Can you deep fry Tasti Taters?


Although typically associated with many brands, tater tots are small logs of crispy potato produced by Ore-Ida. Their fast preparation makes them great as a side for lunch or dinner, or even as a quick snack. You can use the extra time to dress up your tater tots by topping them with your favorite nacho toppings, or whip up some curried ketchup or chipotle mayonnaise for dipping. Tater tots also add great texture on top of any casserole or mac 'n' cheese.


Homemade tater tots are a simple recipe of fried pieces of grated Idaho potato mixed with salt and thyme, then formed into logs for frying. The oil infused from frying the grated potato will help bind the tots, but they should be cold before frying to maintain their shape while cooking.

Store-bought tater tots are frozen and should not be defrosted before frying. If you have frozen homemade tater tots, there is no need to defrost them before cooking.

Preheat vegetable oil in a deep fryer to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Remove the tater tots from their packaging and pat them dry with a kitchen towel or paper towel to remove any ice crystals. This will keep the tater tots crispy during frying.

Fill the deep-fryer basket no more than halfway with tater tots and submerge them in the preheated oil. Fry for 3 to 5 minutes or until golden brown.

Lift the deep-fryer basket out of the hot oil and pour the tater tots into a bowl lined with paper towels to soak up excess oil.

Serve and enjoy the fried tater tots.

Leftover or homemade tater tots aren't frozen and will benefit from a double-frying technique to maintain crispiness.

Preheat vegetable oil in a deep fryer to 325 F.

Fill the deep-fryer basket up to halfway with tater tots and submerge in the preheated oil for 2 minutes.

Lift the deep-fryer basket out of the oil and let the tater tots cool slightly, about 5 minutes.

Raise the oil temperature to 375 F.

Resubmerge the deep-fryer basket and tater tots in the hot oil for 3 minutes, or until golden brown.

Remove the tater tots from the hot oil and place in a bowl lined with paper towels.

Serve and enjoy your tater tots.


Add your favorite seasoning to the tater tots while they're hot, right after transferring to the paper towel-lined bowl. Try a themed combination from your pantry such as:

  • garlic powder, chili powder and paprika
  • oregano, basil and thyme
  • curry powder and cumin




  1. Deep Fryer• Preheat cooking oil in electric deep fryer to 375degF. Fill deep fryer not more than half full of oil. • Fill fryer basket not more than half full of frozen Extra Crispy Tater Tots. Carefully lower basket into hot oil. • Fry 3–4 minutes. …
  2. Cook thoroughly. Keep frozen.

Why do tater tots fall apart in deep fryer?

Why do my tater tots fall apart in the deep fryer? As you fry, moisture and food particles are released into the oil, causing it to break down, become dark and pick up off flavors. As the quality of the oil degrades, so does its ability to cook foods well. So, it’s good to keep an eye on your oil.

What is the best way to cook frozen tater tots?


Full Bag Instructions: Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Arrange frozen Extra Crispy Tater Tots in a single layer on an 11 inch x 17 inch baking sheet. Heat for 20-24 mins. Cook to a light golden color.

How do you deep fry tater tots so they don’t stick together?

I like to mist a little olive oil on them from a spray can before I put them in. Then I sprinkle some sea salt. This allows the salt to adhere to the tots and gives them a little extra crispy zip. If you don’t want to add even a little more oil, you can use water but, be careful.

How do you fry tater tots at home?


  1. Preheat the oil.
  2. Raise the basket out of the oil and place the amount of tater tots you want to prepare into the basket.
  3. Lower the basket into the hot oil.
  4. Cook until browned and starting to float.
  5. Deep fry for about 5 minutes.

Can you put frozen tater tots in a deep fryer?

Fill deep fryer not more than half full of oil. Fill fryer basket not more than half full of frozen Extra Crispy Tater Tots. Carefully lower basket into hot oil. Fry 3–4 minutes.

How do tater tots stick together?

We know that what keeps the Tater Tots stuck together is a combination of two pretty sticky things: moist starches and proteins. The more they come in contact with each other, the stickier they become, and the tighter/gummier the Tater Tots will be.

Why are tater tots so good?

Restaurants like Tots because they’re a highly adaptable starch. There’s also the nostalgia factor that sees younger people suddenly digging the foods their parents ate as kids. And then there’s that ineffable quality that only these little slugs of deep-fried potato shreds can produce.

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How do you cook frozen tater tots on a pan?

The best frozen tater tots! – YouTube

How do you make crispy tater tots in a microwave?


  1. Spray the microwave grilled cheese sandwich maker with cooking spray (or wipe down with a paper towel dipped in vegetable oil.
  2. Add the tater tots in a row.
  3. Sprinkle with salt.
  4. Microwave on high power for 5-6 minutes until crispy.

What kind of oil is best for frying?

Canola oil is one of the best choices when frying because of its neutral flavor and affordability, particularly if you are preparing large amounts of food. A gallon of canola is usually around $6, and is commonly used in baking and sauteeing, too.

Why do my fried potatoes stick together?

The surface tension of water helps it form a hermetic seal between flat surfaces. That causes potato chunks to stick together from the start. During cooking, that bond is further welded by starches and proteins. They seep out of the cut cells.

Are tater tots healthy?

Crispy, salty, greasy tater tots may be a cafeteria favorite, but they aren’t necessarily healthy. Even if you bake them from frozen rather than frying them, they’ve already had a significant amount of fat added during processing.

Can you deep fry with extra virgin olive oil?

Yes You Can Deep Fry with Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Try French Fries or Churros! Deep frying with extra virgin olive oil is a hot topic. … Just be sure you know the oil’s temperature. “You can deep fry with extra virgin olive oil,” cookbook author and olive oil aficionado Fran Gage told us.

Are tater tots the same as hash browns?

Both are shredded potatoes fried. Tater tots are formed into little pods like. Hash browns are flat and spread out.

Do tater tots have onions in them?

Crispy and golden, these easy TATER TOTS are made from freshly peeled, American grown potatoes that are shredded and seasoned with real diced onions for extra flavor.

What oil do you use to fry tater tots?

The first thing to remember when frying is to use an oil that is able to sustain high temperatures, such as canola oil. Canola oil has a smoking point of around 425 degrees Fahrenheit, so it’ll be best to fry our tots between 350-375 degrees.

Are Ore Ida tater tots fried?

Tater tots are grated potatoes formed into small cylinders and deep-fried, often served as a side dish. The name “tater tot” is a registered trademark of the American frozen food company Ore-Ida, but is often used as a generic term.

Can you cook tater tots in olive oil?

Drizzle with olive oil and seasonings. Toss to coat evenly. Spray baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray and spread tater-tots in a single layer. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

What are tater tots called in the UK?

Tater tot is trademarked, so there are plenty of similar products available but go by different names. For example, In Australia and the UK, they are sometimes called potato gems, potato pom-poms, or potato royals. In some countries, they might also be called potato croquettes.

Are tater tots french fries?

No. Both are fried so they are the same as far as fat goes. Fries are potatoes and fat. Tater tots are potatoes mixed with other things and fat.

How do you keep food from sticking to the deep fat fryer basket?

When deep frying, dip your spoon, tongs, or fry basket in the hot oil before picking up your food. The batter will slide right off into the oil, rather than sticking. And don’t forget: a clip-on thermometer is your best bet to frying at the correct temperature.

Why are tater tots so salty?

The problem is those little tots are packed full of salt. In fact, one of the most popular, and widely available, tater tot brands serves up 430mg of sodium in about 7 tots. That’s an unbelievable amount of salt in just 3 ounces of a side dish.

Why do tater tots taste different than french fries?

You might think tater tots would taste like fries, but fries are just chunks of potatoes that are fried. Tots are potatoes chopped up into tiny bits, then mixed with seasonings and binder (corn flour, I think), so they taste slightly different, as well as having a different consistency.

Where did the name Ore-Ida come from?

The company’s name is a syllabic abbreviation of the first few letters of Oregon and Idaho and the original logo consisted of the outlines of Oregon and Idaho with Ore-Ida superimposed in italicized letters. After going public in 1961, the Ore-Ida brand was acquired by the H. J. Heinz Company in 1965.

Are Tater Tots microwavable?

Although you can microwave Tater Tots, it’s not recommended. The microwave will warm the Tots, but they won’t get as crispy as when you bake, deep-fry or grill them.

Are Tater Tots already cooked?

Frozen tater tots, readily Tavailable and relatively inexpensive, are fully cooked and ready to heat and serve. Tater Tots have long been a tasty favorite of many children, but crispy tots also make a great side dish or appetizer.

How do you Recrisp Tater Tots?

Here is how to reheat tater tots in the oven for the best results:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. …
  2. Lightly grease a baking tray and layer the tater tots on the pan. …
  3. Cover the baking tray and the tater tots with aluminum foil.
  4. Place the baking tray into the oven and leave them to bake and reheat for 15-25 minutes.

What kind of oil does Mcdonalds use?

Once in our kitchens, we cook them in our canola-blend oil so you can have them crispy and hot—just the way you like them.

What do you do with oil after deep-frying?

How to Deal with Leftover Frying Oil

  1. Cool. When you’re finished frying, turn off the heat as soon as possible and allow the oil to cool completely. I mean it—cool it completely. …
  2. Strain. Pour the used oil through a fine-meshed sieve lined with a couple layers of cheese cloth. …
  3. Store.

How much oil do you need to deep fry?

You’ll need at least 3 inches (4 to 6 cups) of oil to deep fry most items, so your pan should be able to accommodate that much oil and have plenty of room for the food you will add without spilling over. Deep 1.5 to 2 gallon (6 to 8 quart) pots or pans are ideal.

Why do you Soak potatoes in water before frying?

The soaking, Mr. Nasr said, is the secret to the crisp texture of the fries. It draws out the starch, making them more rigid and less likely to stick together. The cooks fry them twice, first blanching them until slightly limp in peanut oil heated to 325 degrees, and again in 375-degree oil to crisp and brown them.

Do you need to boil potatoes before frying?

First you’re asked to boil the potatoes then chop and fry them, which is not fun when you’re. The truth is, you don’t need to pre-cook the potatoes at all. You just need to slice ’em thin and choose the best oils—yes, the plural is intentioinal! Below are our top tips for pan-fried potato perfection.

Can you fry a raw potato?

The short answer is no, you don’t have to boil your potatoes before you pan fry them. If you want to you most definitely can! … Add the potatoes to the boiling water and cook for roughly 20-25 minutes. Once the potatoes are fork-tender, you can fry them in a skillet for 5-10 minutes.

Are tater tots junk food?

The machinery that sliced the potatoes into fries had trouble separating the fries from fragments and created slivers of irregularly shaped potatoes. … Because of this impediment, a new mechanism had to be added, which could help sort and eliminate unwanted potato pieces.

Which is healthier fries or tater tots?

A serving of tater tots (86 grams) has 160 calories and 8 grams of fat, but packs a whopping 420 milligrams of sodium. While fries do have more calories and fat than tater tots, the extraordinary increase in sodium in tots makes fries the healthier choice — barely.

Is it safe to eat frozen Tater Tots?

Frozen tater tots.

While presumably the tots would have been safe to cook from frozen, Rutgers University food microbiologist Don Schaffner pointed out that since potatoes grow underground, the tots were more likely to have low levels of certain soil-dwelling spores on them. Like bacillus cereus, for example.

What is the healthiest oil for deep frying?

Olive oil and avocado oil are good choices for deep frying. Peanut and palm oils are less suitable, either for health or environmental reasons.

Why is olive oil not good for frying?

It’s unsafe to cook with olive oil. It isn’t stable and oxidizes when heated, causing harm to the body.

Why you shouldn’t cook with extra virgin olive oil?

First of all, it can be expensive. Plus, it has a relatively low smoke point, which, according to food scientist Harold McGee, is the “temperature at which a fat breaks down into visible gaseous products.” That breakdown can ruin the taste of foods.

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Can tater tots be deep fried?

Fill deep fryer not more than half full of oil. Fill fryer basket not more than half full of frozen Tater Tots. Carefully lower basket into hot oil. Fry 3-4 minutes.

Should you thaw tater tots before frying?

Don't thaw the tater tots. Tater tots cook best right from the freezer, so there's no need to thaw them before throwing them in the air fryer. Cook them in batches if you're cooking a lot of tots. The tater tots will cook best when they're spread in a single layer, with a bit of space in between.

How hot should the oil be to deep fry tater tots?

Preheat cooking oil in electric deep fryer to 375°F. Fill deep fryer not more than half full of oil. 2. Fill fryer basket not more than half full of frozen Tater Tots.

What kind of oil do you use to fry tater tots?

The first thing to remember when frying is to use an oil that is able to sustain high temperatures, such as canola oil. Canola oil has a smoking point of around 425 degrees Fahrenheit, so it'll be best to fry our tots between 350-375 degrees.


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