What does it mean when a cat head bumps you

If you’re lucky enough to have a feline in your life, you may have experienced a cat headbutt, also known as cat bunting. But, why do cats headbutt? It’s a way for them to deposit their pheromones. This behavior can help self soothe, create bonding, and more. Learn more about the meaning of the cat headbutt below with Rescue Vets!

What is Cat Headbutting?

During a cat headbutt, the cat will bump their head against you or an object, and then move to rub their cheek. Whether it’s you, a piece of furniture, or another cat, this signature move is cat bunting.

Why do cats headbutt? They engage in this behavior to help create a colony scent. During this process, they are using some of their scent glands, which are located in their cheeks, lips, forehead, flanks, paw pads and tail, to leave their scent on you or another object. This scent comes from their pheromones, which we can’t smell, but is clear to themselves and other cats. Leaving their scent helps cats with:

  • Marking their owners to create a colony scent
  • Bonding with other cats
  • Mapping their “safe zones”
  • Self-soothing

Is Cat Bunting a Sign of Affection?

Cat bunting is more about marking you as part of their safe zone. However, your cat wouldn’t do that if they didn’t trust you and feel safe with you. So, in that way, it can be considered a sign of affection.

Headbutting Between Cats

If you have multiple cats, they may engage in headbutting with each other. This helps create a colony scent, and is also a sign that they feel safe and bonded with each other.

Are Cats Marking Their Territory?

Not in the way many think. They aren’t just claiming something as theirs, but instead creating a scent to indicate that the area is safe.

What if My Cat Doesn’t Headbutt?

Some cats are more likely to engage in bunting than others, so a lack of bunting isn’t necessarily an indicator of a problem. If you’ve just adopted a cat or your cat is in a new environment, it may take some time for them to warm up. Otherwise, as long as your cat seems comfortable, they may not just be big on the headbutts.

Find Out More About Cat Behavior and Care With The Rescue Vets

At The Rescue Vets, we’re ready to help you and your cat build a better life together through our cat care tips! And, if you have additional questions about your cat, feel free to reach out to us today.


Jan 1, 2021

A cat that nuzzles your head is essentially saying you're part of the team. A subordinate, but still part of the team. / Photo by Krysten Merriman from Pexels

You can lose your mind trying to understand why cats exhibit certain behaviors. Why do they invite affection, only to greet it with a flash of claws and teeth? Why do they like to hang out in sinks? What is it about cucumbers that terrifies them? And why do cats like to bump heads with their human companions in a cross-species version of a fist bump?

Unlike many cat habits, this one has a relatively clear explanation. Cats have scent glands on their foreheads that release pheromones. Since cats use scents to recognize friendly life forms, a cat rapping its head on yours transfers those pheromones to you, essentially signaling that you’re part of the pack.

This action is actually known as “head bunting,” not headbutting, and is typically reserved for leaders of a cat colony. They may also bunt on your leg or arm.

While you might perceive it as somewhat derogatory—that a cat is marking you as its territory—it’s more affectionate than that. Cats tend to bunt only when they like their target. You can bunt back, or pet them to return the affection.

Keep in mind a bunt is different from a cat resting its head on you, which may be a sign of discomfort and could warrant a visit to the vet.

[h/t PetMD]

June 14, 2022 Jessica Northrup

These terms include but are not limited to bonking, bunting, butting, and bumping. So does this "bumping" mean your cat is really trying to tell you something or is it just a meaningless behavior? This has left many cat owners asking, "Why do cats head bunt you?"

Why Do Cats Head Bump



So you may be asking yourself what in the world your cat is doing. Well, it is important to note that this behavior is actually very common and is usually referred to as head bumping. By doing this, your cat is illustrating its method of bonding with you.

The feline head bump may be expressed to the owner, other humans, and even other animals such as other cats or dogs. By rubbing the head against another animal's body part, the cat is showing utmost devotion and love, as he or she is identifying the receiver of the head bump as a friend.

Is Affection the Only Reason for this Feline Behavior?

No, affection is not the only reason that cats headbutt their owners. As a matter of fact, the sense of smell may play a role in this notion as well. The smell is needed for cats to understand their surroundings, and it is used for communication and social interaction as well.

Furthermore, believe it or not, there are scent glands all over a cat's body. Their scent glands can be found in locations such as the tail, paws, or cheeks.

Communicating via scents glands allows a cat to both mark its territory and provide the cat with a way to become familiar with the objects and people in the area. Cats have a way of "marking" what they care about the most by remembering the scents associated with these cherished possessions.

In other words, if your cat headbutts you, not only is this a sign of adoration, but it is also a way of showing trust and importance through scent communication. If you think about it, why else would your cat position himself or herself in such a defenseless position while not knowing how you will react?

By head bumping, the cat is able to mark you with a specific odor that is identified as important. So do not be offended when your cat head bumps you, because it is actually the complete opposite. Your cat is showing you how important you are for friendly, comforting, and social bonding purposes.

A dominant cat is also more likely to do all the head bunting as there are hierarchies in cat colonies. So only the most confident cats love to spread their colony scent. So it is good to note that not all cats headbutt their fur parents, so don't feel bad if you don't experience your cat headbutting you. Don't worry because each kitty will have their own way of showing affection to its owners.

Ever wonder if neutered cats spray? Find out why here.

Yet Another Reason that Cats Head Bump You

So now you may think that you have the full answer to the question as to why they do this. However, there is one more piece to this question. The sensation of touch also plays a huge role in the lives of cats. A cat's body is covered with sensory cells that are extremely sensitive to any pressure or pain.

Any pressure on the hair or whiskers of cats will be perceived by the sensory cells at the end of the hair follicles. When the cat is stroked, the cat perceives this touch as pleasure, and this benefits the relationship between owners and their cats.Therefore, whenever you seem to notice your cat head bunting you as you walk around the house or as you are laying down and relaxing, remember that your cat is just trying to show love and admiration for you. The head bump is done all out of love for the owner.

Your cat is just trying to seek attention and to show you how important you are when it head bumps, butts, bonks, bunts, or whatever you may call it! So next time your cat shows you this fascinating behavior, remember that it is definitely a good thing, and your pet loves you.

Note: If you notice your cat presses their head hard against you, an object, or on a wall, it can be a dangerous sign of potential signs for serious health conditions such as brain tumor, stroke, or other neurological problems. In this case, go to your vet and seek veterinary advice immediately!

We all have those days when the world feels just too much, and if you happen to be a cat lover, the next time those cynical feelings hit, pull on our women’s Not Today cat shirt.

If you have always been looking for a way to show your love for your pet, make sure to check out our collection of cat shirts!

Up next: Pet Urns for Cats

Filed in: behavior, cat, cats

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