How to look like a old roblox player

Back in 2006-2011, Roblox noobs used to have a blue torso, green leg limbs, and yellow head and arms. In 2011, they changed the look drastically and later would continue to do so. Many people miss and hate the old noobs, but they will always play a special part in Roblox history. This article is for those who want to resemble a classic noob on Roblox.

  1. 1

    Log into Roblox. Go to // in a web browser and enter your username and password at the top of the screen and click Log In.

  2. 2

    Click Avatar. It's in the sidebar menu to the left.

  3. 3

    Remove all features from your character. This includes clothes, faces, hats, hair, heads, body parts, packages, gear, etc. Look for any item that has a checkmark in the list of items and uncheck that item.

    • Not removing everything won't have the same noob effect in the end, so make sure to double-check!
    • You can still keep your animations on, but removing them will make you look even more like a noob.
    • Turning off Roblox R15 will also make you look more like a classic noob, but it isn't necessary.

  4. 4

    Click or hover your mouse over the Body tab. It's the third tab next to the image of your avatar.

  5. 5

    Click Skin Tone. It's next to "Appearance" in the menu that appears below the "Body" tab.

  6. 6

    Scroll down and click Advanced. It's in the bottom-right corner of the menu with skin tone swatches.

    • You can only access the "advanced" section of skin tones if you are on a desktop or laptop.

  7. 7

    Make your Head, Left Arm, and Right Arm "Bright Yellow". Click the radio button next to "All" in the menu to the left and then click the "Bright Yellow" circle. It will say "Bright yellow" when you place the mouse cursor over it.

  8. 8

    Make your Torso "Bright Blue". Click the radio button next to "Torso" in the menu to the left. Then click the "Bright Blue" circle. It will say "Bright Blue" when you place your mouse cursor over it.

  9. 9

    Make your Left Leg and Right Leg "Br. yellowish green". Click the radio button next to "Left leg" and then select the "Br. yellowish green" circle. It will say "Br. yellowish green" when you place the mouse cursor over it. Then repeat for the right leg.

  10. 10

    Click Done. It's at the bottom of the menu with the color swatches. You are finished. Enjoy playing as a classic noob!

  • Question

    What if I don't have "Advanced"?

    Every account and profile should have the advanced option. If you do not, try rebooting the web-page, it may be a glitch.

  • Question

    Can I do this on a phone?

    You can only do it on a computer or laptop.

  • Question

    What do I do if it goes to the default character when I try to do this?

    If you mean default clothes, then you have to make sure the torso and legs are different colors. If you are on a phone or tablet, there may not be an "advanced" option in blue. This can be solved by going into a browser on your phone/tablet, logging in on, and changing your avatar there. If your character doesn't update, there might be a "redraw" option to update your character.

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Written by:

wikiHow Technology Writer

This article was written by Travis Boylls. Travis Boylls is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Travis has experience writing technology-related articles, providing software customer service, and in graphic design. He specializes in Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux platforms. He studied graphic design at Pikes Peak Community College. This article has been viewed 59,968 times.

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 59,968 times.

  • "I can fool people in Roblox that I'm a noob except that I'm kind of good at it."

  • "Thanks so much! I loved the noobs back then, and I'm happy that there's still a way to be one."

  • "This article helped me a lot. I've always wanted to be a noob."

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