How long before you can tell a dog is pregnant

Do you think your dog may be pregnant? What should you expect while your dog is pregnant? Here are some answers to commonly asked questions about the stages of a dog's pregnancy, also called gestation.

Pregnancy in dogs typically lasts 63 days (about nine weeks). The duration of a dog's pregnancy can fall anywhere from 57 to 65 days.

Though estrus (heat cycles) can vary from breed to breed, the normal gestation period falls within the same range for all dogs, regardless of breed.

  • Most dogs will show no signs of pregnancy for the first several weeks. It will be difficult to determine if your dog is pregnant early on. Signs typically appear in the second trimester (about three weeks into the pregnancy).
  • Abdominal palpation around 30 days into the pregnancy. As the pregnant dog comes closer to full term, you might even notice the pups moving in her abdomen. 

NOTE: Signs of pregnancy may differ from dog to dog (and even between pregnancies in the same dog). Be sure to involve your veterinarian along the way. Contact your vet if you have any concerns about the signs your dog is showing.

If you suspect that your dog could be pregnant, you should contact your veterinarian's office to schedule an appointment. Plan to visit the vet about three weeks after the suspected day of conception. At that time, your vet may perform an ultrasound or take X-rays, depending on which technology is available (ultrasound is the preferred method in the early stage).

Your veterinarian may also want to check blood levels for the presence of relaxin, a hormone that is only present in pregnant dogs. This test should be done between days 21-25 of suspected pregnancy. Later, around day 45, your vet may recommend x-rays so they can count the number of puppies before she gives birth.

There are a few changes you will need to make in order to take care of a pregnant dog. The expectant mother will need a source of nutrition that supports growth. You will also need to visit the vet a few times to monitor your dog's health. Exercise should be adjusted to make sure the pregnant dog is not overexerting herself, but also not becoming sedentary.

Fortunately, most dogs can go through labor and delivery (whelping) of healthy puppies with little or no interference from humans. Instincts guide the mother dog, but you may be able to help keep her and the puppies safe and comfortable. Gather some basic supplies and have them ready before the big day. When your dog goes into labor, simply watch and wait. You may or may not need to step in and help your dog and her puppies. Your veterinarian or an experienced dog breeder can offer advice and support.

If you are not prepared, it can be a lot of work to take care of a pregnant dog and prepare for the birth of the puppies. It also takes time and dedication to help raise the puppies. You may not be ready for these challenges. The truth is, there is a problem with canine over-population. Animal shelters euthanize healthy dogs every day. If your litter is not wanted, please consider spaying your pregnant dog (and thus terminating the pregnancy). This can be done safely and humanely, but it's best and safest to do early on in the pregnancy. Talk to your vet if you need help making the right decision for you and your dog. 

If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.

Just like human pregnancies, dog pregnancies are complicated and sometimes confusing. Understanding dog pregnancy is crucial especially if your dog is pregnant or you are planning to breed your dogs. There are many things you need to know about dog pregnancy, from the signs of pregnancy to caring after your little puppies is born. Here is some information about dog pregnancy that should help you out.

How long is a dog pregnancy

For female dogs, sexual maturity is reached between age of 6 to 12 months. This means they can get pregnant at just 6 months of age. Dog pregnancies normally last for nine weeks (approximately 60 days), although they might give birth sooner or later.

Signs of pregnancy

If you have carefully planned for the breeding, here are some physical signs that indicate your breeding was a success.

a) A bigger belly

Pregnant dogs will have a bigger belly as the pregnancy progresses, just like humans. However, a bigger belly could sometimes be a symptom of disease.

b) Increase in appetite

Be alert to any changes in your dog’ s appetite. A dog that is pregnant may eat more than usual. However, a pregnant dog may also have morning sickness that causes it to lose appetite and vomit, just like humans. Unlike humans, morning sickness in pregnant dog ends fast. It normally lasts for just a few days.

c) Increase in breast and nipple size

The size of the breast of a pregnant dog will increase significantly and its nipples will become swollen. You might even detect some milky fluid as well.

d) Body discharge

You will notice a constant mucous discharge from the vulva if your dog is pregnant.

e) Increase in weight

As the pregnancy progress, the pregnant dog’s weight will start to increase. She is likely to gain 15% to 25% of weight depending on the number of puppies she is carrying.

Some dogs could experience phantasm pregnancy where the dog shows the signs of pregnancy but she’s actually not pregnant. A dog might gain weight, have larger breasts and nipples, display nesting behavior and even produce milk, but she's actually not pregnant. This is a rare phenomenon that happens only in dogs. If your dog is having a phantasm pregnancy, consult your vet for a solution.

Diagnostic tests

The more accurate ways to confirm pregnancy in dogs is through diagnostic tests.

1) Abdominal palpation

Abdominal palpation refers to careful massaging of the dog’s tummy to feel for the puppies growing in the uterus. Be mindful that abdominal palpation should not be attempted without assistance of veterinarian or you may hurt the puppies. Abdominal palpation can be performed as early as three weeks after mating.

2) Ultrasound scan

Your veterinarian can do a ultrasound scan as early as three weeks after mating to determine if your dog is pregnant. An ultrasound can detect fetal heartbeats, thus your veterinarian may the estimate the number of puppies your dog is carrying. By using the ultrasound scan, your veterinarian might be able to predict your dog’s due date as well.

3) Witness Relaxin test

You can have your veterinarian to do an inexpensive witness relaxin test to test the presence of relaxin after 4 weeks of gestation. Relaxin is a type of hormone that is released only during pregnancy.

4) X-rays

Photo by Brian (Jetta Hibbs)

X-rays are probably the most effective way to determine if a dog is pregnant. However, you have to wait until week six of gestation before you can use this method because the puppies’ skeletal system is not obvious until then. X-rays are also the most reliable way to determine how many puppies a dog is carrying. Some people argue that X-rays can harm puppies inside the uterus due to the strong radiation.

Caring for pregnant dogs

As mentioned above, a dog's pregnancy period is nine weeks. In these nine weeks, a pregnant dog should be carefully tended to so that it can give birth to healthy puppies.

a) Nutrition

During the first couple of weeks, you can feed your dog her normal diet. Supplements like vitamins are not necessary. However, as the pregnancy progresses, she needs extra calories to aid her puppies’ growth. Veterinarians would recommend puppy food which is high in proteins, fats, and minerals. Hence, puppy food is also easier to digest. When you are feeding your pregnant dog, make sure the meals are in smaller portions but feed her frequently, because she can’t take in a large meal as the growing puppies occupy a lot of space inside her tummy

b) Exercise

If your dog has been doing exercise regularly, you can carry on with the activity. But make sure to let her do only mild exercise like walking. You may also engage in light game activities such as playing fetch and catch. Whether it’s exercise or light game activities, keep the sessions short. Don’t overexert your pregnant dog.

c) Vaccination

Vaccination should not be given to your dog during her pregnancy. If your dog’s vaccination is out of date, it’s always a good idea to vaccinate her before she gets pregnant.

d) Veterinary visit

It’s important to have your pregnant dog undergo several check-ups during the whole pregnancy period. This is to make sure that your dog and her puppies are healthy.


# Know the due date

Try to know the due date of your pregnant dog. Your veterinarian should be able to estimate the due date of your pregnant dog. Knowing the due date can help you to get better prepared. When the time draws near, you will want to start measuring your dog’s temperature every day because dogs should go into labour within a day of their temperature dropping from a normal temperature (100-to-102.5 degrees Fahrenheit) to 99 degrees or even lower.

# Prepare the whelping box

The next thing you have to consider is to build a whelping box for your dog. Dogs look for safe, warm and comfortable places to deliver their babies. If you have more than one dog, make sure you set up the whelping box in a familiar yet private area where other dogs don’t have access to. Put the blankets, sheets or towels inside the whelping box. Set up the whelping box earlier so that your dog has time to get accustomed to the whelping box. Put your dog’s bedding inside the whelping may help her to get accustomed to the whelping box faster.

Your dog’s delivery will usually go smoothly and any interference from humans wouldn’t be necessary, but it’s a good idea to standby in case she runs into any complications when delivering her puppies. Inform your veterinarian as well so that he or she can get ready for any emergency case.

Adoption vs breeding

In the United States alone, there are millions of adoptable dogs put to sleep each year. Breeding your own puppies has its pros. But it is not the best way to add a new dog to your family. You save one precious life if you adopt a dog. Think twice before you want to breed your dog.

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10 tips to get your dog to listen to you

Training is necessary for dogs. Whether it is basic obedience dog training, or even for tricks and manners training, dog training allows you to understand your dog better and develop a stronger bond with your dog. Dog Training can be tough especially if you are inexperienced. Here are some tips which can help you to succeed in training your dog and having it to just listen to you!

If you would like a quick laugh you can scroll to the end to watch a hilarious video of what happens if you do not start training your dog soon for it to listen to you.

1. Be patient

Different dogs learn at different paces. Just because other dogs can master the cues or commands in a couple of weeks, it doesn’t mean your dog is able do the same. Training your dog takes time and effort, but the end result will be worth it.

2. Be consistent

Be consistent with your training method. Your dog may be confused when you use different cues and commands in different training sessions. Use a consistent set of cues or commands in the training session when you are training your dog and reward your dog if it performs the trick correctly, this will boost up you dogs spirit.

3. Have a realistic expectation

Barking, digging and jumping are normal behaviours for all dogs. Changing these behaviours will take time. You can’t expect your dogs to reverse these behaviours in a short time. Give them enough time and you will see the result.

4. Dog training is not a linear process

Just because you have a few training sessions with your dog, that doesn’t mean it can now do the trick every time you can ask it to do. Your dogs may forget what you taught it in the previous training session. You may need to refresh your dog’s memory if that happens.

6. Training your dog after an exercise

Some dogs are surprisingly energetic. They won’t sit quietly. If that is the case, you can try to train your dog after exercising. Exercises like walking or playing in the yard can drain its energy. When it is tired, it is likely to calm down.

7. Reward Your Dog

Rewards can help reinforce certain behaviours. Reward your dog for the behaviours that pleases you and never reward for bad behaviours. You can give any kind of rewards to your dogs such as treats, praises or just a pat on the head and back.

8. Be flexible

There isn’t one single method that works for all dogs. Training method which works on other dogs may not work on your dog. Try to figure out what is the best training method that suits your dog.

9. Make training a habit

Make training part of your daily routine. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. The more you train your dog, the better it will learn. However, keep your training sessions short. Your dog might get bored if the training session is too lengthy.

10. Get professional help

Photo by Brandon Mcmillan

If your training method doesn’t work, seek help from a professional dog trainer in your community.

With the above tips, you should have your pet obeying your cues and commands in no time. Watch this hilarious video of what happens when your dog refuses to listen to you, but don't let it happen to you!

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