How do i turn off sounds in facebook

Article SummaryX

1. Tap the three-line menu.
2. Tap Settings & Privacy.
3. Tap Settings.
4. Tap Media.
5. Tap the "In-App Sound" or "Sounds in the app" switch.
6. Tap the "Videos Start with Sound" switch.
7. Tap the "Stories Start with Sound" switch.

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When you like a post, refresh your feed, or perform a similar activity in the Facebook app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android phone, a sound will play. If you find these sounds annoying, there’s a way to disable them. We’ll show you how.

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Disable Facebook App Sounds

To start, open the Facebook app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android phone.

In the app, tap the three horizontal lines. On an iPhone and iPad, these lines are at the bottom-right corner. On Android, you will find these lines in the top-right corner of the app.

A “Menu” page will open. Scroll this page all the way down, and at the bottom, tap “Settings & Privacy.”

In the expanded “Settings & Privacy” menu, tap “Settings.”

The “Settings” page will open. Scroll down to the “Preferences” section and tap “Media.”

If you are on Android, then on the “Media” page, turn off the “Sounds in the App” option.

If you are on an iPhone or iPad, turn off the “In-App Sound” option at the top.

The Facebook app’s in-app sounds are now turned off. If you’d like to turn off the sounds for videos as well, then toggle off the “Videos Start with Sound” option as well.

This article shows you how to turn off Facebook sound effects on both the iOS and Android app. We'll also show you how to turn notification sounds off on the Facebook web page.

How to Turn Sounds Off in the Mobile App

These steps will show you how to turn Facebook sounds off for iOS and Android devices on the Facebook app.

  1. From the Facebook app's main page, tap on the Menu icon.

  2. Tap on the gear icon in the top-right to open Settings.

  3. Under Preferences, tap on Media.

  4. At the top of the page, under Sounds, tap on the slider to toggle In-App Sound off. You can also turn Videos Start With Sound to off to stop videos from auto playing.

    For some Android device you may need to tap the menu icon and then scroll down to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Profile Settings > Notification Settings > Push > select Sounds.

This will turn off any in-app sounds coming from the Facebook app on iOS.

How to Turn Off Sounds in the Desktop App or on the Web

The web version of Facebook has no sound effects besides when you get notifications. If you want to turn these distracting sounds off, here's how. Below, we show the steps for Facebook's site, but the desktop app looks nearly identical and follows the same steps.

  1. On Facebook, click on the down arrow in the top-right corner.

  2. Go to Settings & privacy > Settings.

  3. In the left-hand sidebar, select Notifications.

  4. Scroll all the way down to How You Get Notifications and open the Browser drop-down.

  5. Under Sounds, click on the sliders to disable playing a sound when a notification is received, and/or playing a sound when a message is received.

By turning these sounds off, Facebook notifications and messages sent to you are silenced.

How Do I Turn Off 'Like' Sounds?

The Facebook app plays a sound effect whenever you "like" someone's post or comment. This can get annoying after awhile. When you turn in-app sounds off using the steps above for mobile devices, this also turns off any sound effects from liking posts.

Can I Turn Off All of the Annoying Sounds?

Besides the like button, there are other sound effects on the Facebook app. If you find them irritating, you can turn off these sounds by following the steps above for the iOS and Android Facebook mobile app.


  • Why are my Facebook sounds so loud?

    Updates to the Messenger and Facebook apps may introduce glitches that make alerts and other sounds louder than usual. If turning down your device's volume doesn't solve the issue, check to see if a new version is available.

  • How do I change the Facebook notification sound?

    The Android version of Facebook lets you select a different tone for in-app notifications. Select the More menu (three lines) > Settings & Privacy > Settings > Notifications > Push (under Where you receive notifications) > Tone, and then select the alert sound you want.

    Why can't I turn off Sounds in Facebook?

    In the list of Facebook settings, under Preferences, tap on Media. The Facebook sound settings are shown at the bottom of the next screen, in the “Video and Photo Settings” section. Tap on the “Sounds in the app” option to disable the switch next to it and turn off sounds in the Facebook app.

    How do I mute the sound on Facebook?

    Disable on Android Open Facebook and tap on the three-lined icon along the top of the screen. Scroll down until you find Settings & Privacy, select it, then tap on Settings. Next select Media and Contacts and then toggle Sounds in the app to the Off position.


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