How to analyze survey data with multiple responses Excel

Bottom line: Learn how to analyze multiple choice survey data.  We will use Power Query to transform the data, then analyze the results with Pivot Tables and Charts. A 3-part video series explains all the techniques in detail.

Skill level: Intermediate

Survey Data is Not Always Easy to Work With

In this article we are going to learn how to analyze data from a multiple choice survey or test.

It's not always an easy to work with survey data in Excel.  Survey software programs export the data in different layouts that are not the best format for use with a pivot table or formulas.

This is especially true with multiple choice survey questions, where the person taking the survey can choose multiple items.  The same problems can occur with a multiple choice test or quiz.

Here is an example of the survey question we will be working with.  As you can see, the person taking the survey can click multiple checkboxes for their favorite breakfast drinks.

Download the File

Download the file to follow along.

How to Analyze Multi Choice Survey Data.zipDownload

Transforming the Data with Power Query

The first thing we typically need to do is transform the data into a layout that is suitable for use with a pivot table.

If you are not familiar with Power Query or pivot tables, I provide links to more resources below.

The exported data is typically in one of two formats:

Format #1: Multiple Columns for Each Choice

The most common is where each choice for the survey question is listed in a separate column.  Each row of the data set contains one person's results, and the corresponding columns contain their answers to the question.

Format #2: One Column of Comma Separated Values

Another common layout is where there is one column of results that contains comma separated values.

Unpivot the Data with Power Query

The first thing we need to do is get this data in a format that is easier to summarize with a pivot table.

We want the data to look like the following, with one column that lists the results.  We will then have multiple rows for each survey taken.  This format will make it easy to create a pivot table to summarize the results.

Power Query is an awesome (free) tool that makes this transformation easy!

Power Query is available for the 2010, 2013, 2016 Windows versions of Excel.  Here is an article on an overview of Power Query, and guide on how to install it.

The following videos walk through how to do the unpivot transformation using Power Query for each of the raw data formats above.

Video #1: Unpivot the Data with Multiple Columns

Double click video to watch full screen HD.

If you are new to Power Query checkout my articles on an overview of Power Query and complete guide to installing it.

Video #2: Unpivot the Data with Comma Separated Values

Double click video to watch full screen HD.

My friends Ken Puls and Miguel Escobar just released their new book on Power Query, M Is for (Data) Monkey. (Amazon link)

I just got the book and am still reading it, but I think it will be a fantastic resource to help you learn Power Query.

Analyzing the Data with Pivot Tables & Charts

Once the data is in the proper format, we can then use a pivot table to quickly summarize the results.

The following video explains how to create a pivot table to show how many responses were made for each choice.  I use a formula to calculate the percentage of total, and then insert a chart to display the results visually.

Video #3: Summarize & Analyze Survey Data with Pivot Tables and Charts

Double click video to watch full screen HD.

If you are new to pivot tables then checkout my video series on an introduction to pivot tables & dashboards.

Different Ways to Analyze Survey Results

There are a lot of different ways to analyze survey results in Excel.  For this article I wanted to show different tools that you can use including Power Query and Pivot Tables.

Most of the time we will need to transform the data for use with Pivot Tables or formulas.  Power Query is a great tool that makes this task easy.

Of course, the tools you use will depend on the answers you are trying to find with your survey results.  What other questions do you have about this data?  What metrics would you like to learn how to calculate?  Please leave a comment below with your questions or suggestions.

Knowing how to Analyse Multiple Choice Survey Data In Excel is a must-have skill since Multiple choice questions are the most popular questions.

For example, a Bank has requested it, customers, to rate 3 of its department’s services from Very Unsatisfied (-100%) to Very Satisfied (100%)

How do you convert the above data into the below graph?

There are 2 methods: Using Functions or Using Power Query

Using Formulas To Analyse Multiple Choice Survey Data In Excel

Step 1: Prepare the analysis section as shown below

Step 2: In cell G2, write this formula =(COUNTA(FILTER(FILTER($A$2:$C$17,$A$1:$C$1=$F3),FILTER($A$2:$C$17,$A$1:$C$1=$F3)=G$2))/16)*G$1

How the formula works:

Use the FILTER Function to get an array of responses per multiple choice and section, then count this array and divide by total responses to get the percent.

Multiply the percent by -1 for all unsatisfied/very unsatisfied customers and others by 1.

Insert graph and format as per liking.

Using POWER QUERY To Analyse Multiple Choice Survey Data In Excel

Step 1: Go to Data Tab, Click anywhere on the survey data table, and click From Table/Range

Step 2: On the power query editor, Select all the department columns, go to transform Tab, and click “Unpivot Columns”

Step 3: Click on Home Tab and click Close & Load

Step 4: When you close and load, a new worksheet is created containing a table of unpivoted data. Click Summarize with pivot table

Step 5: In the Row field, place the departments, in the Column Field, place the responses, and in the Value setting, Place the Customer ID.

NB: Edit the Value Field setting to count and Show values as % of Parent Row Total

Step 6: Copy & Paste Pivoted table as Values, and rearrange them as shown below. Finally, insert and format the graph using this data


Power Query option is the most versatile option but with numerous steps.



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