How to dye water in Minecraft Bedrock Edition

In this guide, we will show you everything you need to know about how to dye water in minecraft, so keep reading!

Below you can find out 5 different methods to dye water in minecraft,

Method 1 – How To Dye Water – Minecraft Pe 1.5.3 (No Addons

What is it castle mantis here today i am back with on video and disputes about how to die so. As you see on the bottom you can see the tide water the dead water or god what im just. Really bad at jokes and as you see this is a water like actual water so yeah this is like. You can swim and this is like yeah i know this is pretty cool yeah so lets get into the.

Making of this died so you dont need any add-ons or anything like that so im gonna be going right. Here yes neat settings and as you see there is no add-ons like theres nothing global resources is nothing nothing. Nothing so yeah the first step is to get yourself a cauldron and then ax die any color of your. Choice any color okay say as you see if youre playing on that quarter cup day so i think its. 1.5 or higher on point for then if you do this then its gonna automatically fill out the card room.

Like this and you can die so and as you see you can change the color slightly by doing this. So if you didnt know it and it is like a new thing for you guys so yeah this is. Pretty cool i think its like its like 256 our variation of colors i think im just guessing right here. So theres like no proof so as you see theres like this arm this ugly black liner between the lines. So how do you get it real bad so to do that you tp one or ten million a million.

On both coordinates and if you do that danny youre gonna be going to some really far all up or. Not so if you place an accordion um at this coordinates so as you see i dont have any errands. Or like whispers route suspects so like this im gonna be getting a block order the infantry wooden planks any. Blocks of your choice and your block of your choice like this and then if you play some this i. Ended like this dana as you see you can barely see the edge of the carton and we can dye.

The water like this so lets try to spawn a chicken okay so lets just wanna chicken when you fight. You then oh my god the chicken the trick is probably right here oh no so you cant really do. This i dont know why the toilet can be on the ground so if you wanna die like a whole. Area dinner / feel to zero replace water zero if you do that its gonna do something like this we. Gotta do it again again thank you yeah there we go now we can die more water die so this.

Is yeah and by the way this is my calculation on windows 10 so as you see im playing on. A fuzzy screen laptop so thats why you can see this thing so those are positive you guys in see. You guys in the next video thank you for watching.

Method 2 – How To Dye Water In Minecraft (Awesome Experiment)

Whats up gamers and today i am going to show you guys how to dye water on my minecraft world. Now as you may have realized when you try to dye water you cannot im going to show you guys. An example so then when you try to uh like diet it will not die so now i am going. To show you guys how to dye water in minecraft first you mash up the other structure that you have.

Built and then you take a cauldron and you place your water inside now then you may have noticed that. I have dye so it still does include dye but with the cold run when you try to dye it. Boom it will die now when you are breaking it you may not you should not be like nervous because. The water will not overflow it will just smash up all itself now heres the fun part you can actually. Mix your dye like with red and then take the lime dye and look you can dye it now you.

Can also add multiple layers of the same dye so here im going to put more red in the cauldron. Because it has lost its red color see now its looking a bit orange but that is because of all. The other colors mixed with it now you can keep experimenting until you get the perfect shade i hope this. Helped thanks for watching top it out.

Method 3 – How To Colouring A Water In Minecraft #Howtowhat

Note – This section will be updated soon.

Method 4 – Minecraft Pe – How To Get Colored Water!

Whats up guys today im back with another video and today ill be showing you guys how to get colored. Water in ncp without any mods so as you can see right here we have orange lime and a mix. Of them both right here so obviously this is water but you cant just die water in the game so. How this is actually done is with cauldrons so as you can see over there i have a few of.

These and the water has been colored and now from a birds eye view you just see what seems to. Be colored water and now normally in the game cauldrons have a border so you cant get this just pure. Water effect normally you would see that the cauldrons there and its not going to be the same but here. The farther away we get from the water the more realistic it becomes or the more the cauldrons edges disappear. And once we get really close to it you can see that the cauldron is there but from a distance.

It just looks like normal water that has been dyed so how this is done is pretty simple you place. Down a cauldron put water in it and then just dye it and the water has become that color now. The question is how do you get rid of the borders so normally if we were to tp as you. Can see you have a lot of coordinates lets just go to zero zero zero oh right okay i need. To change one of those okay so lets just go some to a location where the coordinates are fairly small.

So here the coordinates are fairly small if we were to place down a cauldron as you can see when. We die it the border is very noticeable compared to before so how we get rid of this border is. Simply by teleporting to somewhere far and now so the coordinates i use are something like this im trying to. Count the zeros so seven zeros behind the x&y coordinates and make sure not to make the y-coordinate too big. Because that your height and if you decide to put something like a million or ten million from your height.

Then its going to take a very long time to get down so make sure not to do that so. Ill just do something like that and it might take a while depending on your device but once you teleport. Okay and if you decide to make the numbers too big like up to a billion the worlds gonna start. To reach into the farlands biome where things dont function correctly basically you wont be able to move and half. Of the blocks wont be able to load if you decide to tp that far so make sure you go.

You dont enter a number too big so ten million i believe that was is where we are now and. That is the ideal spot to die this water color if you were to do a number just slightly under. This like remove a zero the border is going to be more noticeable its not gonna be as noticeable as. If you were at zero a hundred zero for the coordinates but its not going to be as clear as. Where i am now either so yeah basically nothing more than just teleporting far away from where you spawned and.

You will be able to die water in the cauldrons and make it look like its just water without the. Cauldrons so yeah thats basically that hope you guys enjoyed the video and i will see you guys next time. Take care you.

Method 5 – How To Craft And Use A Cauldron! (Java Vs Bedrock) | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

Hello everybody welcome back to my channel my name is jd and today were doing another easy minecraft tutorial this. Time im going to show you how to craft and use a cauldron now this is something that is a. Little more complex in bedrock not a little more but it has a huge amount of functionality in java not. As much but it is still useful so let me show you how to craft a cauldron first very simple.

All you need is iron ingots like that now make sure you dont put just five you get a mine. Cart in java edition as well as bedrock the cauldron can contain water so there we go its filled with. Water thats all it can be filled with in java but it can be filled with many other things in. Uh bedrock but you can get the water out with the bucket out now of extra ones you can also. Get water out with glass bottles now this is especially useful if youre in like a crafting not crafting but.

Youre making uh potions you can fill one two three its empty now so you can fill three water bottles. With a cauldron and that is about it for java yeah um although i should mention that when it rains. A cauldron will slowly fill up but its its really slow as for bedrock now this is a lot more. Interesting so lets put in the water so first of all lets take a look at ah lets lets make. A few of these huh oh lets put a few of these with water and lets take some dies and.

Let me just show you what happens here so this is something that uh java users wish they could do. You can dye the water now this looks great right but what purpose does this have well try this lets. Take a leather tunic uh what color would be good how about green there we go we got a green. Leather tunic now you notice that the the water level decreased but you dont have to just do that you. Can add some orange or you could do purple or you can do yellow there we go so you got.

It nice and mixed now can we mix colors yes we can you can mix colors you can do whatever. Oh thats gray lets put in some green there a little purple there a little yellow there well its starting. To look the same so you can change the different dies here you can change how much and look at. That yeah so you can make many many different varieties of dyed leather you can also do the opposite so. Lets fill this up again and well take the leather tunic and there we go you wash off the dye.

You can take a shulker shell wash off the dye now this banner this is a red banner but it. Has a pattern on it you see what you do is you get just a plain old red banner uh. Youve washed off the yellow part of course i should mention that these do generate all over the place in. Minecraft they will generate in villages usually in leather workers this is actually a jaw block for the leather worker. Also youll find these in witch huts you could find them in mansions and sometimes youll find them filled with.

Water sometimes not another aspect of the cauldron thats unique to bedrock edition is it can be filled with potions. So if we put in night uh night vision lets put in a potion of leaping in this one see. It even has the color and potion of healing so there we go red green blue aha um so yeah. You can fill a water bottle or an empty bottle with these as well from here but this is something. Else you can make tipped arrows as you can see we have tipped arrow right here lets try this again.

There we go and well get another one right there so we have it here and i should mention that. In uh in bedrock edition it tipping you can tip multiple arrows at once of course and it takes up. A full cauldron when you use a full stack of arrows so i did use full stacks of arrows for. These so i used up all of the potions this is more efficient than using the standard form which is. Uh using a crafting table and potion you can get only eight arrows with one potion for this you can.

Get a full stack for with three potions id also like to mention that this was brought to my attention. By survival mike uh hes another member of adults craft so please check out his video in the cards in. The top right hand corner theres even more yes again in bedrock edition you can fill a cauldron with lava. Would you like the opposite before we take a look at that ill just let you know that lava in. A cauldron emits a light level of as well any mobs that are inside the cauldron with lava will be.

Damaged that includes zombified piglens who normally dont get damaged by lava now heres something that is very interesting when. Youre in the nether you can place a cauldron down and put water in it even hop inside and uh. If i can get in there there we go now this is very useful if youre on fire you actually. Have a source of water in the nether otherwise like nothing it just evaporates immediately the cauldron also has a. Redstone component now if you use a comparator here im just doing this very simply showing you a line of.

Redstone dust here so were just going to fill this in if you fill it in one third you can. See it lights up that redstone two thirds lights up to there and full lights up to there so we. Get a signal strength of one two and three depending on how full the cauldron is does not go any. Higher than that so ill just repeat it here java has all of the basic water properties for the cauldron. But nothing else bedrock we have lava we have dyes we have potions yeah its a lot more its a.

Lot more useful in bedrock edition of course uh it does have the leather worker profession for both bedrock and. Java but its so much more useful in bedrock isnt it i think this is one case where the java. Players are a little bit jealous all right so let me know how you like to use the cauldron in. Minecraft either java or bedrock and let me know in the comment section below if you like the video then. Please give it a thumbs up and if youre interested in seeing some more easy minecraft tutorials then please consider.

Subscribing well see you next time bye bye you.

Conclusion – How To Dye Water In Minecraft

The purpose of this post is to assist people who wish to learn more about the following – how to change the color of water in minecraft, minecraft how to- how to dye water!!! ||lisa minecraft||, how to make colour changing water!! (minecraft), colored water in minecraft pocket edition 1.6 beta!!!, minecraft pe – how to get colored water in mcpe!, how to dye water in minecraft, how to dye water in minecraft, colored water in minecraft pe!! – [tutorial], how to make coloured water on minecraft!! snowflakemcpe, water removal tips! | monument & large scale draining, how to dye water in minecraft, how to dye wolves in minecraft!, how to dye water in minecraft, how to dye water in minecraft, how to dye cauldron water.

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