Como fala chapéu em inglês

WordReference English-Portuguese Dictionary © 2022:

Traduções principais
chapéu smhat n
chapéu sm (cobertura para proteção) (protective cover)hat, cap, lid n
chapéu sm (Esporte: jogada no futebol) (football)chip n
chapéu sm (cogumelo) (mushroom)cap n
chapéu sm (fermentação do vinho)scum n
  flowers of wine n
chapéu sm (acento circunflexo) (orthography: circumflex accent)circumflex n
Traduções complementares
chapéu sm (Náutica: peça do cabrestante)block n

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Traduções principais
hat n (head covering)chapéu sm
 She wore a stylish hat on her head.
 Ela usava um chapéu elegante na cabeça.
chapeau n French (heraldic symbol: hat)chapéu sm
sunbonnet n historical (woman's summer hat) (feminino, antigo)chapéu sm
straw hat n (hat woven from dried stalks)chapéu de palha sm
  chapéu sm
 She was wearing a straw hat to protect her head from the glare of the sun.
cap n (hat)boné sm
  chapéu sm
 The newsboy wore a warm cap on his head.
 O João precisa comprar um novo boné de beisebol.
 A Joana sempre usa seu chapéu quando vai à praia em dias ensolarados, a fim de se proteger do sol.
Formas compostas:
bearskin n (military hat) (Guarda Real Britânica)chapéu de pele de urso sm + loc adj
boater n (straw hat with a band)chapéu de palha sm
chef's hat,
also US: chef hat
(white starched hat worn by a chef)chapéu de chef loc sm
  chapéu de cozinheiro loc sm
cowboy hat n (US cattle herder's headwear)chapéu de caubói loc sm
 Bill sat proudly on his horse, with boots on his feet and a cowboy hat on his head.
 Guilherme sentou orgulhosamente em seu cavalo, com botas no pé e um chapéu de caubói na cabeça.
historical (jester's hat)chapéu de bobo da corte loc sm
deerstalker n (cap with earflaps) (chapéu com tapa-orelhas)chapéu de feltro, chapéu de caçador sm + loc adj
derby (US),
bowler hat (UK)
(man's rounded hat)chapéu-coco sm
 Men used to wear derbies as part of business attire.
 Os homens costumavam usar chapéus-coco como parte do traje de trabalho.
dunce cap, dunce's cap, dunce hat,

dunce's hat

historical (pointed hat worn as punishment) (chapéu pontudo)chapéu de burro loc sm
fedora n (style of men's hat)chapéu fedora loc sm
 My favorite fedora blew off my head today and fell in a puddle.
hat in hand adv figurative (begging) (mendigar)com o chapéu na mão expres
  pedir esmola expres v
 The budget defecits mean we must go hat in hand to borrow billions from countries like China.
hatband n (strip of fabric around a hat)fita de chapéu loc sf
hatbox n (container for transporting a hat)caixa para chapéu loc sf
hatful n (amount contained in hat)chapéu cheio sm + adj
 The street musicians had collected a hatful of coins by the end of the day.
hatless adj (without hat)sem chapéu loc adj
hatpin n (pin for securing a hat)alfinete de chapéu sm+loc adj
homburg n (men's fedora-like hat)chapéu de feltro loc sm
pass the hat,
pass the hat round
v expr
(ask for contributions of money) (pedir dinheiro)passar o chapéu expres
 After the buskers had stopped playing, they passed the hat round.
pointed hat n (tall headwear with pointy tip)chapéu pontudo loc sm
 She dressed as a witch for Halloween, in a black dress and pointed hat.
pork pie,
abbreviation (pork pie hat) (anglicismo, vestuário)chapéu pork-pie sm + adj
puffball n (round mushroom) (cogumelo)bufa-de-lobo sf
  (cogumelo)chapéu-de-cobra sm
 Be careful with wild puffballs; some are not edible.
safari hat n (brimmed hat worn on wildlife tours)chapéu de safári loc sm
 A safari hat helps to prevent sunburn in hot, sunny places.
silk hat n (men's formal hat) (chapéu formal masculino)chapéu de seda sm
  chapéu de copa alta sm
  (informal)cartola sf
skimmer n US (straw hat)chapéu de palha loc sm
 Adrian wore a skimmer to protect himself against sunburn.
slouch hat n (wide-brimmed felt hat) (chapéu de abas largas)chapéu de abas longas sm
® (cowboy's hat) (marca de chapéu)chapéu de vaqueiro loc sm
Nota: As a registered trademark, “Stetson” should be capitalized, but it is often not capitalized in informal communication.
sun hat
(hat worn in sunshine)chapéu de sol loc sm
take your hat off,
take off your hat
v expr
(remove headgear)tirar o chapéu expres v
take your hat off to sb,
take off your hat to sb
v expr
figurative, informal (respect, congratulate) (figurado, informal)tirar o chapéu para expres v + prep
  respeitar vt
 I take my hat off to the inventor of this amazing tool.
tile hat
dated, informal (style of hat)chapéu alto sm
 The gentleman wore a tile hat and carried a cane.
toadstool n (poisonous mushroom) (cogumelo venenoso)chapéu-de-cobra sm
  fungo sm
 After the rain, the forest was filled with colorful toadstools.
trilby n UK (hat: type of fedora)chapéu fedora loc sm
  chapéu borsalino loc sm
  chapéu de feltro loc sm
 The man wore an old-fashioned suit and a trilby.
umbrella n (device: protects from rain)guarda-chuva sm
  (BRA)sombrinha sf
  (POR)chapéu de chuva
 It looks like it might rain; you'd better take an umbrella with you.
 Parece que pode chover; é melhor levar um guarda-chuva com você.
uncapped adj (person: not wearing a hat)sem chapéu loc adj
vail sth vtr (remove in respect: hat) (respeito)remover o chapéu loc v

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