love interest wants.

10. She is busy

Your love interest might be busy with responsibilities both at work and at home. Frankly, having so much responsibility can make you ignore your partner, especially if you are both not putting in the right effort.

11. She is angry at you

Another way to answer why she is ignoring me is to check if you have done anything wrong in the past few days. Your partner may be giving you the silent treatment until she is ready to talk or you figure it out.

12. She is cheating on you

If you have asked yourself, “Why is she avoiding me?” She might be cheating on you. She may be too occupied with the new partner and might also feel a sense of guilt which makes her avoid confrontation.

Related Reading: 25 Physical Signs Your Wife Is Cheating on You

13. You are giving her mixed feelings

When a girl ignores you but likes you, it might be that she is not sure of your intention. If you shower her with love and even call her one day but withdraw the next day and keep to yourself, your love interest will think you are playing games with her.

14. She is playing games

Unfortunately, she might be ignoring you because she loves the thrill of being chased. Some people like it when they are chased, and someone runs after them and pester them for a relationship. So, she ignores you so you can keep coming.

Related Reading: 13 Signs She Is Testing You

15. She has fallen out of love

When she ignores you all of a sudden, she probably no longer has feelings for you. This situation happens when there is a distance between two people in a relationship. She doesn’t know how to tell you, so she sets a barrier between you, hoping you understand her message.

What to do when she ignores you

There is no certain way you can know why a woman ignores you, but if you want to know what to do when a girl ignores you, check below:

If you want your relationship back, don’t force your partner to talk. Pestering her might look like you are desperate. Rather, wait till she is ready to talk.

When she ignores you, do something exciting like taking her to a new restaurant or going to a new interesting place.

Sometimes, when a woman ignores you, she needs space and time to figure out her life, relationship, and responsibilities.

If you don’t know what to do when a girl ignores you, the best is to be patient. You might want to lash out at her and tell her to make up her mind quickly. However, none of this will work.

Related Reading: 15 Ways to Have More Patience in a Relationship

Not knowing what to do when a girl ignores you is fine, but you can’t apologize. Why would you? You don’t even know what you did wrong.

Related Reading: How to Apologize to Someone You Hurt

One question that may come to your mind when a girl ignores you is, “Should I ignore her if she ignores me? Or “Should I start dating other women?” If these ever cross your mind, ignore them. It is okay to be tempted to flirt with other women, but it might not last.

It is difficult to be yourself and act normal when the question comes to your mind is “Why is she ignoring me?” or “Why do women ignore me?” However, you will help yourself if you don’t think about it much. When a girl ignores you, it is just a phase that will pass sooner or later.

To understand more about mixed signals, watch this video.


It can be frustrating to love someone, but she doesn’t reciprocate. This often brings questions like ‘Why is she ignoring me?’ “Why is she avoiding me?” Or “Why is she ignoring me for no reason?” It is even challenging when a girl ignores you but likes you.

A woman can ignore you because of your actions, her actions, or for no reason. Knowing what to do when a girl ignores you can be hard. But the best is to observe and be patient when a woman ignores you.

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