Why is my tampon leaking but not full


Tampon leaking sucks. We'll cover why your tampon leaks so you can stop asking yourself "Why Do I Leak Out Of My Tampon?"

If "Why do I leak out of my tampon?" is a question you have, you may be dealing with really heavy menstrual cycles (also known as Menorrhagia) or you're using a tampon that is too small for your flow. Either way, it sucks to leak! There are a couple of reasons you're leaking: either you are using a tampon that isn't the right fit for your vagina and your period is leaking around it, or you are flowing fast enough that the tampon is getting full before you change it. The latter could be "menorrhagia", which is abnormally heavy bleeding at menstruation.  We'll help you find the right size tampon and put this mess to an end!

So how do you know if you have heavy bleeding? If you need to change your tampon or pad after less than 2 hours or you pass clots the size of a quarter or larger, that is heavy bleeding. If you have this type of bleeding, you should consult a doctor. 

According to the CDC, there are three possible situations that will cause your tampon to leak: 1. Uterine-related problems * Growths or tumors of the uterus that are not cancer; these can be called uterine fibroids or polyps. Cancer of the uterus or cervix. * Certain types of birth control—for example, an intrauterine device (IUD). * Problems related to pregnancy, such as a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, can cause abnormal bleeding. A miscarriage is when an unborn baby (fetus) dies in the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy is when a baby starts to grow outside the womb (uterus), which is not safe.


Now that we've covered the medical causes of why you're tampon is leaking, we can cover the best ways to solve for this situation. First off, you need to use the right tampon for your heavy flow. If you're in the middle of your period, you should consider using a super absorbency tampon along with a thin, yet absorbent liner.

The Wirecutter magazine spent 25 hours researching the best tampon they determined the best tampons in every category (best applicator tampon, best non-applicator tampon, and best organic tampon). They spoke with menstrual experts, tested 60 tampons, and looked for the tampon that grabbed liquid the fastest and leaked the least .

via Amazon

Voted best by wirecutter, U by Kotex Click, "grabbed liquid the fastest and leaked the least of all the tampons we tried, even when oversaturated. It's more compact than the competition, with an applicator that extends when you're ready to use it, and it's easy to insert".


Mumsnet hasn't checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you have medical concerns, please seek medical attention; if you think your problem could be acute, do so immediately. Even qualified doctors can't diagnose over the internet, so do bear that in mind when seeking or giving advice.

Mumsnet hasn't checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you have medical concerns, please seek medical attention; if you think your problem could be acute, do so immediately. Even qualified doctors can't diagnose over the internet, so do bear that in mind when seeking or giving advice.

mckenzie · 19/07/2011 12:45

I came on last night. This morning I inserted a fresh tampon. Ive just been to the toilet and blood has leaked into my pants but the tampon itself is still white, hardly a scrap of blood on it. This has happened for the last couple of periods. Any ideas why? I'm using Tampax regular.

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AtYourCervix · 19/07/2011 12:46

do you have 2 vaginas? (possible but v rare)

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allegrageller · 19/07/2011 12:47

i do'nt know at all but it sonds like you may need a bigger size tampon or (if you can deal with the idea) a mooncup which just catches blood and doesn't need to absorb it.

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Marrow · 19/07/2011 12:49

Have you left part of the plastic wrapper on? In the days I used tampons (converted mooncup user now!) I did this more than once

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mamalovebird · 19/07/2011 12:49

I get this for the first few days when my period is really heavy. Maybe it just doesn't have time to err, absorb. Maybe you need to up your tampon to a super or super plus. I have to use super plus for the first few days then downgrade to a regular towards the end of the week.

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mckenzie · 19/07/2011 12:51

Thanks for the replies. I'll try the larger for now but perhaps this will be the push I need towards the mooncup!

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nbee84 · 19/07/2011 12:54

It maybe that you have a slight prolapse - so your cervix sits lower in your vagina than your tampon when you insert it fully.

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controlpantsandgladrags · 19/07/2011 13:23

I would say you've either left a bit of the wrapper on or you need a larger size. I have to use super plus these days (Thanks DD2).

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AuntieMonica · 19/07/2011 13:27

i was going to name change for this, but put my brave hat on......

my cervix is off to the side slightly, if i insert a tampon 'straight' i get the same sort of problem. it's always been like this for me, even before having children (if i can remember that far back


maybe have a rummage around and find out where exactly yours is, it may help.

the Gynae 'expert' who fitted my coil had a bit of a job too

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ShatnersBassoon · 19/07/2011 13:30

This happens to me when the flow is very heavy. It's like the blood gushes past the tampon without giving enough contact time for absorption. I too have to use the biggest tampons known to man, plus a sanitary towel when I know it's going to be Carrie At The Prom day

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mckenzie · 19/07/2011 14:40

Thanks for the extra replies. The flow is not heavy at all, it just seems to bf missing so the 'off centre' seems more likely. Im on holiday now but will do some research later. Thank you.

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snicker · 19/07/2011 14:43

This happens to me as I have a mild prolapse. I couldn't get away with a mooncup either due to prolapse. I use sea pearls/jam sponge or sometime lillets (as oppose to tampax).

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mckenzie · 21/07/2011 12:19

Thanks snicker, i think these little Tampax seem to be worse. I shall try the good old fashion Tampax if I can find them in the supermarket here as at the moment I'm just counting my lucky stars I'm very light and making do with constant trips to the toilet!

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griphook · 22/07/2011 22:55

get this aswell, often the tampon is completly clean, and yethave leaked. cervix tilts back so coul be that, Tampax do seem to be slightly better

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fusspot66 · 22/07/2011 23:08

You may want to check the instructions on the leaflet in Lillets, but I think you can fluff out/fan out the base of the tampon with the string before you use it on heavy days otherwise it doesn't have time to expand and cope with the flow. I haven't used them for a few years as I have a Mirena, which I love, so no periods.

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WomanwiththeYellowHat · 22/07/2011 23:10

I have always found this with Tampax - I use Lilets as they expand widthways and they are much better. I have always assumed I have an odd shaped vagina

. And 2 c sections here so can't even blame my enormous children!

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mckenzie · 23/07/2011 10:47

Thanks for the extra replies. Thankfully my periods are really light so im making do while I'm on holiday but next month I shall try lillets instead.

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kat2504 · 25/07/2011 09:57

Lilets or other brand of non-applicator tampons are definitely better. I have been using them for years and very rarely have any leakage, unlike when I used applicator tampons. Hope you get on better with them!

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2m0nkeys · 06/07/2017 14:22

I thought it was just me!

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FleeBee · 06/07/2017 14:27

I had this tampons & mooncup id leak but the mooncup would only have collected a small amount & definitely not be full. I ended up wearing pads as well.
In the end I just used pads & I change them frequently as the tampons / mooncup seemed so ineffective. I can never understand how everyone raved about them & I was having problems!

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steppemum · 06/07/2017 14:28

I find this with applicator tampons, they don't seem to expand sideways so much and the flow goes past. non applicator seem to work better.

Also go up a size

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demirose87 · 06/07/2017 14:34

I've never used tampons, haven't tried since I couldn't get one in at 13. And my sister put me off leaving one in for a week by accident

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wrinkleseverywhere · 06/07/2017 14:37

This is fascinating. I have always had this issue. Tried different sizes but that didn't help and they were uncomfortable. I will try Liletts. MN is brilliant!

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steppemum · 06/07/2017 14:39

I used to swear by lilets. Nowadays I find that supermarket versions are as good

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3boys3dogshelp · 06/07/2017 14:42

Lillets! I had this problem with tampax too.

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