How to find the first comment on a youtube video

Whatever you use YouTube for, you might find the need to search for a comment on YouTube. You can be starting a YouTube channel and might need to quote relevant comments for content. Or you might need to find YouTube comments just to pass the time and keep yourself entertained.

Whatever the case may be, there are several YouTube comment finder apps, shortcuts, and tools that you can use to find any comment on the platform.

Each YouTube video has its own comment section. Finding a specific comment in a YouTube video that has only a handful of comments is no big deal. However, navigating through a comment section that has several hundred, if not thousands, of comments can be very time-consuming, frustrating, and possibly downright impossible.

In this short read, we’ll share with you different techniques and ways how you can easily find any comment on any video on the YouTube video sharing platform.

These techniques will involve using keyboard shortcuts, browser extensions, and using some sites and apps that will make finding YouTube comments a very simple task to do. 

And when you’re finished, take a look at our other YouTube guides:

How to Search YouTube Comments

Since YouTube does not have an advanced search where you can have a customized search query, it is up to us YouTube users to come up with our own YouTube comment search of some kind.

YouTubers can expand their creative process by using comments which are a wellspring of interesting suggestions, intriguing drama, sidesplitting humor, and useful knowledge. Aside from this, comments offer a great way to engage with subscribers and nurture a community.

Here are ways how to make life easier when searching for comments on YouTube:

Searching for comments using Keyboard Shortcuts:

  1. Go to on your internet browser.
  2. Log in to your YouTube account if you have not already done so.
  3. Load the specific YouTube video you want to get comments from.
  4. Scroll down to the comments section.
  5. Once in the comments section, hit Ctrl + F.
  6. A search bar will appear at the top of your browser screen.
  7. Type in the word or phrase you want to search.
  8. YouTube brings you to the comments that contain the word or group of words you have typed in the Ctrl + F search bar.
  9. Pick out the comment you have been searching for.

Searching for comments using a Browser Extension:

There is the YCS – YouTube Comment Search browser extension that is available to Google Chrome and Firefox browser users. This YCS browser extension is available on the Chrome Web Store and the Firefox Add-Ons site.

To make use of the YCS browser extension for Chrome and Firefox, follow these steps:


  1. Open your Chrome web browser.
  2. Click on the puzzle piece Extensions icon located in the upper-right hand corner of your Chrome window. Then click on “Manage extensions.”
  3. If you don’t see the puzzle icon, just click the three dots beside your profile photo on the browser. Then click “Extensions” from the menu on the left.
  4. Seach for YCS on the “search extensions” search bar.
  5. Type in YCS and hit Enter on your keyboard.
  6. Click “Add to Chrome” upon finding YCS.
  7. You will now have a YCS extension under every YouTube video when watching YouTube videos with Chrome.  The YCS extension will be very customizable, and you can dial in detail whatever comment you want to find.


  1. Open the Firefox browser.
  2. Click the three lines menu on the upper-right of the browser.
  3. Click “Add-ons and themes.”
  4. Type in YCS in the “Find more add-ons” search box.
  5. Click on “YCS – YouTube Comment Search” in the results.
  6. Hit the “Add to Firefox” button.
  7. Click “Add” on the permissions textbox that follows.
  8. Click “Okay” on the next textbox that follows.
  9. YouTube videos on Firefox will now have the YCS extension that allows you to search for any comment on any video.

Using a YouTube Comment Finder

There are third-party YouTube comment finder tools and websites on the internet that searches comments on YouTube videos. These are free and are fairly easy to use.

If you prefer a separate tool to find YouTube comments, comment finder sites might just do the job for you. YTComment Finder, Hadzy, and YouTube First Comment Finder are some of these comment finders you can use. 

What Are Some Good YouTube Comment Finders?

Let us discuss the YouTube comment finders mentioned in the previous section.

YTComment Finder

This site is simple and very effective.

Visit Enter the title or URL of the YouTube video you want to search for comments on. Click on your intended video. Type in the word or phrase of the comment you want to find, and all comments containing those words will appear.

Go to and paste the URL of a YouTube video. You will find any comment using their View Stats and View comments features. You will also get to see all comments from first to last. This site is intuitive and very user-friendly.

YouTube First Comment Finder

This site finds you the first comment to every YouTube video you want it to.

Just go to and paste the URL of any YouTube video. Click “Find” and the first comment of the video along with its commenter will be revealed to you.

How to Find the First Comment You Have Posted on YouTube?

If you are on a quest to find your first-ever YouTube video comment, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your YouTube account.
  2. Click on the three lines menu on the upper-left, just beside the YouTube logo.
  3. Click “History.”
  4. Select “Community.”
  5. Hit “Comments” below it.
  6. All the comments you have ever made will be revealed to you.


Finding YouTube comments doesn’t have to be a tedious task if you have the right tools. Add and use these free tools to make your YouTube life as a creator or user easier and more enjoyable.

How To Post The First Comment On A YouTube Video? | Youtube Comment Finder

In Today’s article on Youtube Mini, we will be talking about How To Post The First Comment On A YouTube Video? | Youtube Comment Finder.

Many of us were true fans of some YouTubers and wanted to post the first comment on their videos.

Because sometimes those YouTubers either mention you in their Instagram story when you post the first to comment on their youtube video.

Or they were running some giveaway in which whoever puts the first comment on youtube will get the prize.

So, that’s why we want to know that How To Post The First Comment On A YouTube Video?

In this article, we will let you know the tips and tricks which will help you to make the first comment on a youtube video.

How To Post The First Comment On A YouTube Video?

There are YouTubers who run giveaways or some cash prices which can be only won by those people who will comment first on their video after they upload a video.

So, for making the first comment on youtube you need to follow some simple methods:

Most of the YouTubers had a specific time to upload on youtube or date on youtube when they upload a video on youtube.

So, make sure that you know when they were uploading their content either it can be a specific time or day.

Another way is that you can follow them on Instagram or on Facebook or in any social media or even in their telegram groups.

In these social media platforms, they update when they were upload videos or when they were making the video live.

For example:

Learn and earn with Pavan Agrawal had a telegram group where he every time mention when he was ready to live a video and tell their viewers about the new video.

In this way, you can know and do the first comment on youtube.

Now, what about a youtube who needs to find that who have done the first comment on youtube?

So, if a YouTuber is running a give away then also a YouTubers needs to know that who had done the first comment in that video.

For that, there is a tool called Youtube comment finder

Which will help you to give you the date and time of the comments which had happened in your video in the first few hours.

For that on how to use youtube comment finder follow these simple steps:

  • Open the website and copy your video URL
  • Pase the url in teh search box
  • Then it will give the results of number of views, susbcribers, like
  • Then another box will pop up which will give you an option to search through a specific keyword.
  • Enter the keyword and you will get to see all those people who had post comment on your video in that specific keyword.
  • It will show you the date and time.

Why do people comment “first” on videos?

There are some true fans of some YouTubers who love the YouTubers and wanted to show their love to their YouTubers that’s the reason why they comment “FIRST” on their youtube videos.

Such that if the YouTuber see his or her comment they will get to know about them.

Or some of them were doing the first comment to get views and likes or to get attention.

When you are watching a youtube video comment it really means that you want detailed information about a specific topic or a product. Like what other people were thinking about that topic or product will it be good for me or correct or not.

Or sometimes you just see the youtube video comments for entertainment.

Sometimes youtube comments also work as a review of your videos.

Why should you care about YouTube comments on videos?

Because youtube comment is a space where your audience expresses their feelings or thoughts about what they think of that video. So, if you are making a video and if you want to know that viewers are liking it or not then you should look into youtube comments.

Or if you want to know which type of videos should you create then you can look into either your comment or in your competitor’s comments.

Technically it doesn’t affect in a bad way to that video in fact it helps the youtube algorithm to show that this particular video is getting traction or engagement.

Either you dislike or do comment on a video it simply means that the video is getting engagement so you are giving a signal to the youtube algorithm that this video is getting engagement so youtube push that video to more people.

To find who dislike or like your comment on youtube follows these simple steps:1. Allow the notifications from youtube

2. Make sure you comment from your email id which you were using.

When you do this and make a comment on any video and when someone likes or dislikes it will give you a notification either it’s in your mobile phone or in your desktop or laptop.

And even you will get an email notification in your promotion tabs.

The ordering of comments on youtube videos depends upon:1. If the creator gives you a heart 2. If more people like your comment

3. If more people had commented on your comment.

So, this is all for How To Post The First Comment On A YouTube Video? | Youtube Comment Finder

If you want to know more about Youtube then you can read our other articles on Youtube Mini.

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