How do you beat the Magic Pot in ff12?

The Magick Pot is a strange enemy that is also considered the strongest, if the player does not know how to deal with it. Read on to find out how to easily beat the weirdest enemy in Final Fantasy XII (FFXII, FF12).

The Magick Pot can be found in the Subterra, the exact location being at the North of the Penumbra and Abyssal areas and South of the Abyssal and Umbra areas, respectively. This is no normal enemy; it boasts of the highest concentration of License Points in the game dropped when defeated.

Another area where the Magick Pot can be fought is in Trial mode, where it comes along with a group of Hecteyes.

The Magick Pot isn't easy to figure out, at first. But veteran players might already know this trick.

At first glance, the Magick Pot is just standing there. Be careful not to engage it first--you have to wait for it to ask you for an Elixir.

It will jump around in joy once you've given it what it's asking for. That's the time you hunt it down. Make sure you steal back the Elixir that you gave it, and then, chase it down. In Trial mode, you can have a character focus on the Hecteyes while your main attackers focus on the Magick Pot.

It is easier to face off against the Magick Pot if you've given it an Elixir. It will jump around the room and, in the case of the Penumbra-Umbra-Abyssal Magick Pot, it will spawn undead as it jumps around. Clear the area of any extra undead first before tangling with the Magick Pot.

In the case of the Trial Mode Magick Pot, you can choose to just focus on the Pot alone, or take care of the Hecteyes by exploiting its elemental weakness, Bilzzaga, while you chase down the Pot.

If you relish a challenge, you should get ready before facing off against the Magick Pot. A strong tank with Bubble + Haste cast on him / her is key to survival, as well as a Machinist with Bravery + Berserk on, because the Pot (un-Elixired) has very strong armor and can wipe your party out if you're not careful. Alternatively, you can use Shear to shave points off its Defense stat.

It is not advisable to fight the Magick Pot without an Elixir in Trial mode, but it is still possible, although you have to have the strongest weapons and gears equipped on your party.

Magick Pot is a fiend/???-type enemy from Final Fantasy XII found in the Subterra. It is also fought in the Zodiac versions' Trial Mode at Stage 91 along with continuously spawning Hecteyes where the Technicks command is disabled. The Magick Pot yields a massive 123 LP when defeated. Though "aggressive" (has red health bar rather than green), it does not attack unless the player attacks it first; rather, it asks for an Elixir.

Bestiary entry[]

Page 1: Observations[]

Not a single report of this curious and rare fiend's capture or slaying has ever been circulated. In the past, these creatures were demons of legendary might, foes unto the gods themselves. The gods feared them and their power, and so changed their form to that of a harmless pot. Though their strength be stolen, and their temperament cooled by transformation, they still possess terribly magickal powers. Anyone seeking to best one of these beings is advised to approach with caution, and perhaps a show of good-will, too, lest they suspect and strike the first blow... for it might well be the last.

Page 2: Sage Knowledge 7 of 78[]



Magick Pot wants an elixir.

Magick Pot has a powerful magick stat and absorbs every element. It will not attack unless the party attacks it first, instead, it will "clamor" for an Elixir. If the player gives it one, it will start jumping around and will not attack. The Elixir can be stolen back once given to it (in the Zodiac versions, the player may get a Baltoro's Seed instead). The exception is the Stage 91 of the Trial Mode, where the Magick Pot eventually stops "rejoicing" and the player thus has a time limit for killing it.

If the player attacks the Magick Pot without offering an Elixir, it reveals itself as one of the hardest common enemies, using Flare and comboing its attacks up to twelve-hit chains.

The player should be wary in any area where a Magick Pot may potentially appear, as the gambit system may cause the player to inadvertently attack before noticing its presence, particularly if using the high-speed mode in the Zodiac versions. The player can configure their gambits to only target undead enemies to avoid attacking the Magick Pot, though if using Curaja offensively, accidentally healing the Magick Pot sets it off into aggressive mode.


With Elixir[]

The player should turn off the party's attack gambits, and approach the pot. The party should then use an Elixir on it and steal it back by equipping Thief's Cuffs (in the Zodiac versions, they may get back a Baltoro Seed instead). Afterward, they should attack with ranged weapons (bows are effective). Flare is also effective, if it hits. Alternatively, throwing Knots of Rust or using Gil Toss also prove effective.

Without Elixir[]

If the party is at a level higher than 78, then they can use Telekinesis to defeat it. This strategy can be used without giving a Elixir to the pot, though it is risky if it retaliates. An Elixir-less Magick Pot can also be damaged with weapons that deal piercing damage (guns and measures), with curative items while equipping the Nihopalaoa, and with Knots of Rust and Gil Toss.

It is also possible to stack Expose to make the Magick Pot vulnerable to basic attacks without giving it an Elixir. After doing so successfully around nine times, the Magick Pot will begin to take small damage from regular attacks, but further stacking will soon bring this figure into the thousands with a suitably strong weapon of attack power over 100. A character with a strong non-elemental weapon should then be able to finish it off; Berserk and Bravery will speed this up. A similar approach using Shear and strong non-elemental magicks also works.

When attempting to fight a Magick Pot without giving it an Elixir, it is ideal to use high level characters under the Bubble status. One can mitigate the damage by casting Decoy and Reverse on a character. Using a character under the Lure status, who has high Evade and Magick Evade conferred by equipment, such as the Zodiac Escutcheon or Gendarme shields, is also viable.

Trial Mode[]

Trial Mode.

The player may want to turn off the party's attack gambits and decide on a strategy before engaging, and to spring the trap in the room. As soon as the Magick Pot is interacted with, Hecteyes will drop in and swarm the arena.

A Black Mage equipped with Glacial Staff of the Staff of the Magi should cast Blizzaga on the Hecteyes. Alternatively, the player can use the Time Battlemage's Warp or Warp Motes. The gambit Foe:Ice-weak is good for targeting the Hecteyes. Equipping an Indigo Pendant on the Time Battlemage makes Warp always work. The Hecteyes are also weak to Immobilize.

Meanwhile, the other party members should attack the Magick Pot. The player can damage it by giving it an Elixir and letting it rejoice for a bit. Setting the other attacker's gambit to Foe:Party leader's target helps for them to both attack the Magick Pot. The player can also chain Quickenings right after giving the pot an Elixir, hopefully killing it in one blow, and also hitting the flan if a Concurrence triggers.

The player can also damage the Magick Pot without giving it an Elixir with guns, Nihopalaoa + X-Potions, Knots of Rust, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Shemhazai's Devour Soul and Soul Purge, and Zodiark's Final Eclipse, Exodus's and Zeromus's attacks, and Balance. Gil Toss cannot be used because Technicks are sealed.


Bestiary entry (PlayStation 2).


[view · edit · purge]Magick is an Early Modern English spelling for magic. Magick, in the context of Aleister Crowley's Thelema, is a term used to differentiate the occult from stage magic and is defined as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will", including both "mundane" acts of will as well as ritual magic.

How do you defeat Magic Pot in ff12?

The player should turn off the party's attack gambits, and approach the pot. The party should then use an Elixir on it and steal it back by equipping Thief's Cuffs. Afterward, they should attack with ranged weapons (bows are effective).

How do you beat the Magic Pot in ff5?

The best way to handle Magic Pots is to have a character equipped with the Wonder Wand, found in the Fork Tower. Since magic is disabled in the Magic Pot battles, using the Wonder Wand as an item is the only way to cast the spell Return, which resets the battle, including consumed items.

How many black orb penumbra are there?

The Penumbra The pedestal here requires 18 Black Orbs.

How long does it take to beat Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age?

When focusing on the main objectives, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is about 40½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 105 Hours to obtain 100% completion.


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